Other urls found in this thread:


The earth is approximately 6000 years old and God exists.

>Evolution Debunked

>Errors in Evolutionary Thinking

>Darwin's god

>Archeological evidence for the Bible

>Evolutionism: The Greatest Deception of All Time

>Refuting Evolution and Bill Nye

>Kent Hovind destroys Evolution

>Evolution is a myth

>The Greatest Lie Ever Told

>Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (chess master) blows Evolutionism out of the water

>The Terror of Evolutionism

>The Pagan Roots of Evolutionism (Darwinism is a religious cult)

>Tracing Genesis Through Ancient Culture

>Overwhelming Evidence for a Global Flood

>Dinosaurs are not "millions" of years old

that's what they get for launching it without essential features

doesn't surprise me, they botched the tracker, which made it fun to hunt.


I think you need to update your RSS feed friend.

>not die
Not good enough.

And pokemon game sales got boosted by 100+%

What is your point? The app is half arsed but the games are selling even more.

NMS syndrome.

Overhyped trash with no real gameplay to speak of.

>10million players quit
>still has double that playing
It's just like WoW all over again, even though it's sitting probably at 2mil, thats way more than any mmo can ever hope for


>What is your point?
he's shilling his channel.

Don't wanna shill for this furry faggot, but he does bring up a good point about cheating in the world championship.


Just the act of shuffling sideways should get the guy a verbal warning at best, and a DQ at worst.

What do you guys think about "stack shuffling"?

I don't really know how someone came up with 'this layer of rock is 300 million years old' desu senpai. Like, does space-dust settle over there and the soil never erode?

Didn't verlisify try to shill something retarded like shadow ball blissey as a competitive pokemon set

or was he just a showdown admin

I mean Pokemon Go definitely got worse and worse but I wouldn't take his word for it, I remember people used to make fun of him a lot

>Pokemon Go a failure

Iwata on suicide watch


Verlisify is based, aside from the furfaggotry. He tells things as he sees it, no bullshit. Subscribe to his YT channel

I know it's copy pasta, but God damn it you could have at least made an effort.

Good, they were all probably cheating to begin with and got bored of taking it seriously instead of having fun with the game



Really Nintendo doesn't care so much about the mobile game doing well. What they wanted was for the game to bring people to the actual games. That moves 3ds units and carts, which they get way more money on.

The problem is, people are stupid and will assume that the normal games are the same, so when they see that they aren't, they will either get mad that they can't go around catching Pokemon in the real world, or they won't understand how the game is played, fail and then never touch the games ever again.

Nintendo's strategy was half baked and will only push people away.

what's happening in this thread

I could've fucking sworn the picture said God is Dead


Glad fucking ninatic is falling into shit. The people who still play this garbage are all normies and casualfucks anyway.

Tfw people call themselves hardcore pokemon fans nowadays when they only know nothing past gen 1. Fucking disgusting.

>That moves 3ds units and carts, which they get way more money on.

I find this shit hard to believe. The kind of player who would play Pokemon Go without already having a 3DS wouldn't spend $200 to play a game they can play on their phone

I thought the same wow

PokemonGo has nothing to do with Nintendo though. They hardly own shit and get much from the app. It's all Ninatic.

>not shuffling your opponents deck at least 7 times after his faggy ass stacks it



Doesn't ingress still get new players?

Don't to tell me you're subscribed to that collar wearing, drama loving furfag

As I said, half baked. Nintendo doesn't understand the mentality of the casual gamer. They keep thinking, like a battered house wife "I can turn these people into loyal consumers, that will buy our shit"

It never works, but they keep trying.

It was Nintendo's idea to liscence out the property to Niantic for the game. Sure they don't receive much money on it directly, but they were invested in the potential consumers it would bring to them.

It's obviously not working, but that just means they didn't really lose anything.

I doubt Nintendo will declare their mobile venture a failure until both Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem do not increase the sales of the next games.

>not stacking your opponent's deck against him
look at this noob

Well shit, if a chess master doesn't believe in it it must be untrue.

>raise a 2500 CP dragonite
>put it in a gym
>within ten minutes is taken out by a 1700 jolteon
That's when I quit


Bruh it's 6v1, if you have no support or team mates near you, your gyms won't last days like you expect.
wait until more players drop it and find stable gyms

Is this you?


Don't what?

Shitpost harder.

That sounds hard.

You have to be super smart to be a chess master. Super smart people know shit more good than your dumb ass.

Man, I'd get a hardon while I was on stage if I was actually able to convince a crowd of people that a children's cartoon was teaching their kids witchcraft.

>being surprised that Go lost a fourth of its playerbase between the limpass state it was released in and its fad-like nature
>watching clickbait "PokeTubers"

>adults who still play pokemon

I don't understand. Why? Why do this to yourself?

It was TPC's idea to do it because their CEO fucking loves Ingress and wanted Ingress but with Pokemon


Verlsify is known mostly for his retarded as fuck "competitive" move sets. That and being a collar wearing furfag.

>10 million

They'll come back after the battle and trading features have been implemented.

and also the rest of the missing generations

genwunners and normalfags what did you expect

Not surprising at all.

They shot themselves in the foot by being such cheap hand-rubbing nigards.

Should have coughed up and fixed the problem from the get go, rather than cannibalize features that made it fun.

>OP creates a shitposting thread
>First post creates his own bait
First post, best fucking post

>Watch video
>"Yeah but the games not dead lol, the large number is just because there's been a stupid huge install base. It's still going strong and your complaints aren't doing a thing that wouldn't normally happen anyway."

I'm glad Sup Forums continues to just read a headline and react entirely based on that.

10 million is fucking nothing to this game. You can't kill God and you can't kill Go

m8 the quote "God is dead" wasn't literally saying god is dead, it was about religious influence in the actions of day to day life not being as strong as it was in the past.

If pokemon go can still do this then I think it'll be just fine.


I'm glad you continue to give them reason to make clickbait content with bullshit headlines by being a retard.

So am I no longer allowed to play pokemon go? I still like it and find it fun.

do you not understand radiation?

I lost most of my interest in this game when I found out that it had IVs.

Hidden stats are fucking stupid. I don't wanna spend months before finally finding that one rare pokemon only to discover that it has shit IVs.

It fucking defeats the purpose of the game.

IV's and natures is why I don't play pokemon anymore. It's not fun or good design.

you can IV train in Sun and Moon

"gen 1" hate will never cease to be the dumbest shit I have ever seen.

Hand over the delegates Donald.

>using """""dr""""" kent hovind as source
Doesn't even deserve a (You).

IVs don't make that big of diffrence, movesets do it.

Unless your sentence equates to "IV and natures do not exist in S/M" I am still not interested

Deus Vult. Thank you friend.

This. Seriously. I used to love pokemon when it was just all about exploring and finding that one sought-after pokemon.

Then I got older and found out that to actually play it beyond the story mode, you have to do all this stupid tedious breeding and grinding bullshit. It's fucking stupid.

I thought it'd be different with GO. I thought hey, this is a CASUAL game. It's all about walking around and catching Pokemon. But no, they ruined that, too.

This meme makes no sense and should stick in the trash pit known as Sup Forums

This is why Sup Forums is falling behind in memes, and doesn't have presidential candidates terrified of them.

That's what happens when you ban millions of people for life for violations spanning from big to very small. The law system in America doesn't hand out the same punishment for people who go a bit over the speed limit compared to people who murder. Also the fact that they treat the people who they haven't banned like shit.

Good to see there are people on this board who still think logically instead of letting their personal salt skew statistics and news. I get it, some of you guys hate the game, and that's fine, but don't let that cloud your judgment enough to think a fraction of the players leaving means anything.

Sorry guys, this is probably going to be game of the year. Just look at the kind of impact it had:

Be upset, that's ok. But don't start lying to yourself to make things seem better. The (sad?) reality is this is a global phenomenon and it isn't going away any time soon. If anything, it's going to get dozens of imitators now. Yeah, a lot of people left, nowhere near the number of the current install base though. Most of the people who quit were banned botters/cheaters, lazy assholes who thought they could sit on their couch and catch pokemon or much older people who were just intrigued at the popularity of this free game and decided to check it out, before realising it wasn't for them.

They had to weed all those people out eventually.

It's more that propaganda memes aren't all that funny and that's all Sup Forums traffics in.

>Trends die down
Who would've thunk it

>no trade
>no pvp
>have to grind pokemons by cannibalizing other ones

Dammit one fucking job of just choose a pokemon, fight and level up.

Trends don't always die down that fast. Original pokemon trend lasted years

>game after release hype has a had decline in players and numbers are settling
hm.... make me ..... mke me think.... .think...... rly mk ui think...... brin..... mk the bringg tingle..... yes.... ah..... rly.... make mb.... cranium tingle.....

>f-fucking deserve it for banning me for cheating!

>mobile trash

Fucking delusional

The legitimate experience is excruciating to actually endure. Exponential leveling requirements with steadily increasing difficulty and required time investment to recoup item loss due to difficulty. It was a recipe for failure regardless.

The game does not appropriately reward players for doing well or even for being diligent players that log in every day. It offers you nothing but the same thing from start to finish. The fact that they give you lucky eggs at 40 should raise a red flag. By the time you hit 39 the amount of items they give you as a reward are gone before you're 0.05% to level 40. It's a joke.

wtf i'm really thinking now

>stupid users, you are playing the game wrong
>here, let us fix it for you
>ok its done, now go play the way we intended


The number one rule of any business is to make something people want. Making something people want and then removing the features they like is going the wrong way.

That's even stupider, since movesets are random too.

>Pokemon GO loses 10 times more people in a week than everyone who has ever played bloodborne

bloodborne isn't F2P and available on smartphones which almost everyone has

>Just look at the kind of impact it had:
That video was taken over a month ago, back when most of the tracking was still available. I should know because I was there

Chinese people aren't human. Almost everyone I see playing after the hype died out is Chinese.

ohh look more e-celeb shit

The main problem is that Niantic is so incompetent as a developer that they managed to fuck up a Pokemon game of all things. How do you do it? The concept was so great, but the execution was so fucking awful.

>tracking is bugged, so instead of fixing it they just remove it completely, leaving everyone to go on wild goose chases for pokemon
>DMCA tracking sites that helped everyone find things, because being able to find pokemon not named pidgey or rattata is a bad thing
>speaking of which, if you're playing in an area that isn't a populated city, good luck catching anything that isn't a rattata or a pidgey
>spent their time DMCAing websites that helped everyone instead of banning cheaters, which happened two weeks too late
>decreased catch rate and increased flee rate for all pokemon (this was apparently a "bug," how the fuck do you introduce something like this unintentionally?)
>no battling
>no trading
>gym system is flawed
>candy system is flawed
>leveling up after you hit level 20 is a tedious grindfest
>gets boring very quickly
>still buggy
>still has server issues

The game is dying and there's no saving it because Niantic has no idea how to. The majority of people who downloaded it are normies who either don't give a shit about Pokemon, only give a shit about the first 151, or just wanted to play the flavor of the month game and fit in with everyone else. All the new features they're promising to add only appeal to people who actually like/play Pokemon, who have already moved on a long time ago once they found out how shallow the game actually is.

- No mans sky would like to have a word with you.

Wait nvm pokemon go is a phone app

So is this from somethin' lewd? I ain't into doggies or furshit but my benis likes what it's seein'.

>20 million still playing


Uh, literally all my nerd friends are still playing this while all the normies I know stopped

post discarded

See I don't get this.

Are you people incapable of playing the game while doing other shit? I run the game when I am walking my dog or walking somewhere, and I just pay attention when it vibrates. There isn't a grind to me because the game isn't meant to be played like an autist trying to max everything in a minute.

I'd say the games biggest flaw is gym/stop distribution. The game is virtually unplayable in many countries and areas due to this. I saw a map that showed Scotland had like 5 pokestops and 2 gyms for the entirety of the country. Meanwhile I have no less than 50 gyms and a few hundred pokestops in a 10 mile radius

It's not hating on gen 1 specifically, it's hating on the retards who believe gen 1 is the only real pokemon generation and anything after is stupid or shouldn't be real

We did it Sonybros....

We fucking did it....

Pokemon Go isn't really a game. Its more of a social app.

That is the intention, but that isn't how it is used. Any generic insult shit like that will always lose meaning and become an ultra broad blanket term. I regularly hear "genwunner" said at anyone who likes gen 1 for any reason.

It's kind of weird having people tell you you aren't a real fan because you got into the series when it initially started and not a decade later