Game introduces a cute character

>game introduces a cute character
>gets killed/dies immediately

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This killing game didn't even feel remotely believable.

In general, every non-main character in the DR universe seems like they're so easily swayed by "lol despair" that I can't really care about anything that happens in that world.

>horrible subs


>Student council threatened by kill each other or everyone's fucked
>Junko randomly kills someone and if people revolt they have to deal with SHSL Aimbot

I feel like if people were put in this scenario in real life it would actually happen

This episode was fucking garbage


I'm sure some people would die, but they wouldn't go completely berserk and try to kill people in completely brutal way for no reason other than MUH DESPAIR.

to* fuck spelling

>ultimate being with all talents gets tricked by muh despair
he's not very smart

Sorry, but I don't agree. Everything went to shit when glasses-chan got the first kill, she fell right into the motivational trap. I guess that's when all of them realised that the killing was really happening. Some of them even died against it.

I'd kill for my mom too or at least try to defend myself from psychos.

>Typing in all lower chars


All right, maybe.

>jam a shovel through someone's chest when they were in the process of killing themselves
>stab the small girl who only has a frying pan while you are being shot at
This I don't buy. They were trying wayyy too hard to make it look gorey and over the top, and as a result it ended up being completely nonsensical.


Damn you are stupid.
He longed for despair exactly because he is so perfect.

>and as a result it ended up being completely nonsensical.
Yeah that's DR in a nutshell. Junko's entire existence and motivation is "nonsensical"

This has been nothing new to the series.

It's an anime, user. A danganronpa anime, and the result of it had to be gory as fuck thanks to how the first game showed us the aftermath.

I was hoping they'd use the anime to make the despair-inducing incident a little more believable, but I guess not.


If it makes you feel better, you can say it's nonsensical thanks to the tools provided by Junko and Mukuro. If you're defending yourself you'll use whatever you can get your hands on to defend yourself.

Don't act like the series hasn't always been like this anyway. Komaeda destroying a building with a gigantic dog and a bomb, 2 high school girls breaking in and killing over 20 trained and armed guards, Hope's Peak tinkering with some no name's brain for 6 months and all of a suddenly he's the most powerful person in existence, mentally and physically. You have to take a lot of these events with a grain of salt.

What's despair inducing about the incident isn't how gruesome they killed each other, it's the fact that the school has been covering a lot of shit in the past and they were even planning on covering this. I guess there's more to come since Chiaki is still alive and the DR2 cast is still sane.

There hasn't been anything believable in the anime or in the games in my opinion, it's how the DR world works.

I know. I don't like that about it. I can't feel bad about a universe where people just randomly start killing themselves. It's just lazy writing, and I really wanted the anime to try to rectify it, but it didn't. In fact, it made it worse by making Junko look like she has no fucking clue what she's doing but she just stumbles into people and has ~fated encounters~

>I can't feel bad about a universe where people just randomly start killing themselves.
It wasn't random, the girl popped off because her mom was dead, and then the rest of the class realized that the situation they were in was real. Next you'll tell me what Sayaka did in the first game was also random.

>childhood friend or love interest gets killed

I love when that happens. Wish it wasnt so rare.

I'm talking about the Horrific Despair-Inducing Incident.

Tokyo ghoul reeee?

Are we SURE Uchikoshi isn't writing this anime?

:re means king

I don't agree, and seems like some others anons in this thread don't either. Watch the scene again.

Brainwashing by imagery is a real thing though.


Good job not getting it at all. He isn't being tricked, he's intentionally going along with it. Izuru just wants something to make life not boring and predictable.

Just because some people don't agree with me doesn't mean I can't have an opinion. I'm not saying it's objectively poorly done, I'm just disappointed by the way Despair anime is explaining the backstory.

It happened in Infamous, but I'm sure no one gave a shit about Trish.

I just wanted him in my party..

They should've taken more time to establish the event. Small things piling up to the breaking point. Instead the glasses girl went nuts over a thing that took Sayaka multiple atleast a day or two to sway her into killing.

Another thing was Izuru's involvement. Junko was supposed to break him first and turn him into a killing machine. This time he was pretty much a bystander.

You don't have time to like that character. That's a pretty weak bullying from the author, user, to kill a character we barely know.

Also, I want to bully Saionji so much. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.

so is DZero basically fanfic due to this episode?

And then her body gets thrown like garbage

Nothing wrong with horriblesubs. They provice torrents in 1080p

Makes more sense than some of the kills in 1 and 2.

>"how do i become man"
>"TRIGGERED, okay now I'll try to get away with it"

That would feel far, far less natural, and it honestly wouldn't help things if we were to see them slowly get worked into killing one another. The sheer confusion and frenzy of things is the reason why they lost it. It's general madness that escalated in scale exponentially, which led to things spiraling out of hand.

If I told three people that they had nine days to kill the other two, I can guarantee you they would not be anywhere near as geared up to commit murder as if I told them "You have 30 minutes to kill them" and simultaneously dropped information regarding loved ones, horrific implications towards the future, and gave them a fuckload of dangerous weaponry. Too many awful things happening along with urgency and panic and confusion makes for a more "believable" scenario than a drawn out, slow series of questionable murders.

>They should've taken more time to establish the event

Its amazing how some of you people forget what a anime is.
Nigga each episode is 23min long and there's like 12 to 26 episodes max.
There's not enough time to do everything you want to see.

>"shit on popular sub group" meme
>actually saying "kys"

Trying your best to be a retard I see.

Should have been a fucking VN, even if it had a different format, but no, it had to be a fucking anime so that Kohacka could pull the "animu was a mistake" meta twist.

>Izurufags going full damage control




So if Purse Owner is Japanese Scooby Doo, is Dangit Ron Paul Japanese Saw?

Let's talk about the real hero of the original killing game.

So why was mukuro singing

So Junko could make fun of her for it later.

Because that's one of the few things that dumb bitch is good at

HorribleSubs is shit, they don't even do anything, they just rip from Crunchyroll or Funimation.


that's zero escape

Am I alone in thinking DR1 was significantly less wacky than everything that came after it? All the more absurd portions of the series are not exposited on, and the only character who genuinely talks about Hope and Despair as actual ideologies is Junko, who is insane.

Of course not.

That's why the first will always be the best.

to solidify her position as best girl

>fat fuck killing because "muh computer waifu"
>muh despair

Is still wacky shit. That being said, DR2's ending with the whole "MUH FUTURE" was the worst garbage I've ever read.

And I should give a fuck why?
They upload anime with accurate subs faster than most and that's all I care about.

>accurate subs

Mukuro is retarded and does everything Junko tells her to.
If that wasn't obvious enough already.

>significantly less wacky


>someone talks shit about my favorite anime

Hi guys what's going on in this thread

>he fell for the "1080p is the best option" meme

>hurr durr green text

It was, but only really by virtue of everything after it being completely fucking retarded.
The game should have left the whole Most Evilest Ginormous Occurrence That Ever Happened to People as an ambiguous thing while Junko could still be herself and just be tagging along for the despair ride.
DR2 was cool in the sense that it allowed for weird killings to take place that we couldn't get in the "down to earth" (relatively) setting of DR1. But then FUTURE happened.
The anime is just expanding upon the weakness of the series, which happens to be the setting.