Wow Legion

4 Days until legion.
How have you prepared yourself?
Sythe of Elune is the best Artifact weapon.

Prepared by unsubbing, fuck Demo locks losing their devil trigger yo

I think doomhammer is objectively the best.
Only a few nodes that are worthless, everything else is insane.

just logged into my inactive account to look at all my characters feels good

Have fun playing the same 5 people, enjoying the dead community, playing with your 3 button rotation and receiving your welfare legendary. I'm sure in 2 months wowg will be back to mitigate collection shit


dumb mobileposter

Can't choose between my hunter/monk/druid/warrior.

My druid/monk are both ready with professions at max. I might go guardian druid for those dope forms. Looks great that Tanks will actually be viable in pvp now/

Wrong scythe, OP.

dumb mobileposter

Still debating over what I'm tanking on for my main. I know what I want to fuck around with for DPS and healing alts, but I'm still thinking on what to tank as.

Sylvanas a best and did nothing wrong.

That purple scythe looks so awkward.
Also is that first scythe designed for ants?

Just play druid then, they can play any roll and they are currently the best tanks and best healers in the game at 110

It literally says "Not to scale", the first scythe is "normal" sized.

I like the one on the far right. Looks like a big fucking axe.

Doomhammer mostly just gives cool visual effects for some of your spells, like the elemental wolves or mini flaming tornado and thunder infused earth spikes.

It's a meme artifact weapon and Enhancement Shaman is a meme class, but they do have great visual effects on their spells.

Yeah that's a pretty cool artifact weapon, I'm playing a BE Fire Mage and I like how our artifact weapon is an ancient/legendary blade wielded by Kaal Sunstrider himself, suppose to be like a really old high elven weapon. It's simplistic and tasteful looking, doesn't have a lot of animation or over the top effects.

Jaina a shit and a whore.

didnt we all hate the artifact weapons at some point
and the numbed down spell list and pvp
what happened?

What the fuck was her problem?

People actually tried the prepatch and positive feedback from beta

She never got a good fucking from Arthas, Ka'al, Thrall, etc.

So now she's a moody bitch

Was denied the BGC.


Orcs are a bunch of dindus and should be exterminated.

Most people still dislike the idea, but mostly because they make some builds and weapons useless (2h weapons for EHshamans or frost DK, fist weapons for anyone that's not a monk, etc)

Spellwise, with all the spells + artifact + PVP talents you actually get a fair share of spells, but it's still prunning yeah.

I'd say it looks AT LEAST better than WoD, but a plate of healthy shit is still shit.

She didn't get ORCED.

lack of notice from her senpais

best friends with nat pagle then tried for loremaster but theres a bugged quest in STV and I'm stuck somewhere in icecrown and basically fuck it dont care anymore

Says the subhuman nigger who tried exterminating them in a time of peace

Post mogs and mains~!

it's always the same fucking people posting the same fucking mogs
take your /vg/ complexes somewhere else holy shit

>constant fist weapon drops in transmog runs
>can't do shit with them
I wish Blizzard would allow 1h weapons to transmog into any 1h weapon.

>Hates on Doomhammer for being a meme weapon
>Loves Felo'memelorn, the blade of Kael'thas Memestrider

At least have some consistency

>Felo'memelorn, the blade of Kael'thas Memestrider
watch out you don't wanna overdose on them memes

Yeah but see the thing is nobody gives a shit about Felo'memelorn or Kael'thas anymore. That shit died back in Burning Crusade, everyone still LOVES MEME HAMMER AND MEME SWORD because Thrall and Tirion are still relevant characters in the game.

Checkmate, faggot.

what a dumb name

>Warlocks become a demon
>Get hijacked by Gul'dan for the Legion

gg no re

Probably some elven name, it's not suppose to sound normal.

You think DOOMHAMMER and ASHBRINGER sound any better?

I leveled a Warrior from 1 to 100 over the course of a couple days playing on and off solely via Invasions.

Plan to get a Death Knight on another server up as much as I can, at least to 70 because fuck Outland leveling.

idk, FELLOW M'LORD sounds worse to me.

Nigger, I don't go to /vg/, I'm just lurking wow threads on Sup Forums because /vg/ is cancer and there's fuck all to do until Legion.

Also, Sup Forums has better mogs than /vg/.

>paladins get this
thank god i can transmog this shit

>doesn't wanna use a bitching 2h mace like all the pro pallies

>literal hand of a titan
>looks like a garbled mess
of course you know most paladins are going to be picking the fucking ashbringer



and resto offspec
gg ez

its 1handed for healadin

Enhancement just has no sustain though, it feels really shitty in PvP

i miss the relic slot paladins had

Random apostrophes always look stupid.

nigger have you played other classes? enhancement can dump instant heals into itself, it is godmode self sustain compared to most other classes

>Elemental Shaman

who the fuck thought making a spec that can only do damage for 15 seconds every 3 minutes was a good idea?

did ogres have it before the elves?
or did the elves teach the ogres how to language?

>Ele Shaman

literally 3 button rotation

i was told its 2handed?


why are you even playing wow?
if you want pvp go play overwatch

it's a 2h.
but they have a book in the other hand.
like the double weapons rogues and warriors get

She's the only character who's written realistically in a game where everyone flip flops between idiocy and unrealistic neutrality.

yeah that's what i said
its a fuck huge 2h mace in the same style that uther/arthas used


>I am trying to protect the Alliance, THAT'S why I want the Horde dead!
>But to destroy the Horde I'm going to leave the Alliance entirely and allow demons to wreck their shit :^)
If by realistic you mean "realistically how a retarded person would act", sure

Maining my fire Mage, couldn't be more excited. I switched from undead to BE just so I could look like Kael'Thas.
Finally fire will be viable without BiS gear.

Fire isn't just viable, it's one of the best specs period right now.

>Why didn't sylvanas just fly everyone out of there!
What a shit character she is too right?

>just enough money left this month to buy Legion and subscribe

Do I pull the trigger and a week later wish I'd spent the money on alcohol instead?

wat do

>He doesn't know that Reinhardt's Hammer is a secret option.

I need some mail mog recommendations for Dorf Hunters. Gimme some themes that aren't xD tier.

Its 2handed, but instead of scrapping the libram in your offhand, it will now attach to your waist, which is even better in the first place.

If Jaina wanted the Horde to get their shit fucked up, she should just get in close personal contact with them. Look at Arthas and Kael and Thrall and her own father...

>some demon's tooth or some shit I dunno

Sub rogues got fucked hard

Damn straight it is, I've mained my Mage for the past two expansions and it was always a bummer being forced into frost or arcane until I could get my crit high enough. It's nice to see that's changed. With the weapon I basically have 5 fire blasts, and that's just insane.

Good joke 8

>Its a cutting weapon
>The edge is as wide as guts' dragonslayer

I'll never get this art style.

i need to level an alt to 100 with invasions, what dps is gonna be ridiculously fucking op this expac

also is it possible in the timespan

People still play this shit?

Brace for disappointment


Probably the only weapons that look worse than the Warrior artifacts honestly. You can tell they played favorites really hard on classes like DK and pally, where each weapon clearly has a shitload more work and love put into each weapon and skin than any warrior or sub rogue weapon.

absolutely possible. i just did it purely on invasions with a warlock in less than two days

mage is always a safe bet


Im surprised she isnt a raid yet. They all go crazy cause Blizz cant write for shit.

>Apocalypse is literally a sword covered in rat shit the Death Knights found in their basement
>Warriors get a pair of Odin's butter knives and some dandruff that flaked off Deathwing's ass
>Beastmasters go steal an Ancient Egyptian Gun

Some specs got fucked really hard.

You can do it in a day of dedicated grinding. If you reset at phase 3 until you get a good flying mount and reset at 4 after that, it wont take too long. If you have heirlooms or a couple of those 300% xp potions you could probably do it in like 5 hours. Ive le eled my hunter from 45 to 70 and ive only spent like 2 hours total doing the invasions on him.

>Ancient Egyptian Gun
Mimiron crafted that gun.

>Baine warns her about the attack on Theramore
>The Tauren in general have usually been helpful to Jaina
>Still acts like a cunt to the Tauren
>Cries about muh Theramore despite the fact that Theramore soldiers were responsible for massacring Taurajo
>Theramore was at least a military base, while Taurajo was just a small hunter camp

nice. was really hoping you wouldn't say mage but whatever. i wanted to play ele sham but apparently it does shit. are locks any good atm?

I've been doing invasions on my priest twink non-stop for the past 4 days trying to get the ilvl34 versions of the gear

They're more powerful than heirlooms

I'm disappointed 2h on frost deathknights isn't viable.

2h frostmourne>>>faggy two blades

Hey fuck you, I like the rat-shit sword.

Havoc DH or Enh Shaman?

Mostly running mythic+ 5 mans, already have hero from a Fire Mage.

Warriors are the worst offenders simply because there are plenty of legendary weapons sitting around with no one using them.

Fucking Varian's swords are even on the broken isles still, and gorehowl is still just sitting in pandaria.

At least the butt scale comes with some great alternate skins.

>AotD is on a 1.5 minute cooldown for Unholy
this shit's gonna be great

why bother with that shit?
next sstat squish os gonna fucking destroy twinks again

it is indeed kind of lame that everything is pretty much an additional passive effect that just spices up your pre-existing abilities.
This is why I still can't make up my mind between Elemental and Enhancement.

>mattering in PvP anymore

I seriously hope you're not fucking with me user

It's just something fun to kill time with

unless we get a BIG tuning pass elemental is dogshit tier in Legion

it's not AotD exactly, but it's a cooldown that summons ghouls based on the number of festering wounds on the target

look it up