Supposed to be a carry

>Supposed to be a carry
>Is the best support in the game

Why is Dota so poorly designed?

Other urls found in this thread:

>heroes should be smashed into restricting roles

you're a fucking idiot.

>a game is poorly designed because the player has freedom and is able to make unique things work

The fact that you can play a hero in a different role if you know what you are doing makes the game more dynamical.
And you can't be serious about riki being the best support in the game.
Go over 2k mmr and try to do it

>make a carry
>isn't a good carry
wow nice design

>is a good carry
>is a better support
>other heroes carry better
>he is 2 in 1

I know you're just shit posting, but get real

>supposed to be a support
>can 1v1 the entire cast and win

Stop circlejerking these ASSFAGGOTS threads

>open hero roles are bad

>Supposed to be offense
>Is a better support
>But honestly isn't really that great at either
What were they thinking?

>Get fucked up by Reaper and Tracer in melee
>Get fucked up by Hanzo, Widow, McCree in range
>Genji fuck at both

it's the League mentality

Post yfw League is finally dying of its own cancer

there are characters that have other roles in league too lol

I wouldn't mind because if that meant that it becomes obscure then Sup Forums would love it like the hipsters they are

>go to /vg/
>HotS gen
>someone claims the game isn't casual at all
>also claims it is fast and claims dota/lol is slow
LoL is pretty fucking slow, yeah, but dota was nowhere near slow unless you're comparing it to HoN
>people having incorrect opinions on the internet

because it's a spinoff game that got extremely popular on it's archaic skeletal template.
It's extremely hard to redesign or balance the game without a complete overhaul.

There are plenty of carries in Dota that can fill a support role and vice versa. Heroes being able to play more than one role is good for the health of the game.

I used to play Riki as a sneaky offlane-carry that no one expected to carry as HARD as he did.

Then he got reworked into a support. Bad stats, new spell.

Everyone liked, but I didn't. I liked my Riki to have high regen and multiple blinks

Have barely touched the hero since the rework. And I mostly play support too

>because it's a spinoff game that got extremely popular on it's archaic skeletal template.

Sounds like you are talking about LoL.

ur bad kid

>Make a fiery metal-encased godzilla demon that eats huge centaurs whole
>Turn him into a wardbitch support over several nerfs

There are multiple heroes that can be played both as carries or supports.

Riki, Naga, WK, Gyrocopter, Necrophos

And multiple supports that can overcome and dominate games, such as Skywrath and heroes that fit a middle-point, like Doom or Beastmaster

I know the hero is better now. But it was so much fun before. Now it's honestly preety boring. I'd rather play BH on that role

Because it's an incredibly old game with almost no changes to make it play better.

it's a spin off of WC3 with constant waves spawning from 2 bases. No macro, just micro of 1 hero unit.

It didn't originate from WC3 though. And no, obviously it didn't originate from LoL before you think I'm claiming so.

no i'm quite knowledgeable of the past with Aeon of Strife and the past but you get my point.

Right. I wasn't that original user you were talking to who mentioned LoL, btw. Oops

It overstayed it's welcome by a good 4 years now.

Yeah, and everything about the genre's current formula originated from a WC3 map.
I wish people would stop jerking themselves off with the HURR I KNOW AOS EXISTED LOOK AT ME crap.

They put blink back to where it is supposed to be

It's not a spinoff, it's a literal 1-1 copy paste with modernized graphics for millenials, and they even copied WC3's engine limitations (only 3 fixed stats, turn delay etc). Also since WC3 map-makers did not realize they could script abilities that would scale with your other stats, they got left with boring blizzard-style abilities (X ability does flat X damage, and that damage doesn't change unless you level it). Another thing they did not utilize were damage floating damage numbers (important thing for these number crunching games), just because no one has made the script back then. It was introduced several years later with the damage system made in JASS which calculates dealt damage that can be easily transformed into floating text above units.

Valve copied all these engine flaws 1:1.

>It didn't originate from WC3 though
From my knowledge dota maps started in WC3, and I personally played them for years. Given there were plenty of completely different dota-named maps at first, map got popularized after Dota Allstars were introduced. If it didn't originate from WC3 then WC3 surely was the one who popularized it.

If you have a fact that the map started in some other game, please enlighten me

turn delay exists so that ranged heroes aren't completely bull shit

for reference, see LoL


Turn delay exists since you could not remove it in World Editor. Inside the editor, using object managed to modify units you would find the variable but you could only change it from 0.1 to 3.00 (0.1 being the slowest time to turn and other way around).

Valve did not think of it, it was just copy-pasted thing from a really old slow paced game (never meant for arena style fast paced combat).

Thats seriously a recent development. It NEVER happened outside of memes like sona mid

This. If you want that shit go play HotS. Then realize what an idiot you are.

>not Chaos undivided


Also yes, I hate what they turned Doom into just because his ult counters just about everything.
I don't mind lvlDeath out of the picture but why rape his BAT?

I haven't played in a couple years

What have they done to him? :(

Riot's iron grip is scaring away sponsors and teams.

I seriously cannot believe theres no chaos spawn lifestealer set

They can, but it is not optimal.

No way? Is it true? Link to any info?
And also, is it actually Riot or their Chinese overlords?

Aeon of Strife was Starcraft custom map which is widely considered the first of the style. DotA was an evolution of AoS.
AoS was around before the concept of spell by unit creation or beacon civilians, and so the heroes didn't have spells. If AoS was made later in the custom scene, it likely would have utilized the make X unit, costing Y gas, to perform Z effect centered on a moving zone on your unit, that came later. Beacon civs was less useful for fast paced games.

>choice and fluidity of gameplay isn't optimal
Fucking kill yourself.

Ten bucks valve picks the shittest fucking item sets for the chest

They left it because muh strats and some skills and items affect(effect?) turn speed.

>Valve did not think of it
>Sticky Napalm : Turn Rate Slow: 70%

Christ just go back to LoL

Riot is so bad that league of legends pro players make less money than smite ones do

I haven't played in ages. Why is Riki a support now, and what do you build on him to achieve this?

They left it because it creates an innate counter to the infinite kiting so common in the inferior game, which requires dash skills on every viable melee hero.

They make a support.
Is actually the hardest carry in the game.

this, tons of dota "features" that people try to defend with mental gymnastic like (for example melee heroes have been doing perfectly fine in LoL for 3 seasons straight and characters most people bitch about being op or whatnot are melee) are just bugs or engine limitation of the original that were kept in because valve knew the fans they had to lure in would have thrown a shitfest at any minimal change

this dude talks in detail about riot and their restrictive actions and pittifull salaries.
check the anotation if you have the time.

This. Keeps ranged heroes from being able to kite melee units or any other unit that they outrange.

In any case, if you wanted to play a zero turn delay character, you could always play Wisp.

Could a dota custom game be posible on the Warcraft 2 engine?

>versatility is bad
Let me guess, youre just pretending to be retarded

>s since you could not remove it in World Editor.

Turn rates of 5 are instant.

The game gets old fast. You start playing, spend like 6 months ~ 1 year learning every single possibility and getting to a higher rank, then start raging more than ever. Once you get tired and bored of all this, you start playing casually, pick non-meta champions, but even then it's not so fun after a while because you already know all the tricks in the book.

Techies is such a boring hero.

>Laning phase is fun
>towers start falling
>suddenly your effectiveness falls off of a cliff

melle heroes benefit from certain passives range heroes do, it's both beneficial and a gimp to be melle, since you're easier to kite.

RIP Techies. Hard countered by a quelling blade and sentries/gem.

No, WC2 didn't have triggers, which means no spawning units.

>that nerf into the fucking ground

I hope you like 2 hour long 4v5s because you can't push high ground
Why did people want techies?

Pitlord is currently in need of a nerf to Atrophy Aura. It's just too good

why did you post an image of Faceless Void OP?

When towers start falling, you gotta get creative with the mines

Nothing better than the enemy HC dying farming in their supposedly safe jungle.

Trees are your friends

That's what makes Dota more enjoyable than other games, like League or HOTS. The metagame isn't that carved in stone, so you can do unorthodox builds on heroes.

Like a wise dude once said, "Everything can work"

>One out of like 3 heroes who can secure escapes for teams and wipe he enemy if they try to chase
>Kills creep waves in one spell. Even with a delay
>Fastest spell-based usher in the game. Also melts towers.

>not useful

>Valve did not think of it
That's funny since there's a whole hero based around turn speed.

Why do ignorant retards insist on posting their opinions as if they're fact?

>pitlord in need of a nerf

Oh young bab. Did the jungle/mid pitlord ruin your day?

Pitlords a joke.

>Aura with Vanguard/Crimson

Not to mention his BKB piercing stun AoE stun, his "I have Doom's orb cast in AoE form", and the mountains of damage the aura gives.

They copied flawed hard coded mechanic made for slower pace gameplay and naturally they can tweak around with it. What's your point?

Faceless Void it's also an amazing carry m8.
Riki isn't

Not just putting down 500 mines in one spot.
Literally blow up slav computers.

>One out of like 3 heroes who can secure escapes for teams and wipe he enemy if they try to chase

your team will be needing to do alot of escaping since they'll be playing 4v5 :^)

It's not even a stun. You can attack from it.

They kept nerfing Doom over and over again, specifically his ult.

Then they buffed the shit out of scorched earth and he became meta again.

Then they got rid of Lvl ? Death and gave him a new skill that actually turned out to be just as broken as scorched earth and he became even metaer, like old Undying tier early game rape that doesn't fall off.

And then they nerfed the shit out of him again.


>not a flower
>or a river
>or a rainbow

according to this dumbfuck, a game should only have 1 hero of each role, since by default, once you have two carries one is always going to be better

good thing you're not designing dota, idiot

then that means they actually thought about it you dumb fuck

Nice empty pic, OP.

I miss HoN

>jungle/mid pitlord

No 2k in this thread pls

>support Gyro/WK

I've never seen this work in a professional game

Pro meta and pub meta are two different beasts since one has high levels of coordination and the other is like herding a bunch of retarded ADD-riddled cats.

Have you tried playing lane pacman?
As few as 2 mines in eac lane aresuper useful and after that you can just tag along your initiator, dropping land mines whenever they're on cooldown, and once a fight starts, you throw remotes like they're AoE lagunas and drop stasis like they're future ravages.

Even if that were the case, it's still better than LoL where you can't do it at all.

>slower paced gameplay
>incentivizes good positioning and maneuvering
>adds a cost to kiting
>punishes retreat and badly planned aggression

>They did not think of it
>They tweak around with it

If you are winning, the game gets even better because you can stick mines in random ass places and likely kill people because said people try to next-level hide to farm waves or gank on their side of the map

why the fuck do you post a blank image, you double nigger.

I honestly cant think of a way fv could be a good suppot, he has literally nothing outside of right clicks. Nothing about anything he has to offer jusifies him over a good support

>they even copied WC3's engine limitations (only 3 fixed stats, turn delay etc)
I love it when people call those things engine limitations, it means I don't have to feel bad about skipping the rest of the post.

>bh as a carry offlaner

Someone post riots balance design caps.

Specifically the one where they were nerfing red buff because if you got caught out you died

Most clever post in the thread

>The LOL spam after someone tries to sneak to their secret shop

Or better yet: your secret shop