>All my life I have lived by the sword
God, I already miss Varian, he was so cool.
>All my life I have lived by the sword
God, I already miss Varian, he was so cool.
Other urls found in this thread:
Only Green Jesus is allowed to stay alive.
Reminder that all the pussy parts of Varian's personality were ripped out of him and he was literally 100% badass.
They merged back together a long time ago.
>spend all your life fighting
>wife dead
>die before seeing your only child hit 20
Varyan had it rough. But at least he went out in the blaze of glory unlike Vol'jinn and pretty much rest of the horde scum.
>IB4 lel watch horde cutscene, we had it rough
He had a painful death, but so did Tyrion as well. Gul'dan is a savage when it comes to killing legendary heroes, I felt bad for Tyrion when he was like "Stay back! The light will protect me!" and as he's being charred alive he keeps screaming "THE LIGH- AHHHHHHHH!!!!"
Sounded painful as fuck, I also wonder what Tyrion was thinking in those final seconds. The light didn't save him, wonder if he realized the light doesn't make you invincible/immortal. Gul'dan basically blew up Varian with an infusing of fel energy, you could see the cracks of fel magic in Varian's skin and he was screaming pretty badly.
Shit must have been super painful, either being charred by a demon or basically exploding into pieces.
This character's lore was honestly retarded, glad he's gone.
Even if the lore was retarded, as a character I thought he was badass.
With him dead there are exactly 2 humans worth caring about left.
And those would be? Jaina and Anduin?
Anduin and Khadgar personally. I feel like Jaina has gotten worse and worse every expansion.
badasses are boring
Says you
Probably thinking about how he's not dead. He was mortally wounded though. He's in the ret pally artifact chain.
Khadgar is god-tier even if a sarcastic meme douche
>Khadgar personally.
Cool as a cucumber.
But seriously I thought he died in that scene
>>IB4 lel watch horde cutscene, we had it rough
dumb alliancebaby
are u discusing about some imaginary fictional non-real friend of yours and his life?
Varian was a cuck and died to 2 stabs. Faggot failure.
I stand in that shit all the time during invasions, doesn't hurt at all. Thrall is a baby
Light couldn't save him because he was already granted his final blessing against the Lich King.
Nigga, he chose to take on a whole legion army by himself and basically told Gul'dan to go fuck himself.
Thrall broke his hip running away from it
>Takes 3 death star beams to bring Thrall down.
>Baine gets blasted with the same shit.
>He's still standing.
Tauren masterrace.
I guess you're not suppose to ask the light to help you with everything, he's still suppose to be the strongest Paladin in the history of Paladins, I mean next to Ulthear.
They literally had to add this in later because the horde side is so fucking pathetic, lel
source: I did it on my tauren pally, it was easy as shit
Anduin, did I ever tell you about that time I was chosen by the spirit god, Lo'gosh, to be his personal champion in the waking world? His blessing granted me unlimited stamina and ferocity in battle, which I used to defeat the entire Horde army and Garrosh Hellscream in Ashenvale before a dead magnataur collapsed between us. He was a good friend.
why the fuck would a magnataur be in ashenvale
Sta boost op
nobody gave a fuck about varian chynn until now
Nobody gave a fuck about robin williams until he died.
Can modern Blizzard come up with ways to make Warcraft 4 lore interesting without retconning world of Warcraft? Going off of what we know now, what would the playable factions be?
>Standard alliance and horde, alliance with every race currently in it except maybe dreinei, horde without blood elves and perhaps undead
>Undead faction is controlled by the new lich king, fire based now and perhaps including the light as a central aspect of death/resurrection
>Naga and perhaps blood elves and illidain, with a tenuous grasp on fel energy
What else ya got
>Varian was a kid the last time I played
no that "kid of Stormwind" was literally Anduin.