Which one was the better antagonist?

Which one was the better antagonist?

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Xemnas was if nothing else not as one-note as Ansem SoD

Personally I liked Xemnas better. He was more intimidating to me.

Why is Kingdom Hearts lore so convoluted? Will i even understand what the fuck I'm playing when KH3 comes out?

How far have you gotten in the series?

Ansem SoD had more memorable lines in kh1 but since then with the VA change he's been shit. Xemnas was alright.

Kingdom Hearts 2. I played it when I was in middle school and it ended there.

Yeah you're gonna be lost.

If you actually follow the story of KH1 you will realize Ansem was better.

>Meets Sora on the island with the brown coat.
>His body is probably old so we never see what he looks like under the hood
>Slowly possesses Riku in Hollow Bastion
>takes Rikus youth and body and gets an actual form.
All while watching sora, and commanding maleficent.

>His body is probably old so we never see what he looks like under the hood
He was pretty much just a heart under a hood. He wouldn't be old under the hood, Xehanort taking over Terra's body was pretty much to circumvent his old age. Xemnas was designed to be around 30 years old, so logically that would extend to Terranort if he were current in the story and Ansem, SoD.

Xemnas was way cooler, Ansem I didn't really care for.

Xemnas was better because it wasn't just him. He had a crew of other high level heartless bastards helping him out and each of them were good minor antagonists. There's also the fact that the nobodies are shown to be far more powerful than the heartless. Each of the regular nobodies can take a lot of damage and they are powerful enough to control the heartless and unleash them wherever they want and essentially create a controlled burn

Welp. I'll probably just going on the KH wiki and catch up that way.

Actually, I think Tai Yasue has said that KH3 has something to let people catch up a bit, so you may be in luck there.

probably 10 minutes of recap at the beginning of the game.

I also liked the subplots within the organization, like how marluxia headed an intra-organizational rebellion

That sounds neat

Who? Sephiroth or Sephiroth?

Sora when they make him the bad guy in the end.


Ansem was more or less absent for most of the game.
Xenmas on the other hand felt more directly involved and actually was a dick towards Sora and co from the start.

Billy Zane for sure.

As fir the characters, Xemnas was better and far more manipulative. Is too bad he met his end so early though.



Ansem, god his voice was like sweet chocolate to the ears

Don't bother. Your voice can no longer reach him where he is. His heart belongs again to darkness. All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, darkness is the heart's true essence.

me on the left

I can tell you which one of them had the better boss theme.


Ansem hands down.

Finding his reports through out the game+mentions from the final fantasy crew made him alot more imposing and ominous, which then gets an awesome payoff with Billy Zane's amazing delivery.

Also his eixstence wasn't a dumb retcon

>Also his eixstence wasn't a dumb retcon

Aqua wears shorts perfectly!

Xemnas had better battle quotes

>Currrrssed foool.
>We shall go together

Ansem fights you with a stand and all his lines are awesome. Xemnas had goofy light sabers and he tries way too hard to sound like Ansem and just comes across as a ham.

>He didn't get the response he wanted from the general so he decides to bring it to Sup Forums
I generally like Xemnas' voice better along with his quotes.

This user gets it. The most important character.



Also, Ansem actually feels like a Disney villain

This guy was the biggest prick.

>sad because no one loved him IRL
>takes his /r9k/ out on a happy couple
>tries to fuck everything up in that world just because he's a bitter lonely faggot

When you put it this way it's a wonder he's not Sup Forums's favorite XIII member.

Behind DANCE WATER DANCE of course

you're no fun.

This was always the guy who fucked me up the most in these games. I fucking hated him.

>365/2 days
>sideburn man is missing see if you can find him
>he's at beasts castle

Is the Guardian a separate entity/heartless or is it part of SoD? Considering Riku gains use of it, seems it's just inherent to Ansem

You should try to be more subtle. It's like you can't go a day without Aquafagging. If it's not here it's /khg/, like you can't help yourself.
Terranort also uses it. So not inherent to Ansem per se, but more to Xehanort/Terranorts forms.

Theres been theories that the Guardian is Terra
desu I think it is too there is too suggestive details that hint towards it

it's terra

Xemnas because he's the coolest secret boss in the series.

Let him have his fun. At least he isn't posting porn. Aqua is cute.


Ridiculous: a Nobody cannot feel anything.

How much of an emotional breakdown is Lea going to have upon seeing Ven for the first time?

No need to defend yourself.

He's not the best because he's not the workhorse of the organization


Xemnas continued to age though, he was like early 20s when he split

What's the deal with Saix? Why's he so angsty all of the time?

I hope we have a Lea vs Saix fight in KHIII with all sorts of emotional dialog

>the entire kingdom hearts story would be drastically different if Terranort fell forwards instead of backwards during that last cutscene in BBB

Really makes ya think...

his speech really hit me because I was born on an island, surrounded by water.

I dont understand why there is so much hate towards that fight, I was able to complete it my first time through

Xemnas was after the Terranort split which was fairly close after the end of BbS, which is 10 years before KH1 and 11 years before KH2. Which would make him around 30 years old. I don't think you understood what I was saying or you don't have the timeline lined up quite right.
You get a bit bitchy when you get 'Norted.

You're completely fucked. Pray for a PS4 version of 1.5 and 2.5

>gee lea, they let you have TWO buddies?

>surrounded by water

wew, you're a smart one, I could have sworn islands are connected to the continent by land.

I'm saying he wasn't designed to be a certain age, he continued to age because he was still a human body.

what would happen if he fell forwards?


It's kind of the first fight in the game that punishes you for mashing. Of course if you're playing on standard, or even some instances of Proud, you're still not in much danger. but on critical especially, you'll get recked if you haven't adapted past basic mashing

He's got lots of zoning abilities that prevent you from straight aggroing him, so it's frustrating for players that don't understand how to weave magic or time attacks properly

Mansex isn't a secret boss. He's the normal boss. If you played remix though Terra's armor was a secret boss.

>There are people ITT who actually like the super-typical Nomura abortion pretty boy faggot over one of the best antagonists of video games

Xemnas was a secret boss in KH1FM

No, Xemnas designed to be around 30 years of age. I'm not getting into the Nobody aging argument, I'm saying Nomura literally said that he's supposed to around 30 years of age. And even then considering the timeline, that would match up with Terra's age if you take him to be in the 17-20 range going by English and Japanese dialogue.

My bad, thought you were talking about KH 2

>That [Chi] ending

Holy shit Nomura.

Xemnas was in KH1:FM as Unknown/Enigmatic Man.

Ansem had a more unique design and more menacing demeanor.

dont nobodies and heartless hate each other because they are after the same thing?


I hate how Aced and Ira just fucked off.

Thats diferent though, that was a metaphor, the island is just like a prison surrounded by water, you cant escape due to the sea, just like how in a prison you cant escape the walls.
The prison walls are the water.

I liked Xemnas more when BBS hadn't come out yet, and he felt like a tragic villain.

Do you think we'll ever get to fight the heartless counterparts of the members from Oginization XIII?
We fought thier nobody forms but they say in the game when a strong and powerful heart becomes a heartless, a nobody is also made.

>To the heart seeking freedom, this island is a prison surrounded by water. And so this boy sought to escape from his prison. He sought a way to cross over into other worlds, and he opened his heart to darkness

Is he talking about Riku, or is he talking about himself?

Every Kingdom Hearts has had some sort of recap. Dream Drop Distance for example was great for summarizing all the other games.

KH story being too complex is just memes from idiots.

heartless are generally mindless and just seek out other hearts but will obey stronger beings. As soon as someone else stronger comes they'll abandon them.

The Guardian is Terra I fucking know it

I love him for beating the ability to guard into me


Both, Xehanort is also from destiny islands

Oswaldfag, is that you? Also no, Nomura has already said that the other Org member's Heartless' were not of note/that important.
>what is a smartphone?

I know that. I was just wondering if it was a fairly clever bit of foreshadowing, or complete coincidence

Probably the latter

What happened?

Riku, but knowing Nomura he probably made it so Xehanort was from DI so that line would would be amazing when you consider it.

Everyone dies
The end

It's not terra, just his heart. Which makes me wonder how the fuck he's ever going to be whole again.

>got so angry his soul bound itself to his armor
>body fucked off and tried to create a new kingdom hearts
>heart used as a shield by old fuck

Player fights all of the Fortellers, except the one of the Union he belongs to, and there's currently debate on whether or not he died /was asleep or if he Skuld and Ephemer were taking him to the outside world/afterlife.

The more money you spent on the game, the further your heart fell into darkness.

That's kinda lame. We got to see how strong heartless Ansem was. I would love to see everyone else's heartless too.
What if Nomura is lying to surprise us?

>What if Nomura is lying to surprise us?
He answered that question years ago. If it hasn't come up by now, then it probably won't.

I wanna say Ansem SoD because of based Billy Zane but he's barely even in the fucking game. He doesn't even show up until after Hollow Bastion is done.

Aw shit so you DO die in the end? Fuck that's depressing


Ansem's heartless belonged to the big bad. Of course it's going to be a big deal

Also, the strength of you heartless is in no way related to the strength of your whole self. Look at Sora's heartless (before the whole data thing). It's based on the amount of darkness in your heart. And in that respect, the other Org's heartless could just be average Shadows