>WoW 2016
WoW 2016
>be feral druid
>work 3 times as hard as anyone else for similar output
fucking fix this shit blizzard
So what is this, a Not-Rage resource for the special snowflake class?
Just the demon hunter's resource mechanic, build meter spend meter.
So, it's rage for warriors then?
it's rage
>No mobility
>Mitigation kills your pet
>No self heal since all Runic Power is spent on Death Coil
>Our Death Coil passive fucks over our Val'Kyr
Last one is honestly the worst and is getting even worse with Legion.
Change to Resto as God intended you faggy ass tree huggers to be.
Prepatch wow is op tank general while casters have been dicked except for mages
It's treason.
>what is death grip
>usless pet
>can DC yourself
Why do they feel the need to change the name of the resource then? I wouldn't be surprised if the resource bar is green for DEMONS AND FEL
It's purple.
yeah my warrior at 60 already feels complete and unkillable, 100% block and max ignore pain for every single pull no stopping.
i think ele might be ok in the long run since we fucking got our shotgun mastery back, praise be.
that new spirit walk thing bugs me because of how long the CD is
i ended up going for warrior instead
double time and leap is so good
its no DG though but you got heroic throw and taunt if you want to pull
Repurposed former demonology warlock. Build demonic fury, then blow your load.
Let's as the important questions. Is Khadgar going to need 4,986 more crystals?
What do you mean with the pasive screwing over the valkyr?
Shadow priest is pretty complex compared to every other character. I have like 7 spells
>he needs at least 10 plates to spin to justify his life
For EleSham, Mastery is worst stat, by a long shot.
Yes, it loses to versatility.