Why else has gamer fatigue?

Why else has gamer fatigue?

I can't bring myself to play more than half an hour of any game before I quit anymore.

You've been playing for a while, why not take a break?




Seriously. Just no vidya for like a month. Just do anything else. Get caught up on some of those shows and movies you've been meaning to get around too. Read a couple books. Learn to cook a couple recipes. Go outside sometimes. Play some board games with friends. Just pretend like video games don't exist for at least a month. No forcing yourself to play games, no checking out what's on sale on steam, no vidya discussion boards and yes that includes Sup Forums. For a solid month, vidya simply doesn't exist.

Then, after your month is up revisit video games. Marvel how that dying ember has been rekindled into a raging bonfire of passion for video games. That's all you need to do. Just get the fuck away from video games for a little while.

I do. I even have far more fun shitposting here than playing vidya.

I don't even think it's due to the changes in the industry, as not even my old favorite games feel the same for me anymore.

Maybe I'm just old.

Try different games.
If that doesn't work, read Chinese picture books.

It comes and goes. Currently I am kinda going through a renaissance where I have a bunch of stuff I enjoy. Take a short break then come back, it usually works

If I get bored of games I just watch anime and I flip between the two.

i haven't played vidya for months and i still can't pick up a game

You still browse Sup Forums

>I can't bring myself to play
Then don't. Shitpost on Sup Forums all day long while fapping to THICC and/or trap porn every now and then. Go back to vidya when you actually want to play it.

Play something good you pussy. I went back to play DKC2 and it's great, you just need to stick with it for a while until you get good.

>THICC and/or trap porn
god tier taste confirmed
tfw just finished fapping to thicc femboys

>thicc femboys

Bullshit,I had to stop playing games altogether from January to May because of college and since I lost the habit of playing whenever I have free time I have to force myself to play until I have fun.

I've honestly became fully disinterested in videogames. I've played overwatch maybe 30 hours since release and outside of getting to rank 70 I really haven't enjoyed it.
>inb4 hurdur shit game
I honestly feel nothing for vidya anymore. Its more taxing to play vidya now than go out and get rejected by women at a bar or lift weights. I was so bored last night that I went out and lost my virginity to a hooker because killing floor with friends was putting me to sleep.

This is why I love Sup Forums
>lock self into a depressing lifestyle of being content with boredom and negative bullshit
>surprised when your sedentary hobby is no longer fun or even interesting and blame it on the industry
>watch e-celebs who are getting payed to act like they are having fun and simulate friendship
>no matter how bored you become you dont change your lifestyle or even do something fun
>surprised when your wholly negative lifestyle has left you empty and depressed
I would ask you to never change so I could keep laughing but I don't have to worry about that.


I have it but it kicks in mostly after every "milestone" in a game, like if i play a match of CS:GO or Dota 2, i can't bear to play after i win one match, or after i reach a Bonfire in Souls

>thicc femboys

they don't exist, prove me wrong

>gamer fatigue
Quit making up bullshit for why you're fucked up in the head and lazy. That's Tumblr tier shit.
You do nothing but play games and now you're fucking burnt out.
>but I don't play vidya that often
Then quit browsing Sup Forums during your free time, faggot.
>but if I quit, then I'd play video games too much
Moderation, gaylord. You should know what it is unless you're a big, out of breath fat fuck.
>but I am a fat fuck
That's your fault.
>but genes
Quit making excuses, faggot.
>but I'm here forever
No you fucking aren't. You're just a clingy faggot desperate for what you consider to be a type of social interaction making up excuses for why your lifestyle is so dull.

Video games.

I didn't realize this was a movie theater

>I love Sup Forums
hello r*ddit

If I have the OP's symptoms, but it applies to every single game EXCEPT FOR Super Smash Bros Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube, what do i have

it's not really fatigue for me, but i recently realized that last years are very, very bad for vidya. Witcher 3 was absolutely amazing, it's expansions were even better, MGS TPP was kinda okay, Undertale was great, and that's it. That's every good title i know from 2015-2016.

Good thing i have a lot of old adventure games on my backlog, i'm slowly finishing IHNMAIMS right now and it looks like it's worthy of being a classic.

i also play CSGO, i don't even like this game anymore, i'm just playing it with friends as some kind of ritual that calms me down and introduces some constant thing in my life

Im wishing for that because im spending 6 hours a day on dragon ball fusion just to vet some fucking characters

that's why no one faps to 3d anymore
even if something you like is nonexistent, you can always find some pervert over internet who draws it

New pasta?




You're dumb

>You do nothing but play games and now you're fucking burnt out.
That's not true though, I've put less than 15 hours into games the past month and I still can't bring myself to play anything for more than an hour or two at a time. The lat time I "did nothing but play games" was back when WoW was still good and that was years ago, and I still didn't get burnt out.

Nah, it just sounds like you're depressed.

Hell, most people in this thread (and on this board) don't even really like video games. They are just the most convenient way to fill up time.
If you spend more time here than in vidya you need to either start enjoying games again or get a real hobby.

t. former NEET


>74 games in my Steam library
>don't want to play any of them

>6 PS4 games
>don't want to play any of them

>7 3DS games
>don't want to play any of them

>want to play old Harry Potter games on PS2 emulator
>none of them work

I think what really killed games for me is the focus on multiplayer. I always feel punished when I play multiplayer because you have to rely on a team and that sure as shit is a nightmare.

CoD and Battlefield are the only multiplayer games that don't make me feel like I wasted all the time playing because neither rely heavily on teamwork and everyone just runs around doing their own thing. I don't like CoD and I got burned out on BF4 a long time ago.

There are plenty of single player games out there like the Souls games that I know are good and enjoy but after the first time I play them I never find myself wanting to go back.

To be honest the last few years the only game i'm interested to play are the Ace Attorney games.
Really excited for the new one

Never played Danganronpa though. Not a fan of the setting