Nioh. Really enjoying it, but also pissing me off. There's shit I just don't get about this game...

Nioh. Really enjoying it, but also pissing me off. There's shit I just don't get about this game. Nearly done the first level, died twice to the boss though.

1) How the fuck do enemy stamina bars work. They seem to hit red then just instantly start regenerating, whereas if I hit red I'm fucking useless for 2-3 seconds.

2) What are the fucking iframes on rolls/dodges in this game? I'm guessing they aren't meant to be used in the same way as souls games.

3) What causes ki damage when enemies hit you? Seems almost random, but maybe its only "heavy" attacks? Got killed a few times due to getting hit and losing my stamina, opening me up to more attacks and getting wombo combo'd.

Just having a hard time getting used to the high speed of the game combined with enemies having no leash and them all being YOLO as fuck.

The fact that I tend to play defensively in souls games is probably not helping.

Other urls found in this thread:

>try to parry as many attacks as possible
>get hit half the time
>just backpedal, wait for a whiff and then swing (or dodge through a slow attack)
>all goes well
Man I'm so terrible at video games but I'm having a good time anyway.

First. Stop thinking this is a Souls game.
Second. Git gud.

This is souls in the same way that bloodborne is a souls game. Same basic structure of gameplay, but there are changes.

1) They hit red, you're open to either hit them with a critical, or knock them down and then stab them on the ground.

2) Minimal, block what you can't phase through (And yes, the frames are far less forgiving than souls, thank god).

3) Pretty much anything and everything will drain you ki. Get good at ki pulsing (R1) and switching stances mid combo to prevent running yourself out.

>Having a time in the beta
>A beta that removed any and all challenge for the game that was in the alpha
God damn I hate soulsfags
Ruined a good game because they are shit at video games.
I hope game releases with an optional master ninja difficulty with better armor and weapons.

Iframes aren't really a thing in this game. Or at the very least they're minimal and hard to exploit.

Stamina damage is a factor in all attacks.

Don't know if it was just me, but outside of durability I found the alpha easier.

Everything melted and staggered easier, shit was easier to iframe. etc etc

>Same basic structure of gameplay

Haven't played the beta yet, is it really that bad?

The alpha was pretty tough but not too bad once you figured it out.

I'd say it's a bit easier, but it's because of things that I think are improvements. Mostly that lock-on works in a more traditional way now.

What are good things to grab in the Onmyo tree? I'm tempted to grab a weapon buff. What do all the different elements do? Based on the spirits, water seemed to slow down, fire placed a dot, not sure about wind. There's lightning, too.

Sloth talismans are pretty handy, Guardian is okay depending on what guardian you use.


Yes. The game is basically Japanese Souls and anyone who disagrees is in denial.

Was just you.
Reduced enemy aggression
Reduced enemy aggro range
Reduced enemy aggro leash
Reduced enemy damage
Removed durability, effectively removing punishment for dying.
Revenants will 100% always drop something they have equipped.
Revenant AI toned down and is extremely passive.
High stance buff, removed mobility weakness by giving low stance dash ki restore.

Beta is easier.


>Japanese Souls

>1) They hit red, you're open to either hit them with a critical, or knock them down and then stab them on the ground.
I figured, but I've seen enemies drain their stamina with attacks then start regenerating before I can even get a hit in. Also those armoured assholes have hyper armour out the ass and its annoying but at least they are usually less numerous.

Guess I'll just focus on blocking more. Keep thinking that blocking will suck because weapons, but yeah. Just gotta get out of the habit of trying to dodge through stuff.

Actually I think Lightning is slow down.
Water has also something to do with Ki.

Fucking hell man, that third boss.

>Getting my shit wrecked for like 30 min straight
>Finally get him down to like 10%
>Get fucking greedy, take a few unnecessary hits
>Kill the boss at the same time he kills me
>Try him again
>He attacks
>Notice if I get close to him he has a "talk" prompt
>He admits defeat

He was intense as shit. And fuck his Iai spam. Time for twilight!

Durability was bullshit in the alpha, not just a punishment for dying.

It encouraged lugging around two or three weapons at a time so you could use trash weapons 90% of the time and your main weapon when you really needed it.

It could have worked if they gave you enough items to counter it but those were based entirely on RNG.

Japanese aesthetic as opposed to Medieval European, asshat. Obviously only nips make good games.

How in the fuck so you preform tempest, I couldn't do it in the alpha and still can't figure it out for the life of me.

It's ninja gaiden with a souls leveling system.

Nioh is still not a Souls game.

>souls leveling system
What does that even mean? Does God of War also use a Souls leveling system? You collect red orbs that enemies drop to level up.

who else here /unmatchedwarriorofthewest/

I've never had a weapon or armor break on the alpha. Both boss rooms in the alpha has destroyable boxes/pots that always dropped whetstones.

>Also those armoured assholes have hyper armour out the ass
that's because of their weapons and stances, axes and hammers are harder to interrupt, high stances too
it's not random

>88k Amrita for Yokai Realm Twilight Deep in the Shadows
This game is fucking great

>tfw german
>need ps+
>tricked and downloaded the demo from other region
>beat demo
>need fucking ps+ to dl/acquire Mark of the Strong
>they want me to pay 7€ to Sony, so I can get something from KT

You don't put points into attributes in gow

Is Tempest that sword clash move?
If so, then no idea. Apparently it works by pressing Guard when you have them in the red?
I only make it work by using the Perfect Block.


desu I stopped trying to fight him honorably because he can take axe strong stance heavy hits to the face without batting an eye - I just waited him out until there was opportunities to break his stamina then punish him, trying to fight him honorably doesn't work when every attack he does has hyper armor, and he has so much hp

You level up your weapons, which in return increase your attack points.
I just want everyone calling everything Souls like.Yes Nioh clearly took inspirations from DS etc.But saying it is a Souls game just set in japan is stupid.

>Revenant AI toned down and is extremely passive.
Wait what? I never played alpha, but 99% of revenants I fight in the beta just fucking continuously attack as long as they have stamina.

>PC version of a Koei game
Not sure that's something I'd want. They'd just make a vita version and port that to PC.

fucking this, where is that fucking kodama?

Anyone know where the black hat kodama is in Hino's lair?

Nioh is ninja gaiden as a action RPG. Stop the " souls like" bullshit

>Nioh PC port
>looks like non existent PS3 version
>won't have password system for online
>online won't ship at launch

Check the oni house in one of the corners. Little bastard's in a box.

>) How the fuck do enemy stamina bars work. They seem to hit red then just instantly start regenerating, whereas if I hit red I'm fucking useless for 2-3 seconds.

You hit them when they are red and it stuns them

The 60fps setting is the PS3 version.

Every revenant I've fought in beta just hold block and passively strafe to the left and right around me except hammer/axe ones. Those just do the extremely obvious high stance strong combo and then run out of stamina and die

Same here, I just ran around that rock formation and did hit and run tactics.
Also got some lucky parries in on him, which helped a lot.

The fuck is wrong with you? The kodama are easier to find in the beta and they even give you kodama sonar.

I keep hearing this meme but I haven't had a single problem with Koei PC ports

never played DO5LR on PC though

Every revenant I've fought was aggressive as all hell, and would attack until they got low on stamina.

I hit a wall in the cave.
It hit me back

Somehow I found half of the Bat Cave Kodamas only on Twilight...

Are you using the armor crusher axe? That can take his stamina from 100 to 0 in one combo.

Pirate Warriors 3 was a straight up vita port, I'm pretty sure. Graphics were terrible.

Man, that sounds hell of a lot better than all my revanants. They were all on fucking crack.

How do you beat the oni fuckers without being a lame piece of shit and poke them with a spear all day?

I'm guessing you're I'm the minority
I've been farming revenants for raikiri since isles twilight is locked until tomorrow. And most just sit there and wait for me to attack.

hit their head

Abuse 1 kat/2 kat/spear kicks to drain their stamina, or smash their horns off with hammer to instantly drain their stamina

ah, i remember now, when i jumped in the house quickly opened the door to fight the oni outside and never came back


Get behind their back and wail on them in low stance.
psssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhttttt nothin personel kid I say while pressing R1+O

>spamming this copypasta

Also breathing only happens if you're hit in red stamina as opposed to exhausrinf to stamina.
Breathing time had been cut in half.

Beta is a joke compared to alpha

the combat mechanics aren't even remotely similar but all the other mechanics are pretty much exactly the same and have some equivalent from souls

Why is this game so bland? It copies the gameplay of souls but has none of the style. It's so boring to look at.


Spears aren't as fun in beta as they are in the alpha.
Sorry spear-kun I'm going to have to drop you for katana sama

What other mechanics?
>Souls invented checkpoints
>Souls invented co-op
>Souls invented bosses at the end of a level
>Souls invented equipment
>Souls invented quick use items

That's how lots of us are playing the demo.

Unless you have enemy attack patterns memorized you shouldn't attempt parries

It plays nothing like souls. Heres your (you)
This game actually had depth in its gameplay as opposed to your mash r1 to win games

That stone wall Oni is pretty fast for being a stone wall.

it was that fucking 2/9 one goddammit I swear to fuck I heard it yesterday I should have looked harder. Thank you based user.

Wait, what? What is that, and where is it?

Shoot his eyes to stun him, get some hits and get out, repeat until dies.

It's living up to the tradition of stone wall creatures in Japanese games being absolute assholes.

Fuck you Okami.

Is 2kat easy mode?

That fucker bitchsmacked a host right in front of me, was the funniest thing I've seen in the game so far

Near the Oni after the second checkpoint in the second level.

I feel like waiting until the full release, if the free dlc even good?

>dark souls
>not the king of button smashing boring gameplay


>Dark Souls 3
>Removed anything remotely deep about it's combat from 2 and 1

top kek for the bait

No. 1kat is easy mode. 2kat only has one spin to win move.



souls invented a unique version of most of those
>checkpoint that lets you level up and respawns all the enemies and when you die the world is as you left it
>leaving bloodstain with all your level up resource when you die
>co-op in the form of a random spirit you summoned that is only there til one of you dies
>equipment all scales with different stats that you choose to suit your playstyle and all have descriptions that give lore tidbits
>can put different equipment on every part of your body
>half the consumable items in nioh are reskinned souls items under a diffferent name
having gold that you retain after death is the only unique thing, and the weapon upgrade system

Is it twilight only?

Alpha was an overall better game
I miss the rain temple stage

>Removed anything remotely deep about it's combat from 2 and 1
what are you talking about? combat is pretty much exactly the same as DaS1 but with no pose and harder backstabs

The only thing unique that Souls brought was the coop/invasion systems. Everything else existed in PS2 era action games or RPGs in general.

thwomp's twisted fucking psychopath side

name 1 game that isnt a souls clone and has checkpoints that function exactly like bonfires, along with dropping and retrieving your shit when you die

You're being silly.

Yes, all of these things existed before, but Souls was the first one to present them all in this specific configuration and it's easily recognizable.

When an enemy's stamina is empty, hit them and they'll be stuck having to regain stamina, then hit triangle to do a stun blow that does a ton of damage

No. It's the wall.

How is 1kat easy mode?
I'm trying semen demon with a purple 1kat I got and it's tough as fuck, with 2kat I just mash square and stamina drain her, almost felt like cheesing.

Mechanics which Nioh stole from Dark Souls:

>Bonfires/Checkpoints that "reset" the area
>Similar leveling/attribute system
>Stamina management
>Summoning style for co-op
>Bloodstain upon death which you can retrieve
>Can view specters of other dead players (revenant)

Am I missing anything?



Duck tales came out before dark souls and had the bloodstain mechanic
Castlevania had enemy respawns on death actually all old side scrolls did.
Diablo 1 and 2 did that both item points you made
Ever action RPG had a healing item a currency item snd etc. Devil may cry came out before dark souls and had the same shit.

Hopefully someone saves this this time for future reference. Been sayin this since the Alpha.

Fire: Damage over time
Water: Defence debuff
Wind: Not sure, whatever it is it's hard to test, but it's not an attack debuff
Thunder: Speed debuff
Earth: Ki defence debuff
Inflicting two at once causes another special debuff that instantly drops their Ki.

Whats with the artifical difficulty with the twilight bosses? Why these minion spawning every time?

I first played it on the Wii.

Clover was already dead ;_;

There's another one actually earlier in the level. I think it was in the room where the dude with the boss' room key is.

>Dark Souls
>Stamina management