Can we talk about this mother fucker right here?

Can we talk about this mother fucker right here?

I know MGS is a convoluted clusterfuck of a story but what the hell was up with Pliskin? He shows up for 5 mins out of no where, is a total fucking badass, and is never mentioned again in the entire series.

Why would they do that? Everything in MGS is connected somehow, so why would they make him a semi-important part of the story in 2 and never bring him up again?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know either. They even made him a playable character in the VR missions.

Real talk, why do you guys keep doing this shit? It wasn't funny the first time, it's certainly not gonna be funny the millionth.

He was just a soldier doing his job. His team got killed so he had to improvise and work with Raiden. He might've gotten killed after he disappeared. Or maybe he just went back home for the next mission.

la li lu le lo detected

Do you think he'll show up again in MGS6?

fuck off fucking lying bitch you don't know shit about MGS

did you guys know you can give Pliskin a razor? haha

i mean you can but why would you want to haha

>Iroquois is clearly a Native American name
>this guy is a white male


It could maybe be, maybe he was around when Raiden got turned into a cyborg.

Do you think he was linked to the Patriots?

What the fuck are you cunts even talking about?

It's Solid Snake, he's just going by a stupid name so everyones not all like "OMG ITS SNAKE"

Right? RIGHT?

what are you talking about man, snake and pliskin look totally different

i mean, snake has a bandana and this guy doesn't

I heard Kojima wanted to add him into MSGV and he was going to be a big part of the story, but then he was forced to remove him by the US government and that's why the game was shitty and incomplete

This genuinely made me laugh out loud! XD

V has come to

Hard to say, knowing Kojimbo anything could happen. Maybe Pliskin was some kind of super soldier created by the Patriots, it would explain his skills.

>pliskin is snake!

not this meme again

Metal Gear Shitpost Sup Forums, ammiright?? XD

>tfw plisken and otacon never saw eachother after this

Come on man, Everyone knows that snake died on that tanker, two years ago.

Actually playing a Navy Seal outside from SOCOM would've been really cool too. I miss Pliskin now.

He had to go escape from LA.

Why did Snake even come up with Pliskin? It's not like he ever used that persona to any effect.


>he still doesn't know


It's not Snake

Epic meme thread guys! Well Sup Forums we've done it again. These are some of my favorite movies and I love movies.

Are you alright?

>those facial animations
>in a fucking PS2 game

How did Kojima do it bros?

>he still thinks Pliskin is Snake
>this much denial
>samefaging this hard

Holy shit

To interact with the other team if he needed to. Although i would think it would be fairly easy for them to find out if he really was who he said he was

If you have a moderately skilled person doing them then it only takes time but most companies aren't worry about such things.

>all these newfaggot crossposters that cant take a long running joke
Whoa hey wrong door guys, pretendchan is 2 boards down the hall.

Man MGSV's graphics really don't hold up compared to all the other games sides MGS1

Because it's the only cross gen game?

>Snake then
* Eyes full of determination, fixed on his goal.
* Head at 90 degrees ready to face the challenge ahead
* Muscular, lean, ideal herioic frame. I would trust this guy with my life.
* Shoes zipped and tied like someone fresh from military life.

>Snake now
* Dead