>wears footie pajamas
>is a literal manchild
>is autistic over stupid shit like godzilla
>still got a wife
What's your excuse, Sup Forums?
Wears footie pajamas
Eventhough he's a manchild, he seems fun to hang around unlike me
>Giving any fraction of attention to or actually watching fat, ugly, fake friend substitutes/online babysitters
That's fucking pathetic my dude.
Why is Godzilla shit?
Isn't he a closet furry diaperfur homo or is that the other one?
video games.
if i'm to have a wife like his i'd rather spend my whole life alone t b h
who is that ?
But I have no real.friends...
Yes, matt is.a diaperfur too
>wears video games
>is a literal video game
>is autistic over stupid shit like video games
>still got a video game
What's your excuse, video game?
Because any girl who would get with a guy like that isn't a girl worth having.
Pat a best
who is that guy ?
The only time I'm out in the world it's to buy groceries or to work, and working has 0 interaction with human beings. The extent of my female interaction is the chicks at the grocery store recognize me and we banter a bit, then I shuffle back to my cave.
I talk to a bunch of people online, but I I think ERPing is dumb as hell and only talk about videogames/movies/tv shows/books. I only have a couple women online friends that I know of for sure, and I don't give enough of a shit to LONDON them since they live across the country anyway.
This is the secret to my success.
what his youtube?
why is he in literally every video they've put out in the past few months? I dont even mind Matt all THAT much but this is getting excessive
There's nothing wrong with liking godzilla and wearing footie pajamas.
I don't think you know what an actual manchild is.
I would love to be friends with this guy.
Him and his mates remind of when I was 15, meeting with my group of three friends on a weekly basis, telling shitty jokes, references, and getting overly enthusiastic about video games. Now it's all gone.
Sorry for the blogpost.
Sounds more like the secret to your stagnation.
I'm a moron who thinks a college education and a well-paying job will bring me happiness.
I swear to you, there is not a single lady in engineering who isn't a fat, ugly hyper-liberal. Granted I live in New Jersey.
confidence is everything
or money
Can you really call it stagnation when I have so many videogames, though? I have a lot of videogames user. Abandoning all social contact and most other forms of entertainment means lots of game money.
Having a wife is a negative
Wouldn't that logic apply to you too then?
Unless of course you're the perfect 10/10 you're going to claim to be.
I didn't have friends to mooch popularity off of, and once your popular enough on the internet you stay popular
Just look at the average biodrone
Which Godzilla?
But thats wrong user Matt is the worst Best Friend, he hates what he does and it shows.
>it's a "Woolie calls Bojack Horseman a cringe show" episode