Has becoming an adult changed your gaming habits?

has becoming an adult changed your gaming habits?

>time consuming survival games suddenly more appealing
>can no longer play games with a slow start, no energy to see it through
>can only stomach fast twitch games with no story ala fighting games, shooters, survival games etc
>interested in all sorts of adventure and RPG games but only invest time in SFV, Rust, Counter Strike etc

I guess when you get older you just don't have the time for long time consuming games.

Anyone else know this feel?

I'm getting increasingly apathetic towards games. I don't even look through the video game isle when I'm at a store anymore. I have a fuckton of games to play but no interest in getting around to them.

>tfw you're a kid and can't buy games on your own so on the rare chance you do get one, you look forward to it,>excitedly read the game manual on the car ride back home
>beat it 12 times and explore every nook and crannie the game has to offer

>now can afford any game you want, and games go on sale for pennies thanks to steam.

It's just not the same bros

>be teacher
>"Gee I should get my plans/grading finished right when I get home. So I have some time to play the new game I have"
>get home
>procrastinate planning/grading
>"I can't play game until I finish my work. It'll take too much time"
>8:00 pm
>"Fuck I have to start now or I won't finish until it's late."
>9:30 pm-1:00 AM
>"I don't have enough time to really play the game I want, I guess I'll just play NHL or Overwatch I guess."
Every time

Also a teacher, I don't game as much during the week but the weekends are prime. As is the summer break. What do you teach?

posting a racist frog... you are filth

actually looking for a job right now. But last year I taught American history. I'm a also qualified to teach math though. Agreed about Summer and weekends. What do you teach

>Work 70hrs a week
>Minimum Wage
>Get free time to play on weekends
>GF complains i don't spend enough time with her cause i'm playing games

Close to throwing her ass out i've had enough.

Yeah. I have no tolerance what so ever for games with microtransactions,
games that have DLC that divide the userbase,
online games,
games made by blizzard,

This is literally me.

I can't immerse myself in any story based games or RPGs without my girlfriend over my shoulder complaining I'm not cuddling with her watching some shitty korean soap opera on Netflix.

Do it. Bitches contribute nothing to your trophies/gamerscore/achievements.

I no longer play games to completion regardless of their quality; in fact, I tend to give games one to two hours to grab me before giving up on them.

Steam sales and bundle sites have made it really easy to abandon games an hour in, since there's no financial "obligation" to keep playing them.

English. Good luck on the job search, I would imagine the math side would be much easier to find. In the part of the country I'm in, being a science or math teacher pretty much means you can teach wherever you want it's in such high demand.

>another pack of faggots with ill fitting women in relationships they don't really appreciate


You can't immerse yourself without that? Then ask her to do it more often, she'd probably like to

Ah, the old Sup Forums swap-a-roo.

I've been playing mostly multilayer games with a fred of mine lately. I find it hard to sit down and play single player games which require a lot of timeninvested. I try to power through a few turns of Endless Legend every now and then and finish a game over the course of a week or two depending on my girlfriend's work schedule.

I've also been trying to balance other creative things such as writing and music so I don't feel so awful about being alive.

The few weeks it took me to complete Hotline Miami 2 were pretty rad as I just got high as fuck and pumped on adrenaline while turning ruskies inside out.

>Work 70hrs a week

What kind of shithole do you work at? Where I'm from 40hrs is the limit and even then, many people work 30 to 36hrs instead.

If you're reasonable and still spend time with your gf and your hobby, but she still complains, she's probably a cunt. If you're just ignoring her to play vidya every free moment you have, grow up.

It's probably the former, though. Most women are devoid of any hobbies or personality so they leech onto whoever they're dating for constant companionship.

I'm a NEET so no

>Feel like playing together with randoms in multiplayer games
>Don't know anyone who plays non casual games
>Just get bullied by premades or kicked from coop games
>Most single player games are the same shit or require a ton of time to get into

Sucks that most games stick with cold matchmaking and ranked matches.
Is Rocket League any good alone?

>tfw i buy games for my little brother just to get that experience through him

My gaming habits have primarily stayed the same since getting a job. Long RPGs may take longer but that doesn't stop me from playing altogether. Even if I only have two hours a day, a month will see me through most games.

>Even if I only have two hours a day
>only two hours a day
>acting like that's little
fuck off

When I was a kid I would sit and play really frustrating, difficult games until I mastered them. Now, I have no patience. If a game is really hard, I'll just stop playing. I like linear games now like DOOM and Gears of War. I don't have the patience to explore open world games.

Fuck off white knight cucks.


how edgy are you right now?
how is this white knighting?

UK mate there is no limit to working just loose "regulations"
i work 15hrs a day
I do but it seems the minute i'm happy playing a game shes either does "are you done? i play gta" or "omg don't you want to snuggle :3 you don't like me? :c"
Shes very loyal but also very clingy

if it doesnt, you fail at being an adult

I don't have the energy to play engaging RPGs anymore. I often come home from work and play diablo 2 and similar games because I don't have to think. I usually watch netflix or something on the other monitor.

This trend really started during my last year of college, I think it is just that I am so busy I don't have time to engage in deep games for fear of not completing them.

I still play comic book games, and will no doubt beat the shit out of the new Spider-Man game, and play Injustice 2. But those games don't have a deep story so I guess that is why I can still play them to completion.

No, not really.
The games just take me longer to finish now with the school and work and all.
I like older wrpg's, total wars, arma and stalker.

>Shes very loyal but also very clingy

Sounds like hell, user. Hope she's cute enough to make it worth it. My wife and I both like our alone time, she has no probelm reading a book or watching TV the nights of the week we don't do stuff together.

Unless you're unfortunate enough to need two jobs to live, in which case I apologize, you could stand to manage your time better. Maybe browse the internet less.

I thought I'd play less when I got a fulltime job, but now I just buy all the video games and set up playtime on a schedule and take power naps when I'm too tired to play so I can get up and play more video games.

Thanks. Yeah it's pretty much the same story where I am, high demand for math. The only thing is I haven't had a math class in years now so I'm super rusty. Schools start the week after next in my state so there's a lot of schools scrambling to fill positions. I actually have an interview tomorrow for an ideal position.

>Teacher bros.

I teach World Studies, American History and Comparative religions. I fucking hated Homework back in school, now I have homework every fucking night until retirement.

Still have some time to play games, I just have to lie to the kids why their papers are taking so long to grade.

How can you even call yourself an adult when you can't even have sex.

I realized that I lean toward sims lately. ArmA, The Sims, city builders,Flight/Space sims and racing sims. I guess old people really like simulators.

Your time ain't worth much if you're happy to get two hours to yourself huh?
Could you come over and clean my john? I'll throw you a buck, maybe.

>Don't want to play with randoms in FPS games
>Don't have the energy to stay up until "Oh God Sunrise is in 3 hours" AM in premades or co-op
>Don't give a single shit about new releases
>Fortunate enough to get into Bemani during my high school years so I'm not total shit at them and can play them for an hour or two daily
Autism saves the day again

Oy, construction bro, keep at it, aye!

sure, but you'll have to pay me extra because i'll have to search for it below all that fat

My taste in video games hasn't really changed, although my standards are higher now

kek mr robot

As we get more access to games and less time, the backlog just grows bigger.
Both those things are related to growing up, but I'm not sure if it's growing up per se that causes it.

I'm not sure if I'm enjoying games less. If anything I probably want to enjoy them more than I did back then.

It's just that it's hard to find enjoyment in something when it starts to feel like a chore, either because you feel like you HAVE to complete X number of games in a certain amount of time or because you are forced to do it while tired or to sacrifice other things due to the lack of time.

This kind of pressure is suffering.

I can't play crpg's anymore, shit feels like reading a book, don't have any patience for that. I prefer simple games these days, probably that's why I mainly play musou games now.

Regular grown-up full time job is eight hours off of a day, how the hell do you guys not find time for vidya when there's like 14-15 hours to spare daily after commuting and shit? Not even including weekends which are all free time.

That's awesome, good luck. I just moved up to a bigger district that's essentially my dream job. It's tough to go back to starting over with curriculum but it'll get easier as the year goes on.

Nice, if I didn't teach English I'd definitely go History as well. Although it sounds like you're collecting way too much homework. I rarely bring anything home outside of large papers and work near the end of a semester, but I have a pretty solid system that makes things efficient.

I just binged on FreeSpace 2 : Blue Planet. Not a sim but close enough.

Yeah, I can't seem to stand playing hard games anymore. I lose patience for it pretty quickly now and I didn't use to be like this. I also lost any interest in playing turn-based RPGs, something I never had issues playing before.

>thinking of vidya at work
>big booty blonde qt asks me a question
>fumble the answer
>look like an idiot
>2 days have passed and she hasnt said to me


Do you not sleep? My free time on weekdays is usually 5-6 hours a day.

>jobs that ocupy you after work hours
>adult life chores and responsibilities
>external circunstances like driving time

There are a LOT of other shit that consume the free time. Even if you're left with 2 or 3 hours you're often tired or with no friends to play with, not to mention being disconected from the industry news and not being able to get hype for future releases.

>work at very small games studio as gameplay programmer
>full time hours but evenings and weekends to do whatever I want
>live with my gf but she takes an interest in my hobbies even if she doesn't really care about vidya
>still find time for like 30 hour of vidya a week
>still paid enough money to live comfortably and buy most things I want

life is good. I know a lot of jobs with weird hours can be more time consuming and have different effects on your schedules but a lot of you could stand to work on your time management.

>becoming an adult
I don't think most people here have.