Wow, I'm really thinking now
Wow, I'm really thinking now
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Use a pastebin you insufferable faggot. Do you really want to give this vapid cunt the views?
>implying souls fans arent unbearably and unreasonably smug
Never heard of the site, but I can tell it's full of garbage.
implying I'll go and visit the blog of some unbearable grillgamer to read her shit about being raped by a videogame/ having to face privileges/entitlement or some other bullshit
get this cancer outta my face.
>Privilege of time
I'm convinced feminist will literally find any excuse to make up shit about someones "privilege"
>blogger talking about the privilege of time and money
It's just another case of a casual player who need to git gud.
>its a v overreacts and misrepresents an opinion piece on video games because its written by a woman
when did v become full of edgy alt rightist college republicans?
>raped by a videogame
Next thing you know she will be bitching about how she got raped because someone shit on her in PvP like that cunt who said she got raped in GTAV.
>having to actually play the game is a privilege
>I don't have time for challenges, time is a privilege
no wonder cheat DLC is selling like hotcakes, normies would rather have the games play themselves.
also, apparently their lives are so miserable they need to "win" as fast and often as possible in a guaranteed way since they consider themselves incapable of overcoming challenges.
>time privilege
Fucking time traveling cishits changing history to make women disadvantaged
>Literally uses privilege 3 times in OPs
>Privilege of time
There's a difference between Women and Feminists spouting their bullshit made up concepts and ideology. They find ways to shoehorn it into everything including vidya.
>there are certain privileges that are necessary: time, money, and the dedication to the self-image as a gamer
They don't have kids, they barely have a job, I don't see how time is a problem
Constant Steam sales, Dark Souls is like 4 years old already
>dedication to the self-image as a gamer
Stereotypical gamer girl that can't fathom playing a game without telling everybody about it
video games go on Sup Forums, retard
go cry to momma about it
I bought DaS at 5 dollars DaSII at 20 dollars seriously that idiot is complaining because the sake of.
>somebody made a game designed to cater to a demographic that doesn't include me
>dedication to the self-image as a gamer
This is what she meant actually:
> I personally did not like Dark Souls, but I did not admit it to myself until two years after I stopped playing it, specifically when I gave up on playing Bloodborne. I think a large part of this was due to my ego as a gamer. I am, as you may have guessed, quite dedicated to the world of video games. I am pretty good at them, and thus my continuous failures in Dark Souls really aggravated my ego.
The thing is, games were meant to be difficult and hard to beat, this highlighted objective press X to win crap was made for idiots.
I bet this bitch never even heard of King's Field.
Real talk, soulsborne "smugness" is done by casuals who think they're hardcore for beating these simple games. They just don't handhold, that's all they don't do, but ever since DaS all the talk of soulsborne has been SO HARD OMG MAKES COD ON VETERAN LOOK LIKE BABBY SHIT so it gives casuals a huge ego boost thinking they're elite or have good taste or are actually skilled.
tl;dr; secondaries are cancer
i dont like dark souls because the gameplay sucks, ninja gaiden is harder than dark souls but i fucking love it because the gameplay is perfect
that article is just buzzwords
People only thing Dark Souls is hard to begin with because marketing tells them so.
Don't you know user?
Father time is a shitlord who only gives women 55 minutes for every hour a man gets.
Is the Privilege of Time a new Zelda game?
First world problems are real-world problems user
Actually if you go to /dsg/ the people who are more smug and unbearable are those who have clocked over 200 on each game newcomers tend to be more likeables.
Father time? Why isn't it Mother time, sexist fucking cis shitlord.
That and how dark souls 1 frontloaded the most of the traps like bridgewyvern, tons of ambushes, sens funhouse
If this isn't a fucking redflag for any of you retards then I don't know what is
The Fuck, i have a job and don't play games daily and dark souls isnt that insanely hard or anything once you know the mechanics
>the privilege of time
Couldn't make this shit up.
>tfw gigantic pussy
>don't have the privilege of not getting scared of horror games
>simply don't play them
Woah this is hard
>playing videogames only to show off to people and have gamer cred, not as enjoyment
Calculus isn't that hard once you know the mechanics, but people bitch about math endlessly.
I just know a lot of the community was like this. They were completely unwelcoming when Dark Souls came out on PC and just told new players to "git gud", then I hear the argument that PC ruined the DS community. Ironic to hear seeing as they treated all the new players on PC like total shit.
But user, she enjoys the attention
I understand if casuals don't like Dark Souls though
Exploring in it is actually fucking stressful instead of relaxing like they expect
I don't think you can consider yourself good at games if you're failing at basic pattern recognition and timing.
Fuck dude. You browse jezebel and salon too?
This is like, Cargo Cult Social Justice. Or as a lot of people on the left have come to call it "The Discourse," they're just using the form and the words of a political discussion but there's no meaning there. It's entirely pointless.
bitching about Sup Forums belongs on /qa/
>i suck at all vidya gaems more complex than Candy Crunch for android
>better blame it on Privilege!
lulz SJW
i still haven't played them just because I don't feel like wasting money on a console controller for my PC. make it work on KB+M, you shitlord devs. (I beat Otogi 1 and 2 back in the day on original XBAWKZ, which were apparently harder, so even taking into account skill decaying due to getting oldered I'd still probably be okay in Darkborne.)
>Tards not realizing that playing games for cred = literal fake gamer
>I didn't enjoy these games because you need time, money, and investment in your identity as a gamer to enjoy these games
>all three of which I have, but... uhhh... err...
I don't even get it
Sure, Dark Souls is hard in a way that triple A games at the time weren't, but if you had a million people telling you to fucking take your time and not rush into enemies expecting to do giant combos uninterruped, you'll be fine
Fucking Ys is harder
Fuck these people. They are not gamers, they are entryists.
I love the series alot and is actually one of the latest games that I enjoy, but I refuse to be lumped with Soulsborne fandom they are one vast majority a bunch of entitled assholes.
First I thought it was only here on Sup Forums but I have gone to several places and is the same.
You're making some false equivalence there brother.
You went to a thread on /vg/. That alone is the reason why the new players were more likable than the people who are regulars.
Are you kidding me? Women only get 78.3% as much time as men.
A rotation of the earth only lasts 18.79 hours, where as a mans is 24. Does that seem fair to you?
Women lose 312 minutes a day that they should rightfully have.
You need to check your time privilege.
Youre the new one jezebel subscriber
Souls can also be strong armed by just over leveling like all RPGs. Sure, you're grinding, but that's the price of being bad.
The PC community coined the term "artificial difficulty"
That's stupid. The very idea of placing all your ego on being good at every game. In fact, putting ego aside is probably one of the first things you need to learn with anything, competitive things most of all.
You will not win all the time and the sooner you accept that, the more fun you will end up having in the end. Some games just aren't for everyone and even if you enjoy some games, you probably will never be able to play them at the highest level.
Like fighting games, I love games like Guilty Gear, but trying to learn when to Roman Cancel gives me a headache. But throw me DMC or Bayo and I can roll out cancels like nothing.
>Usually, when gaming, the difficulty of the level corresponds directly with how many checkpoints are found within that level.
Why do people who know so little about games feel the need to opine so frequently?
I don't know if the kind of casuals who complain about it are really the type for grinding
They're probably trying to rush through, actually
Advertising should be against the rules again.
>So the privilege of time is intrinsically connected to the privilege of wealth. It connects even more so when you consider that someone (such as myself) spent enough money to feed themselves for a week or two ($50 or more) to get flipped off continuously by sword-wielding skeletons and weirdly tall men in trench coats carrying scythes.
Is followed by
>I apparently always had space in my busy schedule as a liberal arts student to replay BioShock for the umpteenth time.
These retards contradict themselves, in the same article no less.
Once you get past ~level 50 leveling up doesn't really help that much due to diminishing returns, especially because armor is shit in Dark Souls 3.
The only way to steamroll in DS3 is with summons
I can imagine that. So stubborn that they actually think that they shouldn't have to level up to beat the boss.
>I don't have time for games
then play casual smartphone games, there are oh so many of them just for you, cunt.
>I don't have money!
>I don't want to commit to anything!
well, that is a whole different proble... nope. IDEM.
>"I personally did not like Dark Souls, but I did not admit it to myself until two years after I stopped playing it, specifically when I gave up on playing Bloodborne. I think a large part of this was due to my ego as a gamer. I am, as you may have guessed, quite dedicated to the world of video games. I am pretty good at them, and thus my continuous failures in Dark Souls really aggravated my ego."
you don't have an ego as a gamer, you have an ego, period, massive btw.
I can understand someone who dislikes the souls games because the genre, gameplay or even story aren't up their alley, it happens, but why the fuck would you keep forcing yourself onto a series if you don't have what it takes to enjoy it? she played DS1, 2 and dropped Bloodborne. Meaning she made the time, she made the effort (or maybe she's just lying and never got past the Asylum Demon)
Yes, that is my belief, she never finished a souls games, she dropped them off as soon as she noticed those games TAKE TIME AND MINIMUM EFFORT.
Her privilege is actually of a different kind. She can pick not to do things.
>"There are certain privileges that are necessary: time, money, and the dedication to the self-image as a gamer"
I think what virtues really require to play DaS is patience, know-how and dedication to overcome a challenge. the last being a strong one women hark on about themselves but in reality they have men (nu-males to Sup Forums) help them in the background.
>has time to bitch about inane shit
>privilege of time
>They were completely unwelcoming when Dark Souls came out on PC and just told new players to "git gud"
People have been saying, "git gud" since Monster Hunter for PS2, it's not a new thing you retard.
It's been around for longer then that. It just wasn't nearly as used. Dark Souls brought about it being used incorrectly once the term went main stream. Though there are some cheap deaths in Dark Souls.
I think the biggest barrier for entry in Dark Souls series, and the main reason it has such a reputation as being super hard, is rolling invincibility. It's not really intuitive that you're magically immune to all damage during the middle of a roll, and the game never tells you. The only way to know is if you guess or see a phantom doing it.
patience and know-how are the result of dedication, so you only need that one virtue nothing else.
well, maybe time too. you can't strive for gradual improvement if you're in a rush.
You don't need too much time on your hands to play Bloodborne if you simply
user, what is idem
I didn't even know about i frames when I first started playing souls. I just thought I was jumping over whatever was trying to hit me until I magically dodged a forward slam attack or some shit.
I never questioned the roll was to be used to dodge attacks.
Idem means "me too". He was saying that he too is poor.
Okay... I don't like Dark Souls myself but I never hinged that on my ego or anything like that because that would be stupid.
Just don't play the game if you don't like it and move on to a game you do like to play. It's not rocket science.
Naw, I got through most of the game without needing to roll to avoid damage. Mostly just good positioning. Most people seem to have trouble because they get stun locked. They are reckless and run in to attack and get attacked out of the animation and then something else attacks them.
How can anyone deny that the souls fanbase is full of smug assholes
How does dark souls/bloodborne require money?
That only works based on the stat, not soul level. Hitting the 50 cap on Vit doesn't mean you get diminishing returns on STR or DEX.
It's fine as long as you figure it out before you get to certain bosses where rolling is pretty much mandatory unless you're a greatshield build. Although I never see noobs using greatshields for some reason...
No one denying it but a female journalist wrote about it so Sup Forums is honour-bound to chastise her.
Just by doing a co op in antwerpen area after youve beat it gains you souls extremely fast in DkS32
Why don't you become THE smug asshole. Only reason people are smug is cause when you can do something so easily, and you watch someone struggle it ticks you off. Ever watched someone play through a puzzle game you've beat, and not grasp a simple puzzle?
People seem to mis remember it's usage too. Git Gud was suppose to be used against idiots that wanted to be carried. They didn't have time or dedication to learning anything about the game, or asking questions of any substance.
It was a response against idiots that just kept saying the game was bullshit, they died to such and such and generally just wanted to be a bother to the people that were enjoying themselves.
Then the fucking normies got a hold of it and started using it to just be jackasses to people with legit questions about game mechanics.
sounds like a case of git gud
I see priviledge everywhere. You are so entitled that you'll use your priviledge. I'm getting so oppressed that I don't have even time.
What I mean is, by soul level 50 you already have all the stats you need at a level where you get diminishing returns.
Lets say you start deprived. You throw 17 points into vigor to hit the softcap and get ~1000 HP. Level 18. Lets say you get endurance up to 30 because you like to R1 spam. 37. You pick str or dex weapon, and get your main one to 20 and the other one to like 15 for requirements. That's around level 60.
You're not really going to get much stronger after that point except for upgrading your weapon. upgrading your damage stat's only gives like 3 extra damage per stat, but your damage will already be in the hundreds anyway.
Women live longer statistically, so isn't privilege of time a female thing?
If anything her argument is LESS valid, because toxic male nerds will die earlier on account of being physically unhealthy and being male, so if they have time to finish the game, she should too.
I don't think anyone is, but that doesn't change the fact that her position is silly. You can play the games without interacting with the community at all and I doubt it would change her opinion about the games.
I was watching the 6 o'clock news the other day. Their top story was about multiple racial assaults that some guy did downtown. It took them several minutes to get to the point, the "assaults" were verbal. The horror.
>gaming as a hobby requires devotion to gaming as a hobby
Fucking enlightened, preach it sister. Also can't wait for a piece on how these unbearerably smug "fishing ethusiasts" just gloss over the access to water privilege. Stick it to the man!
>stick to short casual game and leave more difficult games to people who can spend more time and put more dedication on them
Omfg I just solved his problem!
>time is a privilege now
Still doesn't change the fact that Dank Meme Souls faggots are the worst.
Nobody denies it, everyone is laughing at passing moral judgement with a hilarious sense of entiltement. The article might as well be written about snowboarding from a perspective of someone living in the middle of a rocky desert. Waah, I can't have it so people who can are evil.
you're really trying hard user
here's a (you) for your trouble
What is this worthless cunt talking about. What else did she expect that gaming was? You wanna know why gaming was hated before it become mainstream? It was because it was stealing woman's most valuable resource from man, and that is time. Yes, gaming as a hobby (like any hobby) requires time and dedication, something that most women does not like to do, it is a process of constant knowledge, failure and success. She shouldn't be complaining because over the years that philosophy has been dealt away with and now developers for the sake of profit will make a game as accessible as possible. Can't we have a real game once in a while you dumb cunt?
Plenty of "games" like Walking Dead for you to enjoy.
You better check it.
>bawww they won't handhold me and tell everything is going to be okay, then keep giving me incentive to try again
here's your hugbox
I automatically disregard the opinions of anyone who thinks """""privilege""""" is a real thing.