Makes sense. Even in a survival situation, you're not there to cull animals just because you want their living space.
What's the problem?
You're retarded. Yes you do, it's called making living space for yourself and your descendants.
> This old meme
There are torpedoes and the most recent update gives you a power armour suit designed to fuck up giant fucking sea predators.
The lack of weaponry makes the early game interesting, you have to evade and delay dangerous sealife to explore. Search the seafloor carefully until you can collect the resources to fight back.
> B-but the developer said because it was because of Sandy Hook
Who gives a shit, the game is better for it as it forces you to alternative methods then gunning down fish easily.
>t. genocidal imperialist
Except you're a single man surviving on an alien world with the express goal of calling for a rescue, you colossal fuckwit.
Is there a problem with that?
>game eats my cyclops
Guess I'm done for a while. How's the exosuit drilling? Never found any damn aluminum oxide
is this nu male sky?
It's Subnautica
AKA, Nu Male Sea
name a single empire that hasn't catasrophically failed eventually
>name a single thing that lasts forever
Are you serious?
The Imperium of Man
It's been several millenia and it's still kicking
With a name like Obnoxious Prime I'd go total massacre too. Just imagine the people there.
Game is made by a cuck and will never be finished
I love this one, keep going.
Is this game really so devoid of content the threads need to resort to creepomango to keep bumping?
Or are we just waiting for that image to be posted to derail the thread into Sup Forumsitical agendas arguing like that last half dozen?
I can't see that image without thinking of the 'If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device' series now.
I sure hope the doctor doesn't see anything creepy.
>Long Dream
Aww hell yeah, best Ito. One of the very few that actually has a good ending, too.
I'm glad all the creepiness is done.
>You are a Dindu
>Dindu's are not allowed M grade weapons
>Obraxis prime was the biggest chimpout ever
Subnautica confirmed for deepest lore.
Aw man, I just wanted to have a regular old subnautica thread...
I am upset because this game challenges my extremist beliefs in some vague way and I cannot seperate politics from anything in my life.
>mfw there is a tree in California older than human history
Worked for the trees
I don't think believing people have a right to arm themselves is extremist, personally.
Additionally, I don't think that's necessarily politically either.
There was a tree older than recorded history that got fucked up through vandalism.
It won't last forever.
Even Stonehenge will erode and crumble.
Everything's all right, you guys...
Give us four years, if we elect Hillary shit's going to turn so bad.
The oldest tree in the world is still there and no one knows its exact location since it's kept secret because of the threat of vandalism.
It actually isn't older than human history, but dates back to around 3500 BCE
The end is coming, nobody panic.
Both the tree and stonehenge have outlived any empire that has ever graced the Earth
shoutout to any user that dumps ito
doin gods work
also are the monsters in subnautica cool? i haven't seen anything except that shitty looking model that was posted a few days ago
If they just changed the dialogue to "this thing is really old in design but it's still incredibly reliable and practical in usage, don't knock it!", or roughly, it wouldn't trigger the board so much.
It might actually be passive aggressive bull from the nerds mad they added torps and blood into the game after all but it doesn't matter anymore, it's done.
That was dumb.
>When you're the only human on the planet
Did you even play the game, or just came here for shitposting
You're dumb.
A wildfire will burn it. A nuke will obliterate it. A flood will wither it. An infestation of bugs will rot it. A meteorite will blow off every one of its leaves and uproot it with its shockwave.
Still doesn't mean they'll last forever.
ur dum
ur a faget
>I don't think believing people have a right to arm themselves is extremist, personally.
Believing any game not having guns is somehow violating you and forcing propaganda is indeed extremist.
And absolutely political.
So that's what that's from.
you guys have a nice thread
I mean yeah eventually, probably. Nothing truly lasts forever, but the original arguement was that it would be expected for no Empire to still exist because "nothing lasts forever", but plenty of things have gone on for far far far longer than any empire.
An empires life is short, and it isn't due to the natural course of all things eventually dying.
Of course everything dies. Even the universe will eventually die.
As soon as you make guns readily available, it becomes a shooting game with some survival elements.
Now the developers need to spend time balancing damage, making guns feel good, making good gun variety, making enemies have special attacks to keep it interesting etc. etc.
Game is better for its lack of guns.
>Believing any game not having guns is somehow violating you and forcing propaganda is indeed extremist.
>And absolutely political.
I didn't say that was the case.
I love subnautica and think having guns in it might be a bad idea.
But you should try the PRAWN suit. Shit is strong as fuck.
christ. horror never affects me at all, why does Ito's shit always make my skin crawl?
Shit user, don't cry, I wasn't being serious
If guns were added to the game I would absolutely cease playing and demand my money back.
The End
post the one with the girl bullying the shit out of that boy and then falling in love with him after they're older.
I wish there was a lot more to this
Are we expected to believe their wouldn't be an excavation to find what took them.
This one didn't even creep me, I just thought it was silly.
Sillier and funnier than possessed weight lifter of the cemetery one.
>one post in the middle of the house will make it fall over
Suddenly can't give a shit.
What's funny.
Terrible ending desu
What a stupid as fuck story
are you fucking kidding me that was lame as fuck
>Record scratch
>You are probably wondering how I got in this situation, well, let me tell you-