>just buy a PC bro, a nice rig can last you 2 years.
How is this acceptable?
Is every member of the Master Race rich or something?
>just buy a PC bro, a nice rig can last you 2 years.
How is this acceptable?
Is every member of the Master Race rich or something?
wait for dx12 to come out for it. No fucking point in posting dx11 benchmarks especially when you call yourself the MASTER RACE.
How can you call yourself a PC gamer if you aren't running 6 monitors at 4k resolution each?
That only apply to amd. Nvidia can't into getting any high level gains from dx12/vulkan since their cards still can't support high levels of async compute.
>upgrading your pc this gen
to play fucking overwatch or what? no games nigguh
this resolution is literally out of reach for your console
>gpus being advertised for 4k
>switch to 1080p
>best gpu barely pushes 60fps
I'm still running modern releases on 1080p60 Ultra with a 770 and 4670k upped to 4.0ghz from 2 years ago, and that wasn't even top of the line. Step up your bait.
if you posted the 1080p ultra benchmarks you would've got more yous
>turn off CHS
Done and still on ultra.
>One bad port means every game runs this badly
Not that you can't build a powerful PC for more or less the price of a console, but if you have the disposable income and a passion for gaming, why wouldn't you settle for the absolute best? Why buy a shitty clunker that can't accelerate moe than 55mph when you can afford a 2016 Mercedes?
>DX12 renderer not out yet
>guys here's this totally legit DX12 benchmark!
>straight out disabled settings
Also nice usage of german damage control.
>nvidia gimp tax
>nvidia gimpsync tax
>nvidia planned obsolescence
you have only yourself to blame. the amd cards will get better over time, the nvidia cards will get worse.
>poor optimization
try going outside once in a while, kid.
>done on dx11
>n-nvidia gimping!!
>it's an AMD game
Did you miss the "DX 12" right at the top of the benchmark, you mongoloid?
How many bad ports does this make though?
Now post the console 4K max settings benchmark.
no one plays in 4k
3rd year with my r9 290 and it runs every game I've thrown at it at 100+ fps. Stay mad.
i hope you didn't fall for the windows 10/dx12 meme because it doesn't suddenly boost your performance unless you're using amd.
There is no dx12
the option is grayed out
Which you would have known had you actually played the game.
But you are defending it like a shill without even playing and fell for my ruse.
Yes, people who research, can problem solve, are passionate about the things they do, and have higher standards tend to be good at their jobs and earn more money.
>Asus strix 470 core clock 1170
Holy fuck, what were they thinking. My msi came at 1250ish. Overckocked to 1390Mhz at 1150mV.
>Playing Ultra on 4K
>Omaigosh not even 30fps
Fuck this meme. Everyone plays on 1080 Ultra if is playing a next-gen Game (whit +60 fps). 2K or 4K is not even an option, imposible to renderice.
A consol cant even run more than 720 60 fps.
That's just one game running on ultra at 4k.
I've had my 980 Ti for over a year and plan to keep using it for at least another year if not longer.
nice NES phone case
she must be a true gamer
Holy fuck, 7990 hanging in tough. Thing must be so loud and hot though.
R-RIGHT Sup Forums??
It's not even a bad port. It just has some settings that would have otherwise been in the ini actually in the settings menu so idiots on Sup Forums are getting triggered about it.
Its funny when they use SLI/XF on these benchmarks when the game is full of issues involving dual gpus.
Do AMD shills actually believe this? Are you that butthurt about being poor that you pretend a vastly superior product doesn't exist?
My 980 Ti's gained a solid 25-30fps in total war with the DX12 update. ROTR? Solid gains. Know the one DX12 title that exists that DOESN'T get good gains for Nvidia? Ashes of the singularity. One game. And a shit game that no one even plays at that.
Jesus christ, it'd be nice if AMD would get their head of their ass and make a solid product but lets be real. It didn't happen last gen. Or the one before. And it sure as shit isn't happening this gen.
Maybe next year, before we all drown in Nvidia's greed and end up paying $900 for an 1180 in a year or so.
First off
>le I dont want to switch meme
Your choice, but if you are going to be the same kind of idiot who chose to keep XP, dont be surprised when you get infected by a cryptolocker.
Dues Ex works just fucking fine with SLI you mouth breathing faggot. Stop making shit up.
>4k is still 5 years away at best
>it works fine!
>look at my speccy!
Yeah man you sure showed me. I do like your monitors though.
>ultra settings
>4gb on the fury x is enough for 4k because hbm has such high bandwidth
>slower than 390x
hbm1 was such overhyped trash
Amd is for poorfag like me. Upgraded my massively OCed sapphire 7850 2gb for a massively OCed 470 4gb. Couldn't be happier.
High end msi shroud for $170 just sweetened the deal. Almost squeezed on a pny 1060 for $230, which would have been sweet too, I'm sure.
Amd does seem to age better to me, whereas Nvidia nails the week one drivers for a game and then stops giving a fuck eternally.
I'm gonna let you in on a secret. Until someone decides to make 4k useable for article reading and office work, it will always be 5 years away.
I mean. Looking at the graph he's right, despite its infinitely less than spectacular optimization otherwise. Looks like you get 180% performance over a single card.
>4k and using AA
bullshit. You don't need AA at 4k, the pixel density is already so high as if you were running 1080p with 16xAA.
Remove AA and the game will magically run fine even on 4k.
it is usable for nongaming fuckstick
It won'tbe viable for higher resolution gaming until after Volta
TVs market might push it through, nig nog. I'm poor and game at 1080p only for the last year or so, so it's at least a decade away for me anyway. But the slow in advancement still bakes my biscuits. Where's my trickle down bitch.
Not on windows, and that's where it matters
>inb4 Yes it is, there's the scaling option in windows and every program uses it!
>buzzwords: the post
They're fine for budget gaming, but if you're going for 1440p or 2160p there is no AMD option to even consider. It'd be nice if there were, it'd bring the cost of flagships down quite a bit. Same for CPUs, Intel charging $1800 for a consumer CPU? Lolwtf? You can go get a 10 core Xeon that's not much slower for less than half the price.
Yep, I only got mine with 2 Titan Blacks in SLI because I have a pretty inexhaustible supply of income
>4K resolution
>Lowest framerates are 9-14fps
That's about what the PS4 Neo will do at """"""""4K""""""""" seeing as consoles are a decade off from hitting these benchmarks I'd say its not too bad.
>Disable 1 setting
>Game still looks and runs much better than consoles
>Digitalfoundrys first look video shows 30FPS at the beginning with drops
>Console is inevitably running at low/medium settings
Your argument is completely moot it still shits on the console version visually in every way.
>Build a PC with 970 meme card two years ago
>Haven't upgraded to this day other than adding extra RAM because it was cheap
>Everything still runs great, max out most games
>Play MD on mix of very high/ultra because I'm not autistic and don't care when it drops to 56/57 fps
>Still no reason to upgrade on the horizon
>But when I do it'll be when Volta is out and a 1070-tier card is the price of the 480/1060 now.
>j-just you wait when they p-patch the superior directx12 thing in! it will totally switch the underline logic of the API with which the game was developed! I-it's not like only games developed strictly with dirext12 in mind and with directx12 from the get go actually g-get the performance boost only!
fucking LMAOING at your life pcfag
I built my system 5 years ago, cost me 500€, still able to play games, beat witcher 3 a few times, runs pretty good, thinking of upgrading my GPU (have GTX 550 Ti right now).
>tfw you played on a 660m for like 5 years without is bothering you the slightest
>tfw you recently bought a new computer with a 1080
>tfw you suddenly have the urge to upgrade again
I knew I shouldnt have started to buy hardware again. Now I have the urge to constantly buy the top of the line shit.
the memes Jack!