R6 Siege thread: FUN edition

4.1 has come and blessed us with the changes

>Fatsos with shields like pic related are now slightly faster and can haul ass when they hear the C4
>Pulse is not the Aphex pick anymore, crutchies go apeshit
>Semi-auto shottys are still cool as fuck

>fav operator
>most hated operator

>fav map
>most hated map

Other urls found in this thread:


Will post some Siege memes to spice things up


>many operators have HI TECH prodigies of human inventive
>Thatcher has EMP grenades
>Jägers ADS can intercept explosives mid flight
>Bandit wears fucking jeans, a leather jacket and plugs car batteries to metal shit



How can a man with such autistic looking glasses look so cool?

Did they nerf autoshotties yet? I've pretty much been coasting along with some really bullshit clutches because of how fucking broken it is, and I'm afraid of actually having to aim now.

I lost it at this

Fuck should I come back? Haven't played in two weeks.


Yes, this patch has adjusted semi autos to not be so strong at medium range

Finally some new memes

Come back and play some Montagne, user

He has missed you

You realize they're welding goggles right?

>jamming drone holes instead of walls
>wasting jammers on drones at all

I stopped playing a week ago because of people picking dlc shotgun characters and pulse
Might come back into it

Stumbled upon this game recently and looked up some gameplay of it. It sure looks fun as heck with all those options you have map wise.

How's the variety of the troops and whatnot? Also, I've read quite a bit about latency/server issues affecting games, is it noticeable or is it just people with crap internet complaining about crap connections?

Yeah, I do, in fact my father worked as a welder before reitiring and had some similar ones, but they look silly nevertheless

I've bought the game but totally forgot about it because my friends never really bothered
How do I into Siege

>now slightly faster
Just to clarify, when Skull Rain was released shield operator speed was unintentionally slowed down. Now with the patch, they're just back to their normal 1 speed.

Every now and then there are times where it is just rubber banding everywhere. But for the most part it is stable.

>Fatsos with shields like pic related are now slightly faster and can haul ass when they hear the C4

well really they just fixed something. they are back to how fast they were in season 2. not sure why or what made them slow though...

tho pulse can go fuck himself.

>electrify reinforced walls
>Jäger, Mute and Valkyrie waste their gadgets placing them on sparky surfaces

Makes my blood boil

thats not permanent, at least its not meant to be. they just gonna block drones, then once preparation phase ends they pick those back up and put them somewhere not stupid

>letting the enemy gain intel that can change the flow of the match

fuck off bronze

Mein siden

Shottys are much more manageable now, but Caveira's one is still too damn good

So how big is the Pulse nerf? I fucking hated getting shot from other floors because Pulse spams me through the floor/ceiling

Is he fucking useless? The only value I see him having is when combo'd with mute jammers. He often hurts his team by being an idiot and walling up their movement or at the very least providing safe walls to breach or fuze through more than any protection the plates give

The only thing I know is that C4's aren't that scary anymore

at least pulse spam made IQ relevant for a while

Pretty fucking big, notice how his range nerf and the shotty nerf overlaps

>enemy team sees the reinforced wall and now can use thermite on it
also most of the mute who block the drones don't bother to place the jammer later near walls.
>place my jammer first, bandit place after me his battery
>I get the 10 points penalty

He's teamcomp dependant, but he has the same weapons as Pulse, so he's OK in that regard. The problem is mastering when to barricade and what to barricade. And when not to pick Castle too, why lie.

i fucking aced the enemy team as montagne the other day, it made my heart beat like a mother fucker

>place battery
>mute places jammer away from the battery
>picks it up again and places near the battery
> -10

Are Bandits and Mutes meant to hate eachother?

>fav operator
>most hated operator

>fav map
>most hated map

Managed to run through 2 mid air C4's and bonked Caveira's and Pulse's head with the shield

Why does playing Montagne feel so fucking good?

Whay all GSG 9 operators wearing jeans?

Today I saw a Tachanka destroy Bbeard's shield, didn't know that could happen

I bought the Nazi mask for him, couldn't stand the retard goggles

All missions take place on casual friday

His main problem is how many breach charges people get, and also what you said about it being safe.

Don't talk shit about the bottle bottom glasses, mate

so they rushed from home or something?

Germans are too poor to afford proper uniforms so they just use whatever they find at goodwill

I would actually be cool with his ability being reworked into a variant on the normal deployable cover except either indestructible or at least more resistant to being blown up, and it would be more like his video where you've got a safe spot to hide behind

Jokes aside, it is well known that GSG9 operators arrive to combat zones wearing civilian clothing, and it is common for many quick response teams to do so. Adidas manufactures their shoes too, so to make them realistic and distingishable from other operators, they wear jeans, sneaners and are the most stylish motherfuckers in the entire Rainbow team.

Also, IQ uses nail polish.

How hard would your boner be if pic related was an available operator?

They are fast responders, mostly undercover and will usually just throw on their vests and gear up. It is just the way GSG9 works, they are not SWAT, german equivalent of this would be SEK.
They have a complete uniform, too.

>Season 2's operators are re-imagining of existing characters

will they ever fix the fucking netcode?

>mfw c4 is still broken

>Klaus, have you seen my helmet?
>Mannfred? Erik? Any idea?

>Oh wait, it was in my right hand the whole time.

That pulse looks like a cancer patient

play the first few situations

you're going to into multiplayer and get absolutely wrecked

just own it and try to learn the maps

>Instantly gets headshotted the moment he wears it
>Wife and sons complain on the newspaper how fucking unfair it is that you only need one shot to the noggin' to die, no matter which weapon

Why does IQ wear jeans and also why would an elite anti-terrorist taskforce like GSG-9 allow a stupid girl to join their team?

how long till the new operators get the normal price?

because he's kinda is

You have to go back


But user he's the cancer, not the patient

I wanna play rb6. Don't wanna deal with normie friends. My steam is spidermonkeywings. Send a request betafags

Why isn't there more IQ porn

Season pass is like $17 on G2A user

>I want Shad pics: the post


>Allow a stupid girl on their team
Talk shit about my waifu again I dare you

>no pink nail polish

The devil's in the details

^^^^^^^^^ THIS

>TFW no Logan Keller or Bishop
Kill me

Because it is fiction

>Sie sagen immer "Männer". Denken Sie darüber nach, Ihren Verband auch für Frauen zu öffnen?
You always say "men". Do you plan to open GSG9 for women?
>Lindner Für Frauen ist der Weg in die GSG 9 schwierig, aber nicht ausgeschlossen. Wir haben bereits Frauen bei uns beschäftigt, allerdings nicht in den Einsatzeinheiten. Weibliche Bewerber müssen dieselben Anforderungen erfüllen wie die Männer. Wir sind darauf angewiesen, dass ein kleines Team in Extremsituationen funktioniert. Da können wir bei den physischen Leistungen keine Abstriche machen.
GSG9 commander Lindner: For women the way to GSG9 is hard but not impossible. We already employed some women, but not in the response units. Female applicants have to meet the same requirements as men. Every small team has to work in extreme situation, we cannot lower the requirements for them.

I'd rather wait than spend more to get temporary benefits
also the game is good but doesn't deserve more than what I already paid


why DO swat types wear balaclavas anyways? i dont see what advantage you get from covering some of your face. i only see cons, no pros.

So they can be modern day superheros

>tfw play on ps4 because none of my friends have this game for pc

Goddammit I hate playing with a controller

>Use cluster charge in wall
>Somehow you down yourself

Bonus points:
>Use thermite on reinforced wall outside building
>walk away from the blast area
>you fall and get incapped


Not being recognized if filmed or photographied if they are members of an undercover response team

Security reasons, don't want their boys getting ID'd by the bad guys

i dont get people like you. my little brother just put together a really nice pc, about on par with mine. but then just plays all his shooters on xbox anyways because his little faggot friends do. thats not an excuse. dont let those bastards ruin your gaming experience. they can get it on pc or fuck off. make new pc friends.

i guess i lucked out when all of my real life friends play pc games. tho, none of them play the same games as me. oh well.

Holy fuck

I assume it's for anonymity and intimidation

I'm not scared of fascist bootlickers.


I wish the people I played against were like that
half the time it almost seems like they're using XIM4
But the guy in the webm is also shit so they are just in the retard bracket of matchmaking

makes sense i guess. i suppose thats for.... lower level shit. where you arent necessarily planning on killing everyone. i dont think super secret dark shit like seal team 6 killing osama bin laden are wearing shit like that.

they all look like Blackbeard does. because they leave no witnesses and theres no reporters outside a terrorist compound looking for interviews or to take pics.

Playing on consoles is ass, yeah, but friends make it fun enough to balance it out

Is it just me or rones looks cute(when activated)
>bumping into drone with my drone
>we just staring at each other for 2 second

Would it be so bad for the Shock Drone to be able to jump?

Wouldn't have said it better myself

>but friends make it fun enough to balance it out

they dont. they really, really dont. ill play rainbow with some friends, and then they get tired of it for one reason or another, and decide to play overwatch. i have the game, but i dont like it and they just go play that together and i stay behind to play more rainbow. id prefer to play a good game alone than a shit game with friends.

We can siege if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't siege and if they don't siege
Well, they're no friends of mine

>All you need to join GSG 9 is a community college degree and an Ipad

Does it still have cheaters? That's the only reason I didn't buy it when it went on sale.

all you need is a submachinegun, a helmet, and some stolen batteries

Well I remember reading an article a few years back on why the U.S. military doesn't let their soldiers wear balaclavas. Something about not wanting to stoop to their enemies' level to protect their identities. Also, I suppose it would be harder for tangos to infiltrate as a grunt if they don't have a mask.