God Of War 4:No puzzles or mini games

Cory Barlog, the creative director at Sony Santa Monica, took to Twitter today to answer a few questions about the Playstation 4 God of War game that was revealed at E3 2016’s Playstation conference. In his tweets, Barlog asserted the game would be long and action-packed, and wouldn’t have any mini-games, unlike the previous God of War games.

The Playstation 4 God of War game has already made a wide variety of changes from previous God of War titles, even with what we saw in the few scant minutes of gameplay shown at E3.

In addition to a new third-person over-the-shoulder camera setup, Kratos’s new axe, the new setting, and his son, we’ll apparently also not have to worry about any of the mini-games that were in previous God of War titles.

This likely means no more of the kinds of puzzles that broke the flow of previous games (though we’ve got no proof of that), no “have sex with women for XP” moments, no “fly up tunnels filled with random garbage” like God of War 3, and more.

However, one thing the game will be keeping is Kratos fighting a large number of enemies at once, more than the two or three-man groups plus the boss that he fought in the demo.

The God of War games have always been epic romps of storytelling, but if what Barlog says is true, and the Playstation 4 God of War game is indeed going to be an epically long game, it may be enough to keep God of War fans busy for a good while.

God of War 4 is slated to be coming out sometime in 2017 exclusively on the Playstation 4. If you’re one of those people that wants to play it, you’ll have to wait for more information from David Jaffe, Cory Barlog, or some other Sony Santa Monica representative to give you more info.





So why not just call it something else entirely? This is just another one of those games with a random established brand attached purely for publicity.



wow you fucking ruined it you fucking fag

>no “fly up tunnels filled with random garbage” like God of War 3
Now that's fucked up

this, desu

fucking hate coattail riding if they're just going to throw the baby out with the bathwater, off into the sunset.

>no mini games
>so you won't be ploughing any mythical beings, or vikings in general


Good, that shit was unnecessary and detrimental to the action aspect of the previous games. It was always some schizoid half action/half puzzle shit. Focusing entirely on combat will help it.

>Ruining God of War
Never even was a fan of the franchise but that is just sad.

I bet the final boss is just "press X to win"

>Focusing entirely on combat will help it.

Except that isn't the focus. Removing gameplay will result in more times watching their attempts at a deep and emotional plot.

>Erasing the puzzles
Why? As much as I hated them they aren't that harmful to the gameplay.Plus they have been there since day 1.

>no “fly up tunnels filled with random garbage”
Well, he has no way to fly, so why worry about that.

>no “have sex with women for XP” moments
Ascension didn't have one of those as well. That and the Bros before Hoes fiasco. Which makes one wonder if it was really done to avoid the angry mob rather than "breaking the flow"

Might as well erase the gory details or the red tatoo.

That sucks, puzzles in Ascension were quite good, I was expecting something even better. If no puzzles then I hope everything else is awesome, puzzles were a huge part of GoW.

Last boss will be Jormungander aka that giant white snake from the trailer, I expect lots of QTE while you are riding it and then a normal fight against its head. Basically Ascension 2.0

>no have sex with women for xp
Then how will the boy learn how to become a man?

The only question that needs answering is, will there be a jump button or is vaulting and shit contextual?

>This likely means no more of the kinds of puzzles that broke the flow of previous games
I guess there's no need to break the flow when there is none to begin with. Can't wait to slowly walk through the woods and hate my shit kid.

eh? there were no snakes in the trailer

The tweets were taken out of context. He was saying the minigames wouldn't be the same as previous titles, not that they were removing them entirely.


Combat is too video gamey and gets in the way of the deep emotional storytelling. Thankfully the footage so far seems to imply that they have reduced the combat.

This person is a retard and anyone taking their clickbait speculation is fact is even more retarded. There are more likely than not going to be environmental puzzles, there was plenty of stuff in the leak before the game game out that suggested as much. Some of you people just want to be mad.

Why does it feel like this game is being made for and catering to people who are not fans of God of War

>Expecting a jump button in GoW4
Sony can't trust the players cheese crusted hands to perform a Cinematic™ jump

Maybe some run/jump button like Souls.

I cannot see that camera handling a jump ala GoW1-3, but I can't see that zoom/shoulder camera handling 10 enemies at once without a jump of some kind.

The contextual thing makes sense given the little log vault in the trailer

>it's a "remake that reinvent the game" sequel

>no minigames confirmed
>speculation of no puzzles
I hope there are, puzzles were usually used nicely to break up the action. If it was straight fighting the whole time it'd get fast really old. My guess is now they're going to use walking sequences like the ones we see in the trailer to break up the action now

The original God of War was much more like an adventure game than an action game. Like a mythical Indiana Jones with a really butthurt protagonist and a great (for its time) combat system. For God's sake, there were only three bosses! Discarding all of that is a really dumb move that strays from what the series has built on for a decade.

> no “have sex with women for XP” moments

Which sjw cucks were responsible for this?

Neil "games don't have to be fun" Druckmann

This guy?
