Yukiko invites you to stay at her inn.
What do you do?
Yukiko invites you to stay at her inn.
What do you do?
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Thanks but say I already have a place to live. Not about to waste money on a pointless inn.
No thanks, I'm leaving this boring shithole tomorrow and I want to spend my last night here playing video games.
Invite myself to stay inside Yukiko.
Ask if I can bring Mai waifu, Chie.
Uhhh no. I don't like sleeping in beds that aren't my own. Feels nasty.
I ask how much it's going to cost.
Fuck my waifu, Chie there
Play persona 3 instead.
Hit her in the face, it is not polite to ask people like that.
Refuse because I don't want to die in this weird town
Maybe she can invite Naoto over too
She would offer this in passing to anyone. Maybe? Do you at least have cable?
Thank her, and ask for Rise to be delivered to my room.
i refuse on the basis that she is not my waifu
Take up her invitation and bring Yumi
I know you just want these OP
Enjoy the promotions
the absolute madman
Based user
Yukiko is zzzzz.....
What will they name the kids? Something with "yu" in the name maybe
I always knew she was more of the town bicycle than chie was
Either way Rise still best
Talc my balls
Their kid's name will be you
that looks like that would snap your dick up
Would she tell horror stories during pillow talk?
Would you get a fear boner from them?
>sex in the baths
She's going to be a shitty inn owner.
at least it's not water fuck
water sex is actually worse than hitler and moving to the poolside is basically necessary
This thread is getting deleted.
Larry and Charlie
fucking stupid mosaic and japanese hipocrisy
ooouch dude cant un feel now
I want to fist Yukiko's asshole.
Get a room for myself and lock the door so nobody disturbs me
Marie invites you to listen to one of her poems in the Velvet Room while Igor and Margaret are absent.
What do you do?
I want to FUCK that grill
Tell her I have band practice with Yosuke
Why not? Let's go.
I'm already there.
Book a room with Rise and fuck her all night.
Ask where Margaret is
Get out as fast as I can.
Adachi invites you to his apartment to eat some cabbages.
What do you do?
Ask how fucking much is per Night.. Hotels are expensive dawg...
Fap with her panties with the purpose of getting caught, she then catches me then starts masturbating as I pretend to know she isn't there.
Eventually she enters the room, doesn't say anything and starts stroking me. We then eventually fuck like animals for several hours, cuddle and fall asleep.
God, I'm so lonely.....so very lonely
Bring some ingredients and cook him a nice meal. I think he deserves it.
call some hookers
If she's letting me have the room for free, sure, I'll bring Rise with me.
None of you will ever get laid
That's funny
Yeah, cause I want to have sex with a 2D woman, not a disgusting 3D pig.
Yeah, fuck you i'm well aware of that.
ask for their special service
Not my waifu, so unless she says Aigis is going to be there I refuse.
tell her that im staying over naoto's instead
Superior taste, user.
Get the Amagi Special, of course.
Why not bring her to the inn and enjoy the hotsprings together?
Why does anime suck so bad
nips have no taste
This looks nice. What is it?
What extra "services" does Amagi provide to guests?
True that
Some music video from that guy that made meme me
>not naming it "back of the knee maybe"
I complimentary breakfast mint on your pillow
Sneak into her and Chie's room while they're sleeping and fuck Chie
I always think about doing it, but never do
I take Best Girl Rise into a room with me and we fuck like dogs all night while Yukiko hears it across the thin walls
No, that's too expensive, and I already got a room at a youth hostel.
stay home and play AA2
>Chie's heightened senses thanks to her martial arts training hear you coming in
>She easily takes you down, pinning you into a submission and breaking your left arm with no effort
>Yukiko picks up one of her many traditional Japanese blades and slices your head clean off
Yukiko won't be able to hear it over her own moaning with the pounding I'll be giving her
cant wait to talk about all the interests we don't share and even if we do its still for completely different reasons.
She has an inn!?
S O R C E.
Try not to get killed by my female roommates since my friends invited me to the hot springs during woman hours.
Why do you think we're here?
>female roomates
Macross Frontier
I want to make a perfume out of Rise's armpit sweat.
thanks for reminding me asshole ;_;
If you shave your legs and wear stockings we can do something about it boy.