FOREVER IN DEBT _____________________________

Gravity Rush 2 is made by the same guy who made Silent Hill and Siren, talk about waste of talent

whats wrong with you?

Is this a game about a flying torso?

What the fuck are you high? Gravity Rush is great. By that logic you breathe the same air as Daniel Day Lewis, talk about a waste of oxygen.

Bad example, since that guy is a waste of oxygen.


Might as well dump Screenshots







I remember this game starting the "power....of...the PS4.... woah....." meme


Was this game any good. I remember Infamous 1 and 2 were pretty good.


...woah....so this....is the power.....of the PS4....?!

>I'm playin' TRASH®

The gameplay is better but the story isn't as compelling.

Visuals are really nice.



>tfw no Infamous 3 with Cole back in the lead


>The gameplay is better but the story isn't as compelling.
>Visuals are really nice.
Pretty much this. Fun game with an average story. Though Delson really connected with me. I liked him as a character as much as people like to shit on him for not being Cole.

This is for the players™

Yeah, Delsin is the best part along with his brother.

The story itself is kinda average. The characters have good chemistry.

is he Cole's son or just another conduit?

Cole is gone bro, it's time to let it go.

just another conduit, most of the story has nothing to do with Cole sadly



Just another Conduit but in the dlc missions Zeke gives you Cole's jacket and says he would want you to have it and even hints at Cole still being alive.

>Dammit, I'm proud of you.



Bloodborne thread?

It pissed me off when you couldn't save him no matter the ending you got


Yeah, he was a loyal bro until the end.













It still hurts

Still don't get why some concrete on your hands shut down your powers

That started with the WiiU, little newfag.


man i want the game again


The neon effects are so cool













I enjoyed it more than previous parts. This tme the evil rout had some reasons for stuff hero does.

>tfw all my screenshots were taken before the .png update

It hurts.

take them again





welp thats all i have i need to take more

What even is it this guy is trying to force?


i dont know he seems fucking stupid

Fetch was cool.


>and even hints at Cole still being alive.

No he doesn't.


yea i love her



just a generic ass game with different particle effects and cinematic animation abilities.

True. While Evil Cole had some fun bits in his route of the original game, it and the Hero path were pretty evenly played out, with the sequel kind of making the hero path the major one until the end while the endings were made more gray than good or bad.

Here, we could see why Delsin would be more likely to fall into corruption because he's never had a purpose in life and now he's a power sponge.

She does have a pretty cute ass.

>irritate and inspire






Wait a minute that butt is really big

