Is he the only perfectly balanced character in the game?
Is he the only perfectly balanced character in the game?
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No, he's a character centered around hawking people down, but most characters can run away quite easily, if not outright kill him due to his huge hitbox. His ult is also terribly situational. He also isn't a very good tank because his shield is weaker and is also on a very long cool down.
He's underpowered, Reinhardt is pretty balanced.
Moderate damage and a garbage shield. Crapola if you ask me.
If not, how do we fix him?
In my opinion, the most balanced characters in the game are
Soldier 76
Zenyatta post PTR
>Can't solo genji
>can't solo what he counters
Winston is garbage
Lying or 70+? Winston hard counters pub Genji in my experience.
Shield could use some sort of buff.
>can't solo Widowmaker
The shield should amplify his electrical damage and damage anyone inside of it.
This way if you're on top of someone and they think they're pro at jump+melee you they have to decide to take punishment to finish you off or break your shield first.
Still doesn't fix the fact that everyone can run away from him unless they're already about to die.
His electricity gains a silence effect OR it can tether to multiple targets from a larger distance with lowered damage.
If his shield had either more health or a significantly shorter cooldown and his ult did more damage I'd agree.
I usually just jump to Genji when he's standing alone and finish him with at least half of my hp left
Make his default move speed slightly faster than most characters, like Tracer and Genji, for a start.
Chain lightning actually works based on the enemies' proximity to each other, instead of based on where you're aiming. When you're being zapped, certain abilities are put onto a 1 sec cooldown until you stop being zapped.
It'd be really cool if he could use his barrier to actually lock people inside, but that might be too good. His shield usually get's shredded though, so I dunno how it would turn out.
Counter probably means kill, in that user's case. You can chase him off, but he can dash away fairly easily.
Winston's jump jet finishes him off though. Assuming a high skill level, ofc
The fact that you actually do more damage by holding down M1 while mashing the melee button than using your primary weapon exclusively within it's effective range means something is wrong.
He is not balanced yet, he needs a slight buff. I feel like he is a very suicidal pick unless the enemy team just doesn't know how to deal with him or your team knows how to coordinate with him.
What do you mean exactly? Every character has a melee attack that adds to their "combo"
Genji usually dashes into his team, am I supposed to follow him in there?
He's situational. That said, I frequently get 3-4 gold medals as him whenever I play as him, at least in QP. Haven't tried him much in comp.
His Tesla Cannon is great for dealing damage to multiple enemies at once while the rest of your team finishes them off or for chasing down weakened enemies who try to frantically hop around.
You need a team that recognizes that when you charge in as Winston, then its time to rape. Don't stand back and do nothing, support the Winston.
He's all about causing chaos and disrupting the other team. When you have a team that recognizes this and uses it too their advantage, you more than often will win.
Winston? Yes.
What's bullshit is that Zen can defeat him in a 1v1 situation. Most bullshit thing ever.
he is fine. people saying he is weak dont know:
1) His leap does a reasonable amount of damage
2) His shield carries you through 1vX situations
3) Its not always about kills. As a tank, he is ment to make people focus him and not the objective
Lucio is perfectly balanced. Or at least he was when the game first came out. I don't know what they've done to him now, haven't been keeping up with Overwatch at all.
My MAIN GIRL Pharah was very very close to being percectly balanced. Needed a slight buff. Once again I don't know about now.
>mad that a tank counter actually counters tanks
Lucio was nerfed (speed boost is 70% instead of 100%) and will still be a 100% pick in comp
>why is a character intended to counter Tanks countering Tanks
>every other character can either outrun him or has a cooldown to deal with him
>a Reaper than can aim will rip clean through what little armor he has and take the rest of his health with it
>The range on his Tesla Cannon is extreme limited compared to everyone else except Reinhardt (who even then has two cooldowns for either closing the gap or hitting ranged targets)
>While his leap can cover more ground, D.Va's mech has more fine control in flight
I did some research but it seems like that information was based on when melee did more damage. I don't play Winston so I never kept up to date on him.
That's not Reaper
Reaper is literally perfect.
>and damage anyone inside of it.
Hot damn, that's not a bad idea. Easy enough to avoid if you're paying attention and boosts his abysmal damage.
>2) His shield carries you through 1vX situations
Enemies know to keep away from his shield so shield heckling vs. experienced players is VERY limited. Not to mention it can be damaged and destroyed without much effort. More than 1 player against you? That shield is good as dead.
This. Based Reaper.
Give him a wallclimb like Genji. I mean he is a gorilla, right?
One of the most endearing characters in the game. Fulfills an important role in the game as a tank buster, has an ulti that is both powerful when used right but easy to counter if used badly, and best of all his overly edgy voicelines keep making me laugh at the goofiness of it all
That wouldn't be too unreasonable. His mobility is already super high thanks to the leap, so this seems fairly reasonable.
It's in the refrigeratooor
I'd also like to see an alt-fire where all of the streams of electricity focus on one target. That would make his damage output so much more reliable.
The only characters in this game I feel are EXTREMELY unbalanced are as fallowed
Even then most of these characters are workable. They just have huge flaws.
>It's in the refrigeratooor
Something needs to be done about his damage output, that's for sure. His range is too low and his tactics too high-risk.
Mercy now has an E ability
what will it do?
He does his job fine, he can take out squishies and does his job as a tank well. My problem with him is the strength of his bubble shield is kind of pathetic and like I said, he should have some alt fire where he has more control over the electricity.
>play the latest brawl
>Highly Offensive
>Offense characters only
>mfw Soldier is fucking easy mode and basically your only issue during your ult is reflecting Genjis
I disagree with Reaper. He really needs to be played well considering his damage falloff and even his retreat move is easy to wait out. Although, Mcree is overpowered, absolutely.
unzip dick
induce ovulation
Spends 25% of her ult charge to resurrect one teammate with 50% of their HP.
Read again.
are you an idiot
I don't think that Widowmaker is *under*powered per se; it's just that she's kind of...well, when you have McCree and Hanzo who's going to even bother with Widow
Snatch an enemy's ass up
Nigga can you fucking read HE'S PLAYING THE LATEST BRAWL
Reinhardt, Lucio, Mei and are not Offense heroes and are thus not playable in the Highly Offensive brawl.
Maybe something that will get enemies the fuck off her since teammates refuse to turn around and help out.
I'd say Reaper's only problem right now is that his main counter (Pharah) is currently not picked enough due to having too many counters
I like that idea. She could shoot up a little ways in the air and slam down, pushing people back with a shockwave.
Or better yet, flap her wings and gradually/continually push people away
its to buy time and keep you protected until your jump recharges.
if theyr hitting the shield they arent hitting others on your team.
Revives herself. Has like a 40 sec cooldown that goes across lives and consumes ult charge.
Is this pure rich b8?
This, playing Pharah is suicide since Zenyatta debuff travel so fast and McCree swats you out of the sky instantly.
>deleating your post
Which is fantastic, but the problem is the long recharge, and you can choose either to drop the shield for your team (and get it immediately destroyed by focused fire), OR engage enemies with it to stand even a chance of getting one kill. If you engage most anyone without a shield ready, you are a huge "SHOOT ME" sign.
Zen is fine since his discord orb was nerfed, but what is the deal with Mcrees range? Is blizzard working on that?
And he is actually the good guy who got fucked out of a promotion and turned into a pile of dust mites thanks to mercy
All the while trying to protect us from omnic shits
Make her heal target invulnerable for a very short period of time.
He's shit
Go home Reyes
>implying competitive gaming requires or is benefited by perfect balance
>We want the Zarya audience
>I'm shit
Gorillas do not climb very often.
If you think Winston is balanced, you must think everyone else is broken
I'd probably replace like 50 of his health with more armor
maybe i'm wrong but i think Winston's punches should do more damage
Thanks bud
She goes invulnerable like Reaper does, but she has to tether to a target and if the tethered ally dies, so does she.
Wall climbing because he's a fucking gorilla.
Shield amplifies electric damage while either he or his target are inside it.
Shield deals electric damage to anyone inside of it.
Lightning arcs from enemies that are hit, not just based on where he's aiming.
Damn, if his lightning spread from who he hits, and also still hit everyone in front of him, he's be able to shit out damage and be a real deterrent to grouping up and against Bastion/Rein/Mercy Castles.
God I wish Blizz would care more about melee
>overwatch players
I mean, Torbjorn's hammer deals 75 dmg, just like Reinhardt's.
>you are a huge "SHOOT ME" sign.
Thats literally what a successful tank is.
Please stop posting, you don't understand basic game mechanics
but Reinhart swings in a wide arc
and genji should have a 50 damage melee attack, the fucker is hitting you with a fucking sword
Well said.
And Torb's hammer is slow as fuck, it's like 1 hit per 1.25 seconds
It should but his ult isn't made for kills anyway.
Lower the cooldown of the shield. It breaks so easily and yet it has a fucking 13 second cooldown.
Increasing his damage is a slipperly slope and would create another Zenyatta scenario.
Is it still a successful tank if you can be taken down in moments? There are too many high-DPS characters to live long enough to do your damn job. Dying isn't a part of it.
>Being ripped apart in a second is being a successful tank
fucking gross.
Are you saying Roadhog performs well as a tank?
hes not really balanced hes just the only character in his niche
no other class has the combination of health and mobility wherein theyre able to throw themselves at a specific low-health target and single them out before dying
making a good winston play means your dps enter the fight at a 2 to 1 advantage, thats what he does
problem being thats ALL he does as he cant really do shit against like half of the cast and if they build around you throwing monkeys at them you literally will not do a single thing
this obviously isnt what blizzard had in mind when they designed him, hes supposed to be more area control oriented with the ability to freely chase down retreating stragglers, but he gets focused down in teamfights far too quickly for that to be a thing so his gun being able to damage multiple targets at once generally goes to waste
rein is a better example of a perfect character, hes got the same solo niche as winston without being helpless garbage when that niche is ineffective, and nothing about him is too weak.strong without compensation/drawback
I like the idea, but here's some fixes
>E makes Mercy share her targets health for a short period of time. Any damage done to her will be completely negated, any damage done to her target will be transferred to her in terms of target % health, including death
Winston's only reason for being picked most of the time is dealing with Genji or contesting the point in overtime. He is otherwise a not-very-threatening tank that most people aren't scared of because he does shit for damage and most of the commonly picked heroes can eat through his health easily. I hope he gets a buff of some kind eventually so he can be more useful.
>gorilla in power armor
>uses an electro gun instead of his fists
fucking lame