What is the suicide core of Sup Forums

what is the suicide core of Sup Forums

No Crywank
Fucking shit

death grips and vaperwave

I never want to share this because I'd never want to even indirectly suggest suicide to someone but this is just too fucking well thought out.

>Fall From Tall Structure
>Sigur Ros - Agaetus Byrjun

When I had very short lived ideation, I would literally imagine this way of death while listening to this album.


>I'd never want to even indirectly suggest suicide to someone
Why not? Would you rather they continue on suffering just because "muh all life is precious"?

>When I had very short lived ideation
I seriously doubt you've had any actual suicidal thoughts, or you'd have a more neutral stance on the matter.

>Saya no Uta
>Eastern Mind
>Mother 3
>weird freeware shit like Gingiva and Sluggish Morss

>>Mother 3
did piggy commit suicide

>Would you rather they continue suffering.
No, it's just a topic I'd rather not influence someone on lightly.

>I doubt you've had any actual suicidal thoughts

>I seriously doubt you've had any actual suicidal thoughts, or you'd have a more neutral stance on the matter.

I had went through some suicidal thoughts when I felt like my life wasn't going anywhere and I felt like I was out of options. I got help and things turned around, so I just think could maybe consider those avenues as well before making such a final decision.

*i just think *others* could maybe

i'm full of weird typos today

>browse an imageboard filled with people who failed in life and wonder why they keep on living.
>dont want to give them suicide tips

who am I kidding, plebbit and 9fag kids took over a long time ago

>weed OD
impossible, unless you kill yourself accidentally while under the influence. Like falling off a building without being aware you are

>filosofem on weed overdose
filosofem fits in "oh no i cut my wrists too hard :(((" 14-year old suicide

>deathconsciousness on starvation
agree mostly with that, except the finale, earthmover is most definitely lighting yourself on fire

rest of the list is ok

>Fall From Tall Structure
>no Coil

The Darkness
Your favourite multiplayer game that everyone has moved on from.
Nostalrius WoW

>my life wasn't going anywhere
You make the assumption the only point to life is simulate some sense of advancement, and that everyone is 1. capable of advancing in some facet, and 2. even has something they feel content when advancing in.

>I felt like I was out of options.
Feeling out of options and not seeing the point of any options are two very different feelings, the latter being the one that leads to suicidal ideation.

I thought it was a play on There Is No Food. I think DC could work for either starving or slit wrists (ala The Big Gloom), or anything slow and quiet.

oh fuck off man
not everyone is a depressed retard like you jut because we're outcasts

He didn't kill himself though

Cue the fucking moralfag. Every single time.

>found a website many years back detailing every available method for self termination
>just a simple text format with a step by step guide. scale of 1-10 pain rating with user reviews alongside from both successful and failed applicants
>an absolute library of valuable information for those who wanted to punch out early
>forgot to save the link alongside archiving all the relevant information for future reference should it have ever gotten taken down.
Now thats something I'd kill myself over.

>user reviews from successful attempts

>user reviews alongside from both successful and failed applicants
>reviews from successful applicants

Ever heard of suicide pacts? One person would volunteer for it and the other would record the end result. Like the time I witnessed a mate of mine shove a wielding torch up his nose to see if he would die. All he ended up doing was paralyzing the whole left side of his body from it. Besides some people just need support in times of hardship.

>user reviews
>from successful applicants

>Like the time I witnessed a mate of mine shove a wielding torch up his nose to see if he would die



>they have never heard of ghost writers

Oh you mean like Kanye?

Kanye is kill?

>weed overdose
I need that 'what would your mother find in your corpse' image real bad now

>you make the assumption etc. etc. etc.
well no. part of it was realizing that those two things you listed were narrow views. letting go brought me a lot of peace. i understand that won't be the case with everyone though.

>...the latter being the one that leads to suicidal ideation

The two for me went hand in hand, and sometimes I do still experience the latter minus the ideation.

To reiterate... Stopping the ideation involved letting go of the assumption that the only point in life was to stimulate that sense of advancement.

Max Payne trilogy comes to mind, especially the New Jersey levels in the third one.

Playing as this drunk, suicidal wreck of a cop on the verge of an analgesic overdose mowing waves of angry Italian mobsters in a cemetery by a cold winter's night while HEALTH blares loudly in the background really sets a saturated tone.
I may look too deep into this game, but I am just in awe how well suicide and depression is romanticized in this game.
Too bad the rest of the game's story regarding Max's job sucks and breaks the tone.

Worse, he trapped himself and cannot die

EYE: Divine Cybermancy