No, I will not do a Genocide Run

No, I will not do a Genocide Run.

I'm happy with the way things ended, and I intend to preserve that. The characters of this game, they grew on me. A lot. They weren't just sprites on my computer screen. They felt real. They had hopes, they had dreams, they had flaws and they had fears. We didn't understand each other at first... But through compassion, understanding and MERCY, we overcame our differences. But were we really different to begin with? Human? Monster? What does that really mean? The world I wandered through, which seemed so cold and dark in the beginning, slowly faded away, as I realized I wasn't alone on this journey. Who would have thought? We ended up being friends. They made me smile, They made me laugh. And I'm not ashamed to say that... They also made me cry.

Sometimes, I would pass through a corridor, wondering about them, about what they were doing, about what they were thinking right now. So I'd grab my cellphone and strike up a conversation with them. I was talking out loud, asking them about what was going on in their lives. And guess what? They answered me, i could hear their voice reach me, and we talked for hours. Toriel and Sans were cracking some random bad jokes, I laughed so much when Undyne told me about how she surprised Papyrus pretending to drive on his bed! And Alphys... We talked a lot about her deep fears of coming to terms with her true-self. Eventually, I think our chats both made us stronger.

To think that they finally made it to the surface... I can't image how they felt when they took their first breath of fresh air. Ahah, I was almost jealous. But i'm glad, i wouldn't have it any other way.

And why would I throw all that away? Because some jaded flower is urging me to play a "game" again? Well guess what, Flowey: that was never a game for me to begin with.

I will never reset my Save, i will never let my friends down, and knowing that they're all probably waiting for me right now fills me with:



run for your fucking life. seriously.

What the hell is this all about ?

Just kill yourself already, faggot OP.

>all those words
I didnt do it because grinding is for losers

Delete this.

>missing out on the hypest fight in the game because muh autism.

I know this is bait but it bothers me that people did this.

It takes like 15 minutes at worst in the area with the most "grinding", it's not a hassle at all

To be honest the autism only makes that fight more hype


>Do genocide run
>Beat sans
>Reset as soon as I beat him
>No consequences

Checkmate, demon children.

5/5 would read again

Shit blog post. Here's your (You).

It's just a fucking game.

Do it faggot, or off yourself you dirty casuul.

What is it with this place that attracts so much autism?


Just load a save and fight sans

Please stop.
I like undertale, okay? I know that's fucking autistic and the fans are essentially bronies, but fuck man I just wanted to enjoy it.
Can't we have just ONE thread without false flagging or shitposting? No other video game gets shat on or praised as hard as this game.
I just want a proper discussion about it.

I liked it too tbqh

You want an honest opinion? Fine, here.

I liked it. It started strong, fucked with my head a bit, and I had fun talking with friends about it. The music was great, I listened to it and various remixes and takes on it long after I stopped playing the game. Playing the different runs gave it some replay value, and I enjoyed them all.

That's really all that needs to be said. It was fun, people enjoyed it, and people shitposted about it.

Fuck alphys tho

I blame Sup Forums

>Fuck alphys tho
Nobody will deny that Alphys fucking sucks. And you're telling me she wins over Undyne?

Alphys is cute! CUTE!

itt: filthy xeno lovers
also, didn't they lose the war you never see in game? You are literally going against what your own species fought for. As expected for a typical neo-Sup Forumsoid shitposter

>neo-Sup Forums
You got to love it when shitposters rely on this little buzzword. What is that shit supposed to be? DO you even know what that is?