Do you think Arin is bitter that his friend's channel has put Game Grumps to shame in every regard? Even Arin was funnier on it than he is on Game Grumps.
Do you think Arin is bitter that his friend's channel has put Game Grumps to shame in every regard...
you don't set a high bar do you, user?
Honestly, OneyPlays is pretty good. Some videos aren't that great but most are pretty alright. Wish they finish Luigi's Mansion.
it's only good when he plays with friends. him playing alone is ultimate autismo
Man, Chris must be boned if he's resorting to marketing on Sup Forums. Guess he fucked up pitching his new show to the hollywood execs. I bet it drives him crazy knowing that his only chance at success is to become a let's player.
The editing is its only high point and that is only in a few videos
Chris just makes the same noises every video
Oney is 10/10 but holy fuck the guys in his new videos are so unfunny it hurts.
Also RIP SleepyCabin.
Makes sense. He moved to LA aka one of the most expensive places in the country instead of staying in cozy PA. His instagram and tweets have just been him hanging out at Game Grumps, it's happening.
I love that the main friend I see him playing with is Hoopwise, the guy behind The Best Gamers. Hoop should get RC64 in on it.
all chris did was make fun of let's players, now he has a channel he uploads daily to.
The Cubix one was pretty funny
What went wrong?
you started watching their videos
>tryhard screaming over people chilling and focusing on a game
One guy with a funny idea who isn't funny.
One funny guy who becomes an obnoxious prick when not making his own content.
I don't know. You tell me.
It should have always been Oney and Arin doing Nu-Gamegrumps, not Dan.
>all my favorite animators have become shitty "let players"
>half of them don't even upload everyday
They said that's not Hoopwise repeatedly, apparently he left during that 2012 window when they did Loud House.
>Sup Forums loved ego and hated jon
>by the end Sup Forums hated ego and loved jon
I miss their early videos though
Also knew a guy who actually bought one of those, he was a tit
>latest one say they'll make it to atleast episode 30
>stop making them after that podcast
It's literally the only funny thing these guys make on a consistent basis anymore. I'm not going to rag on their animations since the process does take a good bit but they're basically doing nothing with their release schedule.
>RIP SleepyCabin
What? It's ending?
First Fantasy Fiction now this, god dammit.
Hoop is trying to distance himself. After their failed Adult Swim shit, he is very salty. I would be too if I was the only person out of a group putting in work on a project. Well, RC64 was trying, but he is just one dude and not an editor either.
Did you notice that Arin pretty much copies Oney's personality and jokes whenever they do a video together? Watch an Oney video and a Dan video to see how different Arin acts.
Arin has no personality, he just sucks it from the people around him.
Jon got a better crew.
One kid who dropped out of high school and is always pumped up on anti depressants
The other came from a rich middle eastern family and didn't really need to finish school or get an education
Both fell ass backwards into money due to 13-25 somethings who watch their videos for "free" on their parent's internet bill, while Youtube makes money from those ads
In the real world, no 13-25 something would give them a dime (or could afford too). Arin would end up at Burger King or Walmart and Jon would still be at home playing video games and living off of daddy's money in that sweet ass house of his on the hills
Yeah I don't get it I have friends that make music and want to move there badly what's the point in paying 1000$ a month for a shitty windowless apartment in a shitty side of town
fuck oney should team up with jontron, or with stamper if he's free
Pat, just fuck off.
>every flash artist you grew up with became a fucking lets player
That GBC stream with the Best Gamers and other Sleepycabin members is the best thing they've done.
Jon talked about it on his streams, seems his father is a rich as fuck bank exec and his mom is a stay at home mom. Seems like Jon just got babied like crazy and has a really odd relationship with his parents. His father had surgery and almost died a few years back and Jon was "Meh" about it.
He's honestly pretty good at this.
but chris is a bit of a polymath, hes got some of that controllable autism power.
They're ending because it ended up taking more time out of their work schedule than they thought it would. Also they figured quality>quantity which is okay. I'd rather relisten to 10/10 podcasts while they focus on making cartoons and stuff.
Oneyplays still seems pretty simple and I prefer it that way. They hardly finish games but at least they aren't forcing themselves to or selling out to Wendy's.
It reminds me of early Gamegrumps so I hope it doesn't have the same future of being soulless entertainment for a paycheck.
Can you blame them? They spend months of work to make a 10 minute animation, while any bumfuck vlogger or LPer can spend under an hour making the same length of video.
didnt a lot of this shit get debunked already
What's also kind of odd is how much they said on Sleepycast that moving to LA is a terrible idea for most because money, yet they announce on the subreddit they're all eventually moving there so I dunno what's real anymore.
What are you supposed to do to make the writing green?
>white "people"
no but as a fan of their works, its frustrating.
pic related
It's where everything is happening.
You get out and network with other people doing similar stuff.
>Original GG
>Hey we're playing stuff, cool
>Current GG
It seems like Stamper is the only one smart enough to go there for actual work beyond animation, and he apparently fucking hates it.
Yes. One of them was even in Zach's stream a couple nights back saying how most of that shit was false and explained the situation.
I wish I had those shirts
And now they're also split up since Ethan moved
Supposedly he and his parents had issues and claimed he was "abused". I remember back when Gamegrumps was still relatively new, this was posted alot.
Joji (Filthy Frank) is half Japanese half white
Not making full palytroughs is the best way to do this kind of videos. What is the point of making 100000000 videos of a single game if he can showcase a bunch of fun games while letting just enough for the audience to look for said games and play(or avoid) them themselves.
TBFP started like that and it was quite fun, them they started making full playtroughs that were boring and lengthy as hell.
Will it be missed?
I'll miss it.
It's obvious Mick trying to be the big boss man fucked up sleepycabin
They both have really awkward bodies
>h3h3 left ny
Jon will finally make true jontrons and not stupid hybrid shit with creative input from another guy with a very different kind of humor.
First Arin fucked up JonTrons's formula,m then h3h3. He needs to grow a fucking spine and tell them that their stupid ideas fucking suck.
Never funny
And to California no less. It must suck for Jontron since he has issues with Gamegrumps, his parents, and his ex-girlfriend being there and all. Going to Cali probably feels awful for him.
I will
Ethan and Hila are also kikes and Jon is a dirty middle eastern scum. None of those people are white.
>half white
Joji is half Australian. He probably has degenerate Abbo genes, Joji is the most subhuman of them all.
>his dad almost died
Wasn't this when his mom called during a recording session and told him his dad survived an operation that just turned out to be a dental appointment?
Obviously, Ben is a sperg and Gabe is a smug cunt. I like in a podcasty sense, for general listening.
Oneyplays guests from best to worst :
Super Mega
You think? I really liked his dark souls series when he did that, he was real quiet and focused on the gameplay and it was really the only time I was interested in watching a dark souls playthrough ever
Oney is better at let's playing than Arin is. His cubix video he put up the other day had me out of breath. It's fucking hilarious. If only he uploaded more frequently and finished more of the games he played.
who are super mega anyways
man stamper was OG on that podcast every time he was on I listened to him and zach speaking I was on my knees laughing literally
He was a rich spoiled kid who had every game and system on the block, it was just your typical 1st world problems
At the time, Jon was the funny-man and Arin was the straight man. They swapped around occasionally, but that was how things generally went.
Danny is a nice enough guy but the dude doesn't have a strong-enough personality - straight man or funny man - for Arin to bounce off of. So every episode is like 11 minutes of Arin literally sharting his pants and being pushy, trying to fill both roles, while Danny just sits there agreeing.