MN9 releaesd for OSX and Linux. This is not a drill. This is REALLY HAPPENING! Get in here Mighties!

MN9 releaesd for OSX and Linux. This is not a drill. This is REALLY HAPPENING! Get in here Mighties!

Where are all my Mighties at?



>A game nobody likes inmmachines nobody uses
I liked it but I use windows.


I for one was very excited to try this awesome game on my free as in freedom system thanks mighty no team

>this is the only comment


I didn't realize how funny this sounds until now

>Vita and 3DS versions nowhere to be seen

I'll be honest, you got a good chuckle out of me.

I liked Mighty Number 9 when it was called Megaman

in b4 Beck becomes the new "antagonist" and a red robot becomes the hero

Marketer I know your job sucks but that doesn't mean you should suck at your job.

So the Vita and 3DS versions are cancelled?

Inafune really screwed the pooch on MN9, just by hyping it as much as he did.
Cap this, the inevitable sequel will be Mighty No. 10 or whatever turning evil because White decided to fuck it up (again), before basically becoming a mix between X, Sigma, and Zero.

I'm mighty no 15 and I AM MIGHTY

It's not even really subtle that White is going to become evil.

His last line is literally "I'll show them all!".

As if I'm going to install this propietary shitware on my system.

>Mighty Number 9-2
>Blackwell sees White in a flying sauc----- flying vehicle
>"Billy! You can't do this!"
>"I TOLD YOU, Blackwell! DON'T CALL ME THAT! My name is William White! If you must call me anything--"
>"Call me DR WILLY!"

I can almost hear the hounds...

The thing I really don't understand is why Blackwell's even in prison at the end of the game. By then it's known Graham was an idiot and Blackwell took the fall so why is he still in jail.

Someone who played this game please post all the "YOUR FACE IN THE GAME" shit. All I saw that damn Eggorapter

The only one people cared about saving was Ego since he's e-famous.

Also note that Ego was been DEAD SILENT about this game post release. He's a big mega man fanboy, and promoted the game during the kickstarter, but now he's quiet. Hmm...

>the inevitable sequel

With what money? They can't crowd fund it. Inafune is a joke now. Which publisher would throw millions at them then? The Chinese? I think they will eventually figure out Inafune's scam.

Con-artists always find a way.


When's it coming to 3DS and Vita so I can pirate it?

I bought this game twice, on windows and xbone

I'm so fucking ashamed

It runs 20 fps on the WiiU. You think a 3DS or Vita can handle it?

>have a steam key I never used because they gave a drm-free version too
>want to sell it on G2A or kinguin
>can't transfer money until I get 100$ worth of G2A/kinguin wallet credits


No one will buy it anyways.


What's wrong with you?

I'd sell it for 5$ (the lowest price on g2a is around 14$).

he's a fool.