Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 9

>Ike continued to tear through Daein
>OP managed to get the Knight Ring
>we got rid of the filthy subhumans working for Daein
>We killed some nobody Daein wyvern lord commander in the boonies

What's going on?
>I'm playing through Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, taking inputs from you
>I'll be asking for input on who gets used, who gets stat items, etc.

Previous threads:

Other urls found in this thread:

>Which game is this?
this is Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, the first (and only) fire emblem game released on the Nintendo Gamecube.
>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR- how much damage you do with physical attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's DEF and your own weapon's MT. In Path of Radiance, STR functions similarly to how CON did in older games, determining how much you're burdened by your weapons.
MAG - how much damage you do with magic tomes, staves, or magic weapons. This is augmented by your enemy's RES.
SKL- your chance to hit with attacks, as well as score crits
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies, also affects your chance to avoid enemy attacks.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability, and reduces enemy crit chance.
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, as well as whether or not they can shove or be shoved by a unit.
>Why are you so shitty?
I'm impatient.
>Are you playing Radiant Dawn next?
no. tacthack user posted a demo for me, I'll be playing that first--THEN I'll be playing RD.

Game Over/Reset count: 3
Currently Dead:
Jill- smote by utter perfection
Oscar - he couldn't dodge


Have you beaten every FE game Nigger?


no. I've beaten 6,7,8,9,10, and awakening. I hated shadow dragon so I never finished it, and never played much of the NES/SNES games, and I don't have fates yet.

breaking news:
an attacking army causes forts and towns to become battlefields.

I heard some user was having trouble with their tacthack rom?

you should really give 4 a go, though im not sure itd be a good lp game. Siggy's run aside, maps can just take way too damn long

>he hasn't played Seliph's game and inspired hope and courage across Jugdral


Mad King Ashnard is crazy? Fucking SHOCKER

yeah, siggy gave up because nobody cared and it made for a terrible LP.

I might give 12 a go at some point.

its understandable, it can take minutes for some turns to end and alot of maps are spent more on simply moving to the action rather then being in it. Best to be played alone -maybe- streamed. 12's much more lp friendly thread wise. Though your lp list is pretty packed for atleast a good couple months it looks

Soren telling it like it is. I'm sure none of the Crimean nobles will object when Elincia inevitably takes the throne.


and that's assuming I keep playing Fire emblem and not try another game for LPing, or my schooling/employment doesn't interrupt my playing.

Because Sup Forums will cry that waifus ruined FE yet NO ONE talked about the new translation for 4.

afaik the waifus in 4 are much less pandering than in awakening/fates.


>talking about old games everyones played, instead of bitching about current stuff

though im surprised we didnt bitch more about name changes, but i guess that's cause that fire died out by then since we thrashed it out numerous times when awakening released the "correct" names.

They barely have any character at all outside maybe 3~4 to be fair, just enough to be an archetype and that's it.

should I beef up neph some?

nigger if you're open to other games i'd like to suggest bleach, the 3rd phantom, shit's like (even more) weeaboo fire emblem and i liked it so after tacthack and rd you can play it

I was thinking maybe something other than an SRPG. maybe an old FF or tales?

Shining Force maybe?

kinda doubt tales would work too well honestly.

Whoops thought you said you wanted another SRPG.

choose the party layout, showing off the story...
not alot of people have played tales games before symphonia.



Touhou Puppet Dance Performance

Do it.

Seiken Densetsu 3 Basic Kevin solo run.

I personally would love to play FE4 and 5 but there's just too many mechanics and I don't really want to spend a few days planning everything out ahead of time. Like finding the best paring. And FE5 menus I think are still fucked.

Maybe they will remake one of them next. Not the best thing because of how FE is going but I still would like it.

gameplay just doesnt come across as well is all, and a lot of tales have a pretty limiting party layout for the 1st, oh i wanna say atleast 3-5 hrs minimum, just something i think better suited to streaming personally.

Shit, my Kurtis is nowhere near on track to end up like that. Anyway, I still can't complete chapter 13 due to permanent black screens interrupt the dialogue. Any chance of that having been fixed?

Fe4 mechanics are fairly simple and serenes has a little pairing guide you can use, the games piss easy after the 1st few chapters in both gens, even if you get the secondary kids by not pairing/killing the mothers, biggest loss there is holy weapons

I don't know if I really want to become a streamer though. My...I guess fanbase for lack of a better word is exclusively here on Sup Forums, and mods ban for stream adverts.

also, am I powering up neph or not?

Do. It.

>A kevin solo of SD3
user pls, Kevin is baby mode

i know, just saying tales is kind of limiting to me, an early ff as you said has more possible potential.

As much as people seem to hate it you could try out FF2. I personally love that game honestly. Just need to have a solid idea on how to do things.
True. Guess the other problem is just how annoying the maps are. If a character does have a horse you have to waste so many turns. I guess that's one of the reasons I would like to see a remake of FE4 since you can just par up and don't have to worry about babysitting the non horse units.

always power neph

Fanbase is too kind a term. We are the captive audience who is here just because This Is Hell And We Cannot Leave. This Is Hell And We Cannot Leave. This Is Hell And We Cannot Leave.

Where in the dialogue, if you don't mind me asking.

People overrate the length of time a bit, its only a really limiting factor for ardin. everyone else, while not at horse tier speed will keep up decently enough. Games still long map wise though, no question there, but its offset by there only being 10 chapters, its about the length of a basic FE game overall.

I honestly hate streamers. Text LP are much more enjoyable for me. If it wasn't so time consuming I would say post some webm. But that's way more annoying than anyone should do for a dumb LP on a image board.

Everyone has played/knows about the old FFs
The again most people in these threads have played FE9 and still enjoy the LP...

This exact moment. I can't progress past this point.

Power up NephNeph, I wanna see her promoted.

I think the problem is also the paring. Since a lot of the horse units par with non. So you are always taking baby steps for a good number of Chapters.

I can't seem to get .webms to work.
I did short videos for the last promise on YT, but...

I thought you were of the opinion Fates is shit?
try this rom

Pairing doesnt mean much gameplay wise, its a potential lovers crit but that's really it. And pairings will make themsleves really, the game gives you "canon" pairings that will in most cases max themselves out and give you a more then fine enough kid unit in 2nd gen.

I'm of the opinion the story and characters are shit because literally everything I've seen and heard points me in that direction, and that's how it was with awakening. I've never said anything about the gameplay.

even awakening had better supports honestly nigger Gameplay's worthwhile enough though

You better be getting her those stat transfers, she benefits from the initial boost they provide more than almost any other character due to her awkward starting weapons.

As I said it's a bit too much work for something like this. If you were doing a SA text LP it might be nice to include. But don't bother with just playing screen capping and showing us.

I must confess that Neph FEELS LIKE A MONSTER


>7 points above average in strength

Holy shit

thats one of the reasons everyone loves her
it may have just been bad luck but she didnt turn out nearly as strong is the sequel though

Everyone was playing a part to take Jill's place

because averages are not, and should be your go-to for whether or not a unit ends up good.

aw yeah nigga

>sleeves STILL not fixed

>because averages are not, and should be your go-to for whether or not a unit ends up good.
Yeah instead you should be guided by cherrypicked anecdotal examples of blessings, because it's not like growth rates are hard coded or anything.

I'm afraid that didn't fix the problem.

So is Reyson dead yet?

no, you should be guided by personal experience, availability, and overall utility in the game.

I mean in FE6 wendy's averages make her seem like a decent-good unit. In practice however, armorknights are fucking terrible in that game.

going solely by averages is what leads people to drop units just because their points are 1-2 points low, even if they've been doing fine.

what emulator are you using, shouldn't matter but is curious?
As a test rename your savefile
Here is the save I am using and I am able to get past that bit.

these units were all close to their levelups.

unrelated, who should get a new forge weapon?

Hell yes

Just have mist fight the black knight

Kieran fo sho

Give Makalov sword forged with hit and crit


A Super Iron Lance

Do a blind run of one of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games. Now there's a series that will show you how much of a shit commander you are.

Mist just want to stab a bitch

>I mean in FE6 wendy's averages make her seem like a decent-good unit
Please tell me this is a joke.


Who gets a weapon?
Makalov? Kieran? Neph? Boyd? Rolf? Brom?

Give Mist a forged knife.


Give Brom a nice new sword.

>no knife forge for Ilyana

As far as averages go, these seem like solid stats.

but then you have to factor in how wendy requires babying and starts off absolutely terrible, and armorknights in general being awful.




Mak needs a new set of dice.

Ilyana has a forged knife though.

Why are you looking at her 20/15 stats as if she will ever reach it? She joins at level 1, nigger. You need to look at how fast she'll progress at average growth if you want to figure out if she is good or not.

it's not hard to level her up.

heck, when I lost her about 5 chapters later, she had more than caught up to the party.

Learn to read.


Go for high risk high reward.

I have a couple more scans from Kantopia. If anyone is interested.

alright, Makalov gets a new sword!

what's its name?
1,4,7 decides

do it.

Harambe and color it black.

The Fool


It's not a lot but we go. Marcia and Tanith.

Lucky Stick
