I started Growlanser 2 recently, It's really fun so far, but is there a fucking undub patch available...

I started Growlanser 2 recently, It's really fun so far, but is there a fucking undub patch available? It ranges from terrible (Max) to fucking ridiculous (Wolfgang) and it's getting taxing

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I've tried to find it myself but I think the links for it are dead and gone.

Maybe the links for it still work on the emuparadise forums?

Did you seriously not even try googling Growlanser 2 undub before making this thread?

Yes, there is. All the growlanser games have undub patches.

Growlanser 2 is an amazing game, glad someone on Sup Forums is playing it. Have you played Growlanser 1? This is a sequel so it's highly recommended to play 1 first.

this art looks like the one from that hentai, Lady Innocent or something like that, was it done by the same person?

Yes, Satoshi Urushihara is the artist for Front Innocent / Another Lady Innocent as well as the Langrisser and Growlanser series. He's a great artist, and it's cool that he draws hentai of his characters.

But that's not why people like these games. The gameplay is really fun.

I have the undubbed iso on my computer. I doubt it's too hard to find online. If it's completely disappeared somehow then I guess I'll upload it.

>Growlanser 2 dub

Fucking sudoku yourself, kamikaze. Did you even listen to those outakes?!

>all I want is a place to put my shit


>playing 2.
>not superior 1 or even 4.

That's an odd thing to say, especially considering you haven't played any of them. Could you explain your reasoning?

coming from 1, 2+3 felt like a complete let down to me, aside from the new gem weapon system, which for those 2 games were absurdly broken. 4 brought it back around but 4 is basically 1 just slightly better in terms of pacing/style

tfw Growlanser 1 fantranslation never

Atleast we got 4 user.

I wonder just how bad Heritage of War sold.

Enjoyed these series. Cutie with mini wings was my waifu (and then Satoshi draws erotica of her and its great)

Yes senpai

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>cutie with mini wings
That applies to over 10 characters.

I have no idea what you're talking about. How exactly was Growlanser 2 a letdown? Coming from Growlanser 1, I thought the second game had vastly improved gameplay, I really liked how it expanded on Growlanser 1's world, and I thought the more politically-driven storyline was more interesting.

I like Growlanser 1 due to the characters, but the gameplay is a lot worse in 1 than it is in the later games. You will use autobattle for most of the fights in growlanser 1 because the battles don't require much strategy; it's not worth the effort to manually assign commands. However in Growlanser 2 you need to care about positioning and come up with different tactics depending on the level design.

>4 brought it back around but 4 is basically 1 just slightly better in terms of pacing/style
What are you talking about? Growlanser 4 uses rings and spellstones just like Growlanser 2.

I believe there are sales figures available, look it up.
Growlanser V is definitely a big step down from the prior entries in the series, but compared to other JRPGs it's not bad.

Too bad Precarious World was never released in the west. It definitely has the cutest girls.

I must disagree.

Best familiar.

You sound like you're ready for the Chaos Wars dub.

Woah, hivemind?
In my opinion: Yurii > Tippi > D-MD > D-LN > Raimy > Korin

Speaking of which, doesn't that game have some crossovers from the Growlanser series?
I always hear about the dub but never anything about the actual game. How is it?

It does have some crossovers, game is alright, not as shitty as Cross Edge, but if you enjoy number porn and SRPGs you might get some mileage out of it. I got a kick out of the dub because of how terrible it is. If they mixed that dub with the SRW Moon Dwellers combination, it would be too good.

>Chaos Wars has become a cult classic because of the poor voice acting in the English conversion of the game. Due to the voice actors sharing last names with members of the publishing team, it's believed they were relatives of the team.

With this I now have all of the tl Growlanser games undubbed. Thanks allot man.