Im gettin to old for this shit

i turned 30yo 12 mins ago im already feeling old as hell.

what games can me feel young again anons


The game of making money and getting laid, grandpa

hard drugs

suicide 2: electric boogaloo

Wie sind Zauberkräfte so?


Er ist grade mal ein lvl 1 magier, der kann nur feurball oder so zaubern

Metal Gear Solid 4

russian roulette

Welcome to your 30's! I'm turning 32 in February.

My 30's have been, thus far, better than my 20's (excluding 29).

Also, the last game to make me feel young again was the original Super Mario Galaxy.

allahu akbar fellow brothers

my 20s were shit as hell i hope the 30s will be better.

In my 30's, I have gotten a really great job, a great girlfriend and moved into a nice townhouse. Traveled the world even.

Good times.

embrace your wizard powers, it's great

also metal gear rising
or just play table top games with other wizards. I honestly have more fun doing that

oh, i forgot
happy birthday user.

Super metroid
Metal slug
Sf3rd strike
Mario 64
Mario 3
MvC 1
Ninja gaiden black

>he wasted his 20s

suck shit m8 your life can only get worse from here

So generally by what age do you have to get your shit together by before you're fucked for life. I'm 22 and feel like I've squandered my whole life.

Well yeah, you should have just left college by now.

Oh well, the world needs ditch diggers, user.

I'm 18 when does it get fun?
Also HBD

eure mütter ihr hurensöhne ey

By 30 you won't care anymore if you survive to that point.

r9k is the board you want, loser

At 22? Lad you should be graduating college and either beginning a long term career or pursuing a doctorate.

>tfw 40

the knees are already starting to go

it doesn't

your friends start moving away
others get married, have kids, no time for you because other prioties
you might become jaded at everything you like
nothing feels original to you anymore
nostalgia sets in
parts of your body start breaking down
you have to piss constantly because "lol male bladder problems"
male pattern baldness, enjoy receding hairlines
you put on weight because your metabolism slows down
testosterone count becomes lower, harder to get it up
all your money goes to bills

that's all before you reach 60, where it becomes a new and worse game



You're fine. I'm graduating college at 25.

23 here and dropped out because i cant afford shit.

Guess that was it. Now im curious to see for how long will i survive.


i graduated 26
still no full time job

I'm doing Electrical Engineering, and even we're hard-pressed for jobs. My buddy that studied the same thing had 3 internships, undergrad research, and graduated from a good school with a 3.8 and spent a year and a quarter looking for a job

You'll all have full time jobs building the wall. Paradise awaits you.

>3.8 gpa
Lmao, what the fuck. That's retard-tier

I'm taking 6 AP classes my senior year and I have a 4.4 GPA.

I live in the civilized part of the world. No walls or Trumpenstein

I have no money
Wageslave job 250usd montly
No friends
No skills
Skinny as fuck
Social retard

Boring life
Instant noodles almost everyday
Eveything feels unfunny or triggers me
Live in a shitty 3rd world country with atleast 6 violent deaths near to my city every day.

Better kill my self soon

So, community college for you then.

>250usd montly
how the fuck do you live? are you living with family?


What magical high school with infinite funding are you attending?

>spent 5 years at a CC fucking around
>graduated and am now a process engineer making good money

we're gonna make it


Happy birthday, OP! You joined me in wizardhood based on your image, eh?
Play anything you want because the very act of play is what keeps you young at heart. What did you play as a child? That could bring a flood of emotions back, but that can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you handle nostalgia.
If you want to really feel young play some ASSFAGGOTS or FPS's online and return the insults that teenagers hurl at you.

>a 4.4 in high school is more impressive than a 3.8 in EE in Uni


Wonderful 101 makes me feel like a kid again.

>See this thread
>I turned 30 half an hour ago, timezone is clearly the same as mine

Fuck off man, I have friends who browse this board, I don't want them to think I'm having a fucking breakdown.

How did you manage to travel the world with your job? How did you get the job?

With my dad

>>a 4.4 in high school is more impressive than a 3.8 in EE in Uni
well yeah it's just a 3.8

>GPA in high school meaning anything

I graduated from high school with a 4.4 GPA and its nothing to be proud of scrub

>0 work experience
>0 education
>0 acquaintances
>0 savings
its fucking over

I'm 22. I graduated college last year and I'm working now. I still feel like I really haven't done anything with my life.

are you retarded

Kek same here, i'll wait for my dog to die and my dad to inmigrate and then leave existence.

What kind of a fucking retard starts their Senior year the same year they turn 18?

I turned thirty 6 months ago. All I do these days is drink and masturbate.

not him, but even a total pleb job (

He has a 4.4, retard. Don't talk down.

turned 30 8 months ago, myself. all i do these days is masturbate and masturbate.

you haven't, and statistically speaking you won't ever feel like you've accomplished anything

You should start playing games like elite :dangerous, Europa universalis and other more complex, forumdad type games.

In ask honesty, I'm 30 as well. I played through some of my favourite childhood games, such as secret of mana, terranigma, river city random. Made me feel old, but it was fun

wtf is this shit
I heard it for the first time yesterday reading up on E:D

I'm 22, graduating with a degree in graphic design

Or I would've if I didn't have a breakdown in the first few months and stayed in my room playing dota until my dad took me home.

I don't understand how people have the drive to work. I don't understand why everyone is working so hard for.

>I don't understand why everyone is working so hard for.
you would if you didn't have a hand-holding faggot father to drive you home every time you fucked up

>be born
>work to feed your family
>get old

You're working to live and you're living to work

So you're saying the only reason people work is because they have to?

I'd rather just stop being alive than work.

You have no clue how much this made me laugh


Is just dads that really get into one game, usually grindy and tedious, but master it. Spends time on forums to talk with other dads.

Why were you playing dota so religiously? I just don't understand why everyone is playing dota so much for.

no, I'm saying if you if you gained a little perspective you'd find your own reason to work, rather than being a coddled 22-year-old infant

but then you couldn't even be bothered to reply to the correct post, so you should probably just kill yourself out of respect for everyone else

Space War

>weighted gpa
have fun dealing with the real world after you get out of high school user

What the fuck else are you going to do? Sit in your bedroom with your thumb up your ass for the next 60 years?

>How did you manage to travel the world with your job?

They send me all over the place. Across the country, down to the Caribbean, Asia... etc.

>How did you get the job?

I have a B.S. and applied for the job. Interviewed well, showed interest in what they were doing. Gotten a few raises since then, and my own office. Just doing my best.

The job is pretty easy most of the time, but can be very demanding some of the time.

Have my own office, so that's pretty cool.

I would if I could get away with it. Sitting on my ass playing yidya has been the best part of my life. I don't really have any friends or anything so I can't see what else there is to do.

>McDanks manager
>will graduate with an Associate's right before I turn 20 with 0 debt

How am I doing so far?

>Sitting on my ass playing yidya has been the best part of my life.
>I don't really have any friends or anything
You can change this user. Life can get pretty fucking shit, but it can be amazing sometimes too. Right now you're missing all of it in favor of comfort, but the unfortunate part of comfort without any challenge whatsoever becomes dull, and this dullness eventually turns the most sane people hysterical.

Post your favorite games for board relevancy. Thief II

Has anyone made any decent friends or waifus in college? I like my current peeps and everything but start my first semester next week and hope there's more to life than these chucklefucks.

Don't let society put constraints and pressures for you to live up to. No two people love the same life, not everyone is ready to gtfo home at 20.

Ass in what? If you can go for something better, do it. Fug Mcdanks.

Oldest person you've had to boss around?

Digital Video and Media Technology.
I thought about leaving sooner but they're paying $1K of my tuition each semester, plus my regular pay.
Two ~60-year-old cute grandmas.

Not him, but I'm a retail manager. I regularly boss around, hire and fire people well into their forties, fifties and sixties.

I do have a seventy year old cashier though, that I won't fire, dead stop, period.