ITT: We post a game and one thing that saves it for you
Shitty RE (Save that Leon chapter 1), awesome coop
ITT: We post a game and one thing that saves it for you
Shitty RE (Save that Leon chapter 1), awesome coop
terrible story, awful framerate
that fucking gameplay is amazing though... when you don't seek to break the entire system
Giraffe blowjobs, WOOOOOHOOO!
>Halo 5
Firefight is kind of fun.
Mercenaries Mode and Sherry's whorish unlockable outfit were the best things about the game.
The lack of giraffes in this game is very disappointing.
Shit plot, shit voice acting, most enemies were disappointing (only one Deathstroke fight, only one tutorial Croc fight, Electrocutioner fight is a literal joke), shit multiplayer, shit maps, all DLC was disappointing, BUT
Literally the only game or movie where Bane is a legit scary, intelligent, and interesting villain. And being voiced by JB Blanc helps as well.
>jake going 1v1 against final boss
Better dodge ability
This makes fighting the bigger enemies in this game a billion times more fun than the first game
This, origins has the best bane in the series.
He made the whole game for me.
For me, OP, it was the wickedsick melee moves.
Not surprised
>Shit plot
Seems okay.
>shit voice acting
They did a good job.
>Fucking nice soundtrack
>awesome legion designs
>great summon+hack n slash concept
>Awesome Gothic art concept
>Gameplay is utter shit
>wasted potential
>horrible graphics
>boring level designs
>everything feels lile a clusterfuck of shit
In RE6 it was Leon sliding down that Goonies style water-slide backwards duel welding pistols and shooting exploding barrels at the pursuing giant attack shark monster.
>seems okay
>lol nope we lied we're not giving you interesting Black Mask here's Joker again
>lol nope we lied the assassins are short boss fights or joke boss fights here's more Joker
>here's a subplot with Penguin lol it just sort of ends for literally no reason
>oh no be worried that Alfred will die even though this is a prequel and it's impossible
>lol Bane loses his memory so we don't have to worry about Batman's secret identity
>lol we'll take you to a prison level that would be the perfect place for you to fight Deathstroke, Croc, and other awesome villains again but nope
>lol remember the killing joke?
>hey what if you read the killing joke while on acid?
Voice acting is meh. Baker was a decent Joker, but tried too hard to be Hamill. Blanc was great. RCS was shit. Steve Blum was wasted. Nobody else stands out either way. I actually forgot half the cast in this game, looking it up now, there are a shitload of great actors plus the regular Arkham cast, but they're all wasted on generic lines.
the music's pretty coo' too
>>lol nope we lied we're not giving you interesting Black Mask here's Joker again
It served the overall story and the building of the foundation to the Arkham series with Joker/Batman relationship.
>>lol nope we lied the assassins are short boss fights or joke boss fights here's more Joker
Wasn't it the same thing in the other Arkham games? Usually the other villains play no role except for being boss fights.
>>here's a subplot with Penguin lol it just sort of ends for literally no reason
Same could be said about Hush in City. Penguin was more about setting up the side mission.
>>oh no be worried that Alfred will die even though this is a prequel and it's impossible
Like Batman being poison in City. It's about making you think someone is going to die as much as It was there for story elements. It served to bring Batman and him closer together. If you can remember Bruce was drifting apart from him as he lost himself into the Batman.
>>lol Bane loses his memory so we don't have to worry about Batman's secret identity
That was there because RS already made Bane a mindless brute in AA and City. They were explaining that aspect of this Bane. Also it was there to serve the Alfred story plot you just mentioned.
>>lol we'll take you to a prison level that would be the perfect place for you to fight Deathstroke, Croc, and other awesome villains again but nope
Sounds more lie a nitpick.
>>lol remember the killing joke?
It was nice homage. Don't see why the other games got passes when they did something from the comics.
>>hey what if you read the killing joke while on acid?
Sounds visually interesting.
>Leon chapter 1 is good!
I can never tell if people have such shitty taste that they actually believe this or they're jut parroting it because they heard it elsewhere. The opening bit with Leon was exactly the fucking same as the rest of the game but with the run button disabled.
It wasn't scarier, it wasn't more complex, it was BARELY more atmospheric than the rest of the game.
I didn't even hate RE6 but the whole game was pretty consistent in its mediocrity.
Not the walking simulation part of the chapter user, but the campus and train level. Because it had zombies not Fucking j'avo.
Having traditional enemies really didn't do much to elevate it from mediocrity for those moments of the game.
These are the reasons I can't completely hate RE6.
I actually like that part because It was a lot more coopey. Battling zombies together, shotguning a zombie leaping for your buddy, cover the, when they open doors/search loot, tag team stomping, ammo/mell balance, all in No hope. Made more of survival horror because you NEED help
J'avos were pretty much cover,shoot them, evade, fall flat on your face if you miss.
Not that I don't like the other chapters, they are just more shooter based and in higher difficulties you just slow your partner down if you are good not at shooters but you know, RESIDENT EVIL GAMES
I can barely understand half of this but your point is well taken. The college campus was a bit better than the rest of the game.
Forgive me, English is my 3rd language and im on my phone, what needs to be clarified?
I was just joshing ya, user. I figured english wasn't your first language.
Thank you. Have a happy tooth