There are people on Sup Forums right now that don't main Dennis

>There are people on Sup Forums right now that don't main Dennis
Why? At level 50 his Golden God spec is literally unstoppable.

Trashman is just too much fun.

>not maining Charlie
You get bonus gold and XP from Charlie Work and Wild Card has the potential to one shot anything in the game.

No monster dong passive

this. also the dayman perk is fucking OP at lower levels.

How the fuck do I beat Mac's dad?
I failed the courtroom quest and now he's free and hunts me down every time.

Dennis for life

I main Mike.
His has the highest strength stat and is the most fun to level up. He also has the most romance options even trumping Tyrone.

Yeah but how are you going to get past my ocular patdown?

Not to mention the D.E.N.N.I.S system is flawless.

It can take some time to accomplish, but it's worth it. Only casual betas do the easy M.A.C system.

I hope you're playing Country Mac and not City Mac because his ocular patdown skill is useless

>not going full wild card with charlie
its like you hate having fun user-kun

>unironically choosing a character that can't use fight milk
Just quit the game and stop bogging down my team


>he doesn't use gay Mac
Those stats boosts are insane
I‘m aware this isn't from Sunny but still

>gay mac isn't in Sunny

>implying nightman isn't OP all game long

>not playing cricket
His mechanical legs and pockets of sand make him pretty much unstoppable.

>that moment you find out the game they were playing in that one episode where Charlie becomes king is an actual, real, existing game

Yeah but one Dee can render three crickets useless, she's a really unfair counter

>not using sweet dee's beak attack

What are you doing?

not to mention the +str she gets to unarmed fighting after lvl 6 (the whole legbrace thing)

>Purple rat stick drops after I beat taliban cricket in a wrestling match

This game is pretty good

Yeah but only if you use the aluminum monster specks. If you speckled for pathetic girl33 than she is just useless.

Lol mechanical legs are broken in a bad way ese.
Not even worth using.

I fucking hate you Charlie fags. Yeah -sometimes- Wild Card has desirable effects but 9 times out of 10 whenever you guys run that shit it backfires. Last time it caused our bird-specc'd 48 Dee to switch all healing output to damage. Last PUG i'm ever running.

shit, i meant backbrace

You meme but Frank's Donkey Brain passive protects him from status effects which is helpful with as often as you run into a Ponderosa and a fucking GODSEND in the Ponderosa Wedding Massacre chapter. If you don't have a Donkey Brain Frank in your party there prepare to wipe repeatedly and quit the game.

What a fucking awful tattoo

>Not maining Van

has anyone tried charlie's nazi spec? that shit's crazy. also charlies immunity poison is pretty OP too

If you play Cricket long enough you get the "protection from whore" so Dee doesn't become a losing matchup anymore

I solo with gail the snail.

not by choice ;_;

>constantly ask for healing
>no Mantis Toboggan on the team ever
this is buillshit the other team always has 1

I mean the gif. I'm well aware he's deep in the closet

>imblying you can clear a raid without my ocular patdowns to assess the threat level.

wooooooooooooooooow desu.

Jesus I thought it was pedo-dennis for a second with that fuckhueg jaw.

>when you realize "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" cast is a direct representation of user's direct aspects.

>Mac: is /fit/ hates women and is all glamour muscle. Our constant desire to appear intimidating and fulfill man's standards

>Dennis: Sup Forums and /fa/ with egotism, greed and a fragile psyche.

>Charlie: neutral chaos wildcard that thrives in filth decay and inconsistency (/r9k/ Sup Forums)
>he also would pump and dump a drop dead gorgeous girl who was the heir to a million dollar fortune just to get the waitress to decrease his restraining order to 50 feet

>Dee: our constant fear of rejection, dependence on others and our desire to become famous despite our lack of natural talents

>He doesn't main Schmitty

Why? He counters the entire gang except for wild card charlie and that only ever works out like 10% of the time anyways.

Sorry but I'm playing the superior game

you should play with me, i pretty much only play with mantis. sometimes i go with charlie (trainer spec), grants a shit ton of prot against physical

The +agility bonus is too good to pass up, plus the night vision comes in handy

Who /georgeisgettinangry/ here? Honestly one of the best perks in the game.

>Running Mantis Toboggan over Welfare Dennis or Dee

The fucking SPEED alone makes them the obvious choice. They heal for less damage over time but the ability to actually do damage themselves can't be ignored. Mantis Toboggan speccd Frank is a one trick pony.

ohhhh so thats what this thread is about.
Silly me I though we would just post blue/white collar average joes with average names and treat them like rpg classes.

Why not just get a McPoyle on your team? Sure their milk doesn't heal as good, but the remove status buffs too.

Memes aside that last season was fucking painful to watch.

You can leave the fucking thread if you don't know what "always sunny in Philadelphia" is

The suburbs episode was pretty great though, charlie work too.

The rest of her stats are shit tier though because of the Ponderosa incest gene perk. Playing a Ponderosa is basically challenge mode.

>Not maining Special Agent Jack Bauer

mantis has the magnum-mode though, he slaps female characters silly with that thing

It's getting long in the tooth.

>he doesn't main green man

It's like you don't even want those acid abilities

it died a little after they quit putting out new content

The DS port is god tier for a PC/Console to Portable system.

>Using Dee in the first place

You had it coming

>implying hanging by the rafters isn't charlies best skill

Well with all the media in the world, it's not surprising.
But since I do know about it now, I can't leave, can I?


Yeah it's starting to get into Simpsons season 11+ levels of unwatchability

Honestly i'm sick of everyone immediately counter picking green man when I go Frank.

M.A.C is harder than it looks just because you need to have a viable D.E.N.N.I.S player on your side. The two are unstoppable if done right, especially if you get a Frank in on it too, but now there's this meme of Dennises shitting on Macs because they view them as mooches.

Waitress is where it's at, though. And nobody knows how good she is when played right so they're always blindsided when I take out the entire enemy team with her.

Because hes perverted and a borderline rapist

>Waitress is where it's at, though.


jej i get it. what if we pretend a tv show is a gaem. this is my favorite ebin reddit maymay.

do king of the hill next xD

Mac is more Sup Forums with his Christfagging and Jews run the world shit.

Based on the Halloween episode, Dee is /cgl/

Dude no way would I give up Charlie's rat-smashing-stick.

His Nightcrawlers finisher is still broken after the last update, too. Fucking level 15 unlock? really?

Mac doesn't hate women, he's just projecting his frustration on them because he needs to get a dick in him ASAP

>He doesn't main the McPoyles.

Exactly. Bitch comes out of nowhere because everyone thinks she's an NPC for some reason.

>tfw Off the Wagon build

has anyone heard of the new skill "browning out"? completely fucks a whole team up

typical charlie mains relying on RNG bullshit instead of actually LEARNING THE FUCKING GAME


>he doesn't know

>all These people playing Trashman or Mantis Frank

>No one playing god-tier man-cheetah
He's just too fucking good. Granted, you need to already have the spots to unlock the build, but once you do, it's fucking worth it.
Plus, he's the only frank build that has access to unlimited Rum Ham, so...

Charlie Work was nuts, tried to type something else to expand on that point but no, all I can come up with is that episode is nuts. Also enjoyed the one from Frank's point of view

And hopefully he gets over Dennis too. I don't like the idea of them together

>Milk orgy
Best healing buff in the game bro

>he hasn't played them
No ones gonna make a KOTH thread either, ever since the Ladybird and Bobby nerfs that game is dead as fuck

>trying to get the 'F.R.A.N.K. System' achievement
>no Mac players are leaving any scraps

>He hasn't gotten to the High School Reunion level yet.
Spoiler Alert, friend.
You have to fight a Fully-Specced NPC Dayman Charlie for banging the waitress. IIRC there's only a 2% win percentage on that.

I fucking hate seeing birds of war on the opposite team every game.

The stat boost from having Mac, Charlie, and Dennis on the same team needs to be nerfed

Step aside, superior game incoming.

Dayman > everything else.
>Massive boosts in daylight
>Bonus dialogue options (master of friendship)
>Actual karate specc, get fucked macfags

It feels like I've been grinding waitress rep forever but I'm still at 100ft

>yfw you're actually the most pathetic poster itt

See Needs fucking two competent players running specific builds to even get the chance. Just giive up desu

Where the fuck is this from?

Pure genius.

Just play Talibum cricket. He destroys the birds of war, it's a little ridiculous.
However, if they also have a trashman, then you're fucked.

That stat boost is great unless you're playing an indoor map. And 9/10 games it's just fucking paddyspub.phil

>not maining Dee for her dancing emote

>Not playing as Amnesia Frank

Have you run the Taft family instance?
It's hard to actually get it to trigger, but if you have a Dee with you, the chance of it triggering are raised by like 10%.

>he doesn't play best character
Stealing money and exp from the entire enemy team gets me rock hard desu

Too bad he's weak as fuck against Pappy O'Poyle. Fucking Pappy O'Poyle.

>mfw he gets a debuff whenever a McPoyle is on either team

good luck stealing anything once a dee player exposes how you lied about not being jewish faggot

Do you think Mac is actually gonna get buttfucked next season?

>tfw every raid starts at 2am just when my Charlie bar closing dailies start

He is definitely situational but Jesus, when you've got a full party the theme song buff and yellow suit set can make it viable.

Fucking bullshit P2W equipment sets goddamn

>playing on rp servers

Favorite Season?

Sure smells like neo-Sup Forums in here