>Main character has to save best friend from themselves and the darkness within them
Main character has to save best friend from themselves and the darkness within them
>hahah whos that lambda guy
>hmm richard keeps saying "we" wonder what's wrong
>who's lambda??
>let's not mention protos heis to sophie after she conveniently leaves the room to not hear it
Dont know why they even bothered keeping people from Team Destiny in the company, they should just let Team Symphonia do every single game.
just make gay threads already
I mean...you're unironically, complaining, about video game stories. Like either grow up or realize that the gameplay is equally childish. Realize it.
Because TD produced the best combat systems in the series?
Who is that standing next to Roxas? Is this Kingdom Hearts?
>the funniest character in the party had to leave because muh edge plot
the main arc was so dumb
Evolve Sup Forums...
The main enemy of this game was Lambda's inmaturity. It was literally a small child that lived for hundreds of years without any mental development. And in the end people are still using him for their own purposes, albeit now with his consent.
At least he gets to fuck an alien titty monster in a few hundred years
Thats Kairi (male)
Wasn't it more he was a tool that evolved Sapience, was used and mistreated because of it, became jaded and angry at the world until Asbel made efforts to save him and Richard? with future arc being a lot of Asbel trying to power of friendship show Lambda the good in people?
>best friend
>hung out with him one weekend when they were 8 years old
They carved their names on a tree, that's like third base in Anime Relationships
To a prince who probably never got any contact with other kids his age or anything else along those lines, that would be an extremely treasured memory for life.
its a series popular with fujioshi, Richard wants nothing more than Asbel's dick in his butt from the moment Asbel refused to accept gratuity for helping Richard.
haha, got any doujins or anything suggestive to share with me?
Like that Naruto Ninja Storm 4 harem ninjutsu nipple edit
this thread is for canon relationships only
From angsty edgelord to literally your bro. Even lays on the banter in the extra chapter.
Yes, but trying to murder an entire species just because some of them were douchebags is a clear case of inmaturuty for me. Remember that his "father" was actually teaching him how to be nice and to live a normal life until shit hit the fan. It took some hundred years and Asbel's deal to let show him the world to finally put Lambda again on good tracks. And becoause he's not human he may never mature, just keep learning with his childish logic as an eternal bias.
I actually can't remember what was Lambda's true nature apart of the black mass of something. The future arc is still on my backlog. Still, I consider Tales of Graces the only case of power of friendship done right.
It's more of case of him becoming mindbroken rather than simple immaturity. He got mistreated by the humans he first met on Asbel's planet too because of his corrupted appearance
Now that I think about it, this may be the case. Can't remember all the details about the story. But I can only picture Lambda as having the mind of a child.
I really should finish the future arc already.
>Like either grow up or realize that the gameplay is equally childish. Realize it.
You sound like you're suffering from a destroyed anus, I apologize, try some Preparation H.
I completely thought the thumbnail was something else.
you're an angry loser
how dumb are you, my man???
get outside and stop being ashamed of your maybe-hobby.
>better game
Lambda jis just an edgelord archetype basically. his entire life was him being shat on in various ways so he only knew how to hate, abandoned and near death devolving into only malice and anger, attaching to Richard and feeding of Richards negative feleings, etc.
Future arc is entirely about Lambda interacting with and questioning Asbel's logic to try and understand him. basically learning to not be an emo. it's not anything omg innovative but it fleshes out Lambda more.
Wasn't the boy at the very end suppose to be their great-great grandson? Doesn't that mean Asbel and Cheria would have been dead already? I figured it was their son, but Sophia said that she had a dream and it was their great-great grandson.
I guess if Cheria and Asbel had a son it would have looked like that.
Gay thread >w
I thought the Tales of Xillia series was fucking god-tier among Tales Of games.
>Gay thread
>Post a guy making out with his gf
Now you're going to get my thread deleted, this isn't a gay thread, goddamn it.
that's the implication basically yes. that Sophie will grow up but ts still effectively immortal, so she'll take care of Asbel and Cheria's decedents because she's part of their family.
I want the source name of this video before the thread gets deleted.
It's kind of hot but then he takes of his clothes and you see his dick, dicks are still repulsive. It's not feminine enough. I'm not gay are I?
who cares he's on enough tit skittles he has pointy boy breasts.
thats what friends are for right
is Pascal and Hubert canon?
if so she's a pedophile
yes future arc sets it up, pascal's maybe not exactly aware of what Hubert specifically means but she's game for anything.
I've seen some videos where Hubert attacks Malik because he thinks he made her pregnant or some shit like that
in Future Arc Malik just goes total troll mode alongside Richard and they basically riff and mock/tease Hubert Cheria and Asbel every chance they can.
the future Arc is just in the ps3 version right? I only played the wii japanese version so I might have missed some of that stuff
Tales of Graces f is the edition with the Future arc. I have no idea if the wii US version had it or whatnot, as I played it on ps3.
There was no US Wii version.
Yeah, the f stands for Future.
>that body swap event in bears
Lewdest bather event yet.
Are you implying this is bad? I loved Graces f, story and all. It was run of the mill but I thought they nailed it for the most part.
oh nice
the good side of the japanese version is the voices and the dlc costumes
I enjoy Graces as well but it's story is almost cringe tier generic, Future arc saves the characters and game a lot.
I enjoyed the game, even with its weak story and characters, never played the Future Arc though, since the original game and its post game was was already around 80 hours, is it good?
The Future Arc is fantastic and definitely worth playing, it's much better storywise than the main game.
yeah it's good, iit's very self aware of the dumb parts the main story had and calls them out, Malik and Richard especially get very 4th wall, Richard also very much aware of how much he owes Asbel is determined to be bro for life. meanwhile Asbel has a lot of conversations with lambda with lambda trying to understand Asbel's idiotic logic, etc.
Literally my favorite trope in games. I loved Graces F story because of that.