Give me your best vidya and alcohol combos
Like pic related, PTSD simulator and a bottle of vodka, btfoing Fritz with my Mosin for the Motherland
Give me your best vidya and alcohol combos
Like pic related, PTSD simulator and a bottle of vodka, btfoing Fritz with my Mosin for the Motherland
STALKER with vodka.
What's the best cheap alcohol money can buy?
You can get a fifth of 100 proof vodka for $10 or less
Overwatch and a rum and coke is a good time, got to rank 67 on that buzz
Red Orchestra 2
Thanks user
Any other good war like ptsd games?
Literally just got done playing RO2. The PTSD thing really wears off fast, especially once you put over two dozen hours into the game. So far I am close to 100, I just recently started playing it hardcore and have become actually decent at it.
It's a busy as fuck game though, shots coming from pretty much anywhere and everywhere, a lot of the time I am proning and ducking after the guys next to me heads goes flying off.
It can be pretty intense running out in the open and just seeing two guys infront of you get mowed down by MG fire or something. Also it can be fun to give orders when you're competent enough to lead a team/squad.
Really getting into this game has been so fresh, and the community is still pretty alive and kicking so anyone who's thinking about it I encourage you to give it a try. The game has a super steep learning curve and map awareness is something you'll just have to pick up naturally after hours of playing but its worth it. Having a good team who communicates trumps any other tactical fps game I have played in the past 7 years.
No, this one pretty much takes the cake. Can be super frustrating at times but it's a game that rewards you with being smart. careful and knowing how to shoot a rifle.
>tfw you get a kill over 200m away
I just spent my last bit of cash on deus ex, so I wont be getting ro2 for a while.
Do I need to buy ro2 to play online
I know its a dumb question. But yeah
Mmmm, I don't know about that. Have not been hearing great things.
Either way I suggest you get during a sale anyways, when ever that may be. It's usually $5 along with Rising Storm which is Us vs Jap forces and is my favourite over RO2.
They're the same game in case you're confused.
Thanks, deus ex is alright. I wasted my 2 hour refund period trying to get it to run
Thanks for clearing that up too.
Guys, Red Orchestra 2 is awesome and all that but who is an OG like me and played the first one? Was even "harder" than the second one, god damned.
Rimworld and some Belgian Wheat beers tonight for me
I know there are some games where the pirated versions work online but I think it would be more of a hassle. But no I don't think you can do it with this.
$20 is pretty pricy, but it's a game you can dump a LOT of hours into. Still though, I guess wait for a sale.
Also, I had owned this game for probably more than a year, I got it during my first big Steam sale and had barely touched it because of how hard it was until recently. What got me hooked was playing on full active servers which aren't always the case. Usually mid day weekdays and weekends are great times, but at 2 AM you'll have to play on a brit server with high as fuck ping.
How do I keep my power from cutting out?
I have 3 solar panels. 2 batterys.
One cooler and 3 rlec lights, and my battery is always running out
Yeah the version on Steam contains RO2 and Rising Storm, so they've made it all very easy. Theres also even a great mod called Heroes of the West which has brits vs Germans, along with even an Omaha beach level that I haven;'t played yet that pits US vs Germany.
I would still try to put a refund in anyways, that is you actually want to. $60 so much for a game, which is the reason I still havn't played DOOM(I know it's been on sale) yet.
Care to explain? I never played the first but have a shit ton of hours in the second. What were the fundamental differences?
Shotgunning beer while playing Gears of War is fun.
>How to play Gears and Beers
>Have at least 2 people
>Play 2v2 gnashers online, 1v1 offline
>Loser of each round has to shotgun a beer
Pretty fun.
>You can get a fifth of 100 proof vodka for $10 or less
what brand of vodka are you buying?
Not him, but Pinnacle whip cream should only be about $12. Taste like vanilla if you mix it with Coke.
Distance, with boombox mode and really high volume
Vladimir and that bottom shelf garbage vodka
Demons' Souls
Sparkling Sake