Will it be as good as the Old Hunters?

Will it be as good as the Old Hunters?
Will it make what is a pretty good game into a masterpiece?

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No and no.

when the 2nd dlc hits sure

Good DLC won't save a mediocre game if it's nothing more than a map pack.

No, but it'll still be good.
And something tells me the DLC coming next year will at the very least be on par with The Old Hunters.

I hope that lighting will strike twice but I doubt it.

I just hope they add more unique viable weapons like the Dark Souls 2 DLC did. There was a ton of really great weapon and item concepts in those DLC

DLC can change the flow of a non-linear game like Dark Souls 3 more than you might expect,especially depending on when you can access it.

As long as the access requirements are anywhere before the archives (which require you to beat almost the whole game to enter), then you can easily rush to the DLC and get interesting gear to make builds around.

Ideally, the DLC entrance will be somewhere around the Catacombs or Boreal Valley.

Worst case scenario the entrance will be in the grand archives someplace

here's a trailer of the new DLC

there are some new weapons and miracles shown in the middle. I noticed some sort of torch that works as a pyromancy catalyst which is kind of cool

also at 1:30 a cleric busts out a Destructo Disc

It's going to be at Cathedral of the Deep.

Yeah, I get that feeling too.
Maybe it's just because I saw the same scenario unfold with bioshock infinite's dlc.
What makes you say that?

I liked Cathedral of the Deep a lot. The design that keeps returning you to the center, the massive amount of shortcuts and alternative paths, the variety of locations that all share the theme of a massive cathedral (inside, the roof, the cemetery), and the constant hints about the location in the game before you get there (many items have references to the building in their descriptions). Overall a 10/10 location IMO.

My favorite thing about the location is that since people keep coming back to the same bonefire, it's extremely easy to get summons there for coop because it's effectively 3 bonefires in one

There will be one more after it.

Hopefully this one by itself will be as good as Old Hunters, but I doubt it.

It will be hard for From to outdo themselves after BB, specially with Bamco's budget instead of Sony's.

Is there any hope of more DLC after the Season Pass ends (2 DLC)?

you will enter it from the painting in the room with the black knights in irithyll, its just going to teleport you there

It'll be fine, Sup Forums will shit on it for a bit, then when the discussion dies down it will be deemed an underrated gem. Sup Forums REALLY likes to force the zelda cycle onto games. It's already happening to DS2 and bloodborne.

Maybe after the 2nd dlc if it's a cohesive experience and not a split one.

The Old Hunters was two dlcs packed together in one expansion instead of the originally planned two packs.

I thought the cathedral of the deep was cool to.
It sort of baffles me when people say DS3 is "too linear" when the cathedral of the Irithyl dungeon exist.
The thing with DS3 is that it has less shortcuts connecting different areas to each other thus making it feel linear, but the areas themselves aren't linear. Cathedral of the deep and Farron keep are very difficult to navigate through on your first time because they're so large.

Doubt it, maybe a SotFS like compilation with some extra content.

Just shut the fuck up.

the old hunters honestly isn't that long of a dlc. it has three areas of large size, not unlike the previous souls games dlcs. sony might've wanted from to come up with material for two dlcs but they could only come up with enough material for one.

Considering the build up chances are Maria was the end of the first DLC and the Orphan of Kos was the end of the second. They just didn't have enough material to make the Fishing Hamlet into a full blown area with multiple minor bosses the same way you had Ludwig and then Living Failures.

Do you mean the silver knights looking at the portrait of Gwynevere?

I personally reckon it'll be Anor Londo again or maybe, like you said Irithyll, but something to do with Yorshka.

>but the areas themselves aren't linear

in this painting

Not a chance.
It's not even good in the first place.

that's the room with gwynevere's picture right

its obviously going to be in the Boreal Valley because of the whole snow theme

yes in the room with that portrait of gwynevere. they wont make it connect to the rest of the dark souls 3 world. It would be cool if you find another exit within the painting that brings you out to where the painting in the first dark souls was . they could connect it that way

Isn't it just MP shit.

Automatically not as good as Old Hunters if so.

Yes it will and yes it will.
DS 3 is a great game to begin with, and with this DLC (with From's history of releasing god-tier dlcs) is going to be a full on masterpiece.

>just MP shit


not great, but very good. 8/10 for me

I'm really happy that some people are able to appreciate DaS3.

DaS3 felt like a map pack to DaS1's story.


the painting got fucked up which resulted in snowy londo and maybe direct connection to the painted world