So this guy. Up until the point where he freezes time and sticks a spoon through some poor fucker's eye...

So this guy. Up until the point where he freezes time and sticks a spoon through some poor fucker's eye, I was sure that his "thing" was that he was powerless for the most part, but nearly omnipotent within the confines of his pacts. To be honest, the time powers diminish him a bit. They feel tacked on.


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I kinda like that he has those powers but doesn't throw them in your face much, just fucked up moments like that.

I guess it did serve as an effective way of ramping up the apparent threat he posed.

This. The idea that he can basically kill anything he wants with a plain whim and that there's nothing they can do about it, but chooses NOT to for the sake of his nature, made him feel far more intimidating. You're basically at his mercy at any and all times, but he values human nature enough to exploit it rather than outright murder his victims. It's how he gets his thrills.

>I was sure that his "thing" was that he was powerless for the most part, but nearly omnipotent within the confines of his pacts.
Nah, he is just bored, that's why the clauses of his pact were so ridiculous and convoluted. He does shit like this to entertain himself.
Remember the cursed lady from B&W? There was no pact involved. He can do whatever he wants, it's just not fun enough.

It's way more fun to manipulate people than to outright kill them.

Gaunter o'Dimm gives you his time powers for a day.

What do you do you use them to do?

*pause time*

Walk into a casino, bet the farm on 22, stop time and place ball on 22. Leave casino, walk into another casino, repeat.

I think you are a retard completely missing the point of his character.

Babby's first Mephistopheles

I agree with these posts entirely.

O'Dimm is someone who largely gets his entertainment and passes his time by manipulating human nature for entirely detained purposes, to torment humans and literally collect their soul. All in, what he sees, as a binding, consenting fashion given that he DOES offer them a choice in a pact.

Just the times when he offers it make it so you're at your lowest when you're given it.

He's an immensely powerful, near-omnipotent being that can manipulate things to his desire(helping Geralt to find Yennefer so he would eventually be lead down a path to meeting Olgierd for example). You're making a deal with the devil with him. The fact that he can just outright murder you helps emphasize the idea that you're both entirely powerless, and you're entirely his plaything.

Which is scary as fuck.

I'm not usually one for hyperbole, but this bastard may just be one of the best realized villains in all of vidya. He could have carried an entire game on his own, shame he got so little screentime.

Why not just walk into a bank and just take fucking money?

Okay...? Please elaborate, because all I did was comment on his time powers.

Hold up, if it's Gaunter O'Dimm giving me this power what's the catch?

They check their cameras and notice a large blur just as you win. Magically, two huge bouncers pull you back into their casino and torture you until you work for them, for the rest of your life.

Because that money belongs to people who've done nothing to me, while the casino have willingly put the money out there for me to win. I guess if I could home in on money specifically owned by the mob or some corrupt corporate dogfucker, I would gladly help to some of that.

He gets to assfuck you for an entire day.

Except time is STOPPED, I move OUTSIDE of time, I don't just move really, really fast. The ball is outside of slot 22, then it is inside of it.

I mean, he's literally the devil.

Stopping time completely wouldn't make anything blur because it's like that event never happened. Queer.

Put my penis where it doesn't belong, what else is control over the flow of time good for?

Come on user it's Faust.

Yes, I know that. I know he's the devil, the whole "deal at the crossroads" theme was established right from the get-go. Does the devil have time powers in Faust? I admit I haven't gotten around to reading it.

He was basically the Devil in mannerism, him havign that kind of power made him more dangerous because you couldn't just stab him and leave.

I do think it's dumb you have to do that retarded water finding 'puzzle' to beat him at his own game, playing him in GWENT would have been a joke, but that at least seemed more thematic to his character, he'll i'd take a Rumpelstiltskin style word game, .

These anons get it, he is just bored, handicaps himself for entertainment.

I don't think it's tacked on. I think it just emphasises the fact that no one in the Witcher's universe knows anything about demons.

Geralt had no clue what both the Caretaker and O'Dimm were. We know they both had to adhere to some form of agreements or contracts but that they could indiscriminately kill or torture people whenever they felt like it.

Despite all the fucked up shit in the Witcher it actually has a Hell and it's inhabited by monsters so powerful even Witchers and sorceresses can't fathom them. That's scary in itself.

My main gripe with the "riddle" was that you didn't just solve the riddle, you had to literally FIND the answer as a physical object, in a world he controls

Yeah that too.
I did like his rewards options if you let him win, do any of those ever carry over into ng+?

He never cheats, user, he plays fair and square.

Pause time and shitpost in several threads at once.

Cheating goes against the idea of the devil. He plays on the weaknesses and flaws inherent in man to begin with, he doesn't artificially create them.

Also you can ask him about Ciri if you did it before completing the main story, really cool dialogue.

I stand educated and prepared to change my mind on the subject. Good talk, anons.

so what about the spoon in eye during a time freeze?

Yeah, that's his entire mirror theme, isn't it? He is the darkness in each and every one of us, "evil incarnate".

Holy shit, I need to screencap this, first time I have seen this on Sup Forums.

Good day, user.

Well, I think in Faust part 2 the devil timetravels with Faust

That didn't happen within the confines of a contract. He had no rules to play by,

felt bad for killing this guy.
next play through I'm definitely letting that olgird fag die.

so why doesnt he just kill everyone?

>can control time for a specific length of time
>just never let that time pass

Have you seen those time stop JAVs? That's your answer.

No sport. Murder isn't stimulating, that drunk just got on his nerves.

>He thinks he killed him

Because he isn't an edgy teen. He killed the guy because he was rude and to show Geralt his power.

Then what would he entertain himself with? Putting sticks up frogs' asses? Gwent?

Pretty sure he didn't die.

>He thinks he killed a force of nature like the incarnation of evil.

Forgot how retarded the new fanbase for Witcher are.

>Putting sticks up frogs' asses?

That line was so dumb and yet I laughed like a moron.

Mostly i just want to know if the horn of plenty would carry over because I have a weird autistic need to horde food in those games and that would curb the problem.

I was beginning to actually like this dude by the time he showed up at the wedding, discussing gingerbread with old ladies. Then Iris's flashbacks soured me on both him and Olgierd.

That would render his character completely pointless as none of the themes of Faust would be explored.


google didn't turn up anything

Because most likely he and Eskel actually did that sort of a thing out of boredom at Kaer Morhen.

All "quest items" would not carry over to NG+, but I don't know if those items are considered as quest items, the mutagenarator that Regis gives you at the end of Blood and Wine does not carry over because of this.

he was not cheating on you.
you picked the wrong answer, and he was shoving it up your ass for teh lulz.
when geralt realizes the true answer, he says something like "i want to see you breaking this one, smartass".

is this the witcher 3?

he's pretty much eternal, he can kill everyone, one game at a time.
i bet it's more "fun" that way.

yup, from one of the DLC's, hearts of stone.

Yeah, user, this guy is the main star of the Hearts of Stone expansion.

Just finished a 115 hour first playthrough of witcher 3 vanilla, followed by both expansions.
This dude is my favorite villain in the game and that scene in particular made me go 'oh shit'.
He's a real frightening character, like legit frightening which I've never felt about a videogame character with the calm collected way of his doings.

guess i should leave this thread and go get me hearts of stone
is it any good?

It was really weird though, they hyped up the Wild Hunt (I read the books so I knew who they were and what they originally wanted) but then they make them look like a bunch of pushovers by making a literal "Devil" character in a fucking expansion that is not related to the main story.

I have no idea what goes on in their board meetings, but some people should be fired.

The general consensus is that it's higher quality content than pretty much anything in the base game.

Hearts of Stone > Main Game > Blood and Wine

The idea is that the Wild Hunt is Geralt's personal ultimate enemy, but there are always much greater forces in the world and Geralt is, in the end, just a very small Witcher.

The Wild Hunt were intimately connected with the entire trilogy's overarching story, o'Dimm wasn't.

What are the results of his rewards at the end? I let him kill. Olgierd and he offered me a wish but I was too scared to actually wish for anything from this guy

Of course, but even then, it just makes the whole main story which is a fucking "sequel" to a series of 8 books look like stupid shit compared to Hearts of Stone.

I get that they wanted to make something new and interesting, but never push it too hard to actually ruin your previous work.


only if your talking main story for the games/dlc

Wine wins over Stone in other aspects.

He's really the only villain in the game with an actual character behind the label though.

Yeah, meant purely the quality of the main story, of course.

sauce is me.

Program is XNALara

I don't think it ruins it, I think it adds a nice bit of color to the world, an additional side story.

Villentretenmerth could have slapped the shit out of Vilgefortz, but he just chilled out and never ran into Geralt again. TW1 had a literal god. The Witcher has always been about a personal quest amidst a much larger world.

>wish for money
5000 crowns and he mocks your boringness
>never go hungry
horn of plenty infinite use food with better than regular food regen
>something booze
infinite use vodka, ONLY usable for potion brewing.
>be really fast
unique Roach saddle that scares other riders and has more stamina than any saddle
>Ciri's location
He doesn't tell you but gives you the hints to get the good ending from ciri's decision points.
you get nothing.

I love this guy and how he was presented
first you think Olgierd is the dangerous one and Gaunter is just helpless.
you see him from time to time and he is always in good mood until the tavern scene where you enter the room and this guy sits on the table like a freak and nobody seems to notice him.

than the conversation! the way Gaunter blinks. you know he runs out of patience and you dont want to be there.

Vilgefortz BTFO'ed Regis in his real form, so I don't think good old Borch would have had a chance against Vilgefortz, especially at Stygga which was a stream of magic for that sick fuck.

Sure, there is the Lady of the Lake, of course, but I purely meant that Gaunter will always overtake the "intimidation" part that the main nemesis of both Geralt and Ciri should have, but CDPR fucked up with the Wild Hunt after the Battle of Kaer Morhen anyway, which is one of my big gripes with the game, almost everything goes to shit in the last act.

>Not using his powers as a hyperbolic time chamber to train yourself into peak human condition with boundless knowledge.

Your NEET is showing, Sup Forums.

>Villentretenmerth could have slapped the shit out of Vilgefortz

My book-reading nigga

So what's more powerful, a pure dragon or a pure vampire?

I guess that depends on whether time is still running for you while everyone else is frozen.

you're overvaluing 'intimidation' and power alone.

Geralt's never a huge player in their world, he's just connected to a lot of the real players, and used by a bunch others. It did as well as they could without hamfisting a jrpg style macguffin to insta kill 'all' the Wild hunt, he killed the leader who he had personal reason to need to kill, and the guy who killed Vesimir who the player and Ciri would want dead. it falls mapart more becuas eof the usual 'western' style devs beign bad at boss mechanics, and geralt being beyond overpowered by the mid game and on, rather than the Hunt themselves.

Okay faggots, do you think you can trick O'Dimm into never collecting on his deal?

In Hearts of Stone, Olgierd said he'd only give his soyl own upon meeting with O'Dimm on the surface of the moon, so Olgierd was tricked into meeting on a spot with a moon drawn on the ground.

On the original tale this was based on, the human figure said they'd have to meet on Rome so Satan tricked him into getting in a tavern called Rome.

Would you make it so highly specific that there's no way around it? A place so distant like million light years away?

I'm going to guess Vampire only knowing the vampire has a condition required to actually die.

The real question would be Borch can transform into something like the Unseen Elder in Toussaint and abuse the laws of the universe and Witcher lore to his advantage?

both are intelligent enough to avoid each other, but I'd say the dragon has an advantage

>Vilgefortz BTFO'ed Regis in his real form
An elder vampire in face-to-face combat is not the same as a golden dragon burning the castle from the sky

>almost everything goes to shit in the last act.
Sadly I've got to agree with you there. I don't think the Wild Hunt was portrayed that well.

Pretty sure that a good chunk of Sup Forums has read the books, user.

The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny best books. Baptism of Fire a shit.

isn't the lesson to take from this 'don't try to trick the devil?' the harder you try to outsmart him the more fun he's going to have making you eat your words

in these sorts of deals you don't want to ask for anything, or to be straight, you try to play him and he'll play you.

>In Hearts of Stone, Olgierd said he'd only give his soul own upon meeting with O'Dimm on the surface of the moon, so Olgierd was tricked into meeting on a spot with a moon drawn on the ground.
>THE Moon
what a fucking cheat.

I think this guy is basically the devil. Not sure if he has time powers more to the point where he can do fuck everything because hes pretty much the devil on earth. making deals and granting wishes and such.

>You can only have my soul when Emma Watson wants to fuck me. With her free will, no manipulation.
heh, I want him to arrange that

welcome to deals with the devil, where your attempt to be clever in word choice is undone by someone with better awareness of wordplay than you.

I meant the characterization of the hunt because CDPR were never really "great" in designing combat, especially their leader Eredin, if you read the books he was a charming and cunning elf that managed to charm Ciri herself, in Witcher 3, he just spouts memes, at least they were badass in their scenes and were "intimidating" as much as roided tall elves in cosplay plate armor can be, but they just handled the Aen Elle/Ciri storyline poorly, also added a deus ex machina that NO ONE IN THE FANBASE ASKED FOR like the White Frost.

They ran out of time to properly flesh it out, it hurts because they actually planned big, the Wild Hunt was supposed to attack Novigrad, Geralt would have to kill Ge'els and actually fight Avallac'h at the end, damn videogame development problems.

>he has you meet a crazed transexual who legally changed his name to M Ah Wattson, because you made a verbal contract only and he pronounces his name 'Emma Watson'

don't try to trick a devil.

And he timestops that day

"The Eternal Fire" may be my favorite short story. I just love the way Dandelion barges in on Biberveldt at the inn.

"Hey ho, there! My nostrils delight at a breeze and a whiff of leek soup from the west! Peekaboo! It's us! What a surprise!"

Actually, I just adore Dandelion in general.

>Emma Watson sues Sup Forums users, leading to you getting completely fucked of her free will

Interesting thanks. Does any of this carry over to ng+?