Thoughts on Resident Evil 7?

Thoughts on Resident Evil 7?

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For what the demo was it already cemented itself as a solid meme game.

Whether that's a good thing or not is up to you.

So, the finger was literally useless in the end right?

Im looking forward to this, senpai.

They've showed no fucking mechanics yet so it's way too early to make a proper judgement.

It looks like shit. I might've been cool with it if it weren't a numbered title, but this is ridiculous. Capcom doesn't give a fuck about survival horror anymore. They just follow the trends.

What they've shown so far is almost equivalent to showing a cgi trailer to announce the game.

Fucking Dropped

Same here. If someone doesn't see that as a red flag, they're retarded.

Turned it into fps just to fit meme VR gaming. Its going to be shit.

>alien isolation but the alien is replaced with puzzles
gonna be gud

im looking forward to this but the whole VR shit is dumb.

This game can fuck right off and Capcom can follow.

After watching the lantern trailer, it looks bad and there is no "the demo is not part of the final game" excuse anymore. Lantern trailer is a legit part of the actual game and it looks worse than the demo.

>"I need to hide! I need to hide!"
>pursuer within earshot
>character hides behind a box
If I had any doubts that this game would be shit before seeing that trailer, they were confirmed when that happened.

The game being first person was Always the plan though. They've been working on this game since 2013.

VR was added later.

>it was always meant to be an imitation of trendy "horror" games
>"VR was added later"
>implying that makes it any better

Why does first-person automatically=shit? That one Call of Cthulhu game was first person and it was still a solid horror title.

Because Sup Forums.

Because it's rarely done right.

>playing resident evil
>oh no a zombie
>just run around it

If I had any doubts that this game would be shit before finishing it, they were confirmed when that happened.

I don't get that attitude. First person games are inherently less scary. The reason third person has become a thing at all is because it's easier to play for normies, and those normies don't give a single fuck about immersion.

Every time I've had a conversation about 1st vs 3rd person, it ALWAYS comes down to "I can't tell what I'm doing in first person, it's dumb!" as if it's anyone's fault but their own for having shitty situational awareness.

>first person games are inherently less scary
Meant to say THIRD person games are inherently less scary.

Its taking a really stupid direction, but I'll buy it on sale most likely.

Still looks pretty beautifully made.

The teaser showed promise, but then I saw the godawful lantern trailer that looks like a rip-off of Outlast with trash textures and trash voice-acting.

>evading enemies is the same as shitty writing

>not knowing about PT

Cmon user try harder

I'll definitely wait for it to drop to $20 or less, if I get it at all.

PT rip off.

Classic RE fags are fucking retards who have never played a good survival horror game in their lives.

I really hope they don't just rip off of Silent Hills. Resident Evil needs GUNS! But I get the feeling its just gonna copy Silent Hills. Which isn't exactly bad but...

I'll definitely but it though, I don't have any horror games on my PS4 right now.
>Persona 5
>Resident Evil
I'm looking forward to these two. Any others I should be looking forward to? I've though about Lost Guardian but it doesn't seem that interesting.

I'm just curious how it even fits into the franchise at all.

And PT was a clone of Amnesia and all of those shitty first person horror games.

Seriously, why does anyone give a shit about Resident Evil post Mikami, when NONE of the games since he left have been good outside of the Chronicles games, which one of them had Clover staff working on.

Huh? What does PT have to do with what I said?
(keeping in mind I made a typo and then corrected it already)

Drink bleach, homo.

I mean, they've been taking stupid directions with RE since 4. Might as well try a different stupid direction than the same stupid direction over and over.

It doesn't, really. Capcom is trying something new and is using a popular IP to guarantee enough profits.

5 and 6 have fantastic Mercenaries modes and the Revelations games were pretty good.

Ladies first.

Revelations 2 was fucking horrible.

jesus fucking christ i cannot believe it took me this long to see the VII in there

son of a bitch

Horror games have always been a meme with slow clunky gameplay and very little replayability

Then when you make a horror game with good combat people whine that it isn't scary enough because your character isn't suffering from severe physical handicaps and brain damage

The only thing that was horrible in it was Moira.

You're retarded user.

I thought it was a nice touch, calling it just resident evil so you may think it's a reboot with the change of direction, but hiding the VII in there to dispel fears of another DMC like situation.

Hooray! Less privilege!

Will it fill the hole left in my soul by the cancellation of Silent Hills?

Oh, your hole will be getting filled with something alright

I like the Biohazard one better.

oh fuck, see, THAT i would have noticed

clever goddamn nips

6=call of duty
revaluations=the last of us
7=out last
it's the same problem I had with 6. there making other games, not resident evil games.

Revelations 1 was still recognizable as RE.

Going back to horror roots is enough for me, FPS or not. RE6 was the only trash game in the saga.

Fuck the haters

RE6 is nothing like Call of Duty.

Day one buy because VR.
Even a poorly assembled demo on unity is pretty spooky.
Also impressed they are choosing to use 2 mode, the motion sickness friendly and the vomit comet.

>Fuck the haters
Is it 2006?

Can't wait for the contrarian defense force for RE6 close to RE7's release.

>Day one buy
>because VR

You don't put out entry after entry and not evolve in some way.

RE6 did do some things right.
>good enemy designs
>a good (not scary) story in Chris's campaign
>the best Mercs in the series

This isn't an evolution. They're literally ripping off of popular (i.e. meme) first person horror games.

>"And my source for this is..."

They will never top this, so might as well stop trying.

>popular (i.e. meme)

Looks like meme Horror garbage.

RE6 is a top tier action-game.
Everyone understood Resident Evil was an action franchise since 4 except your MUH HORRORfags.

REVII_ isn't even the real deal, REmake2 is the true return to survival horror. This is just Capcom jumping in on the PT train.

Look up "Resident Evil 7" on Jewtube and tell me you don't see the cancer.

I have my doubts. Modern Capcom seems incapable of fully going back to survival horror.

Can't go back to something the series never was in the first place.

Shit, I forgot. You're right, it was a racing game

I'm still confused by the finger as well. Apparently the first demo isn't part of the main game, so the finger might be written off as an easter egg, or preview of puzzle stuff. But picture related makes it seem like it has some importance down the line. Maybe a demo update, or maybe the finger will return in the full game?

To be fair the demo gives a basic idea of controls and introduces the new "tape" mechanic which was shown off in the new trailer. I kinda like the tapes, but I'm worried they will end up all the same, and basically be intractable cut scenes. Hopefully the can make them fun.

Patiently waiting for it and hoping they show off the actual combat soon

Such as?

>is optimistic about this shit game
>likes Overmeme
Big surprise.

>RE6 is a top tier action-game.

OOH SHIT, I just noticed something. Do you guys think that image has any importance? the finger points to either September 5th or 12th. New demo then? Does anyone else think the can reflection is different than the message too?

All it had was a demo chill out dude, we basically know very little about the game to call anything. Hell they even said the demo was not indicative of the final product

Also I like overwatch because I actually have friends to play it with and have fun, sorry no one wants to hang out with you friendo.

As somebody who liked Survivor and Dead Aim, I'm excited for a new first-person RE.

Can't be ass fucking awful as 4 5 and 6. I can't wait for it
Here's the explanation about the finger

>le contrarian post

It looks like they're cashing in on the whole ebin scared youtuber horror game shit honestly. I'm trying to keep an open mind about it and hoping there's some gameplay to it other than hide from monster and find clues, but it looks more like Outlast 3 than RE7.

I think RE7 will either be amazing or it will be Outlast indie shit.

There is no in between.

They said there is actual combat but for some reason they refuse to show it off.

I am eager to see the combat too. But I'm not really sure what kind of combat I want.

Should it be clunky/tanky, or smooth? Should enemies be difficult or easy to take down? How limited will ammo and herbs be?

I personally want them to be a little easier to take down with certain weapons like guns, but have ammo be slightly hard to obtain. But not so hard to find where I end up saving more ammo than I should be using it.

Because it's going to be melee only or mash buttons to escape monster and they already know how pissed the fanbase is going to be.

There are guns.

Except the Lantern Trailer literally showed the gameplay, faggot.

>wasting time on an online game at all
>"muh online friends"

This gives me a slight bit of hope.

The only way RE6 was a good action game was in the mercs mode. The campaigns were all garbage. Its a 6/10 game at best.

One of the screenshots in the trailer had the player character holding a pistol. They also showed a shotgun in one of the ambassador posts.

A good shooter would be Vanquish or Binary Domain. Or hell, even Shadows of the Damned.

I hope you're joking.

>b-b-but guns

Literally read the 2nd sentence you wrote

What was the secret 4th ending? or was it 5th?

Guns and combat has a pretty fucking huge impact on what kind of game it is

It showed literally a small snippet of one tiny area with an enemy that you can't just kill. When Gears of War has a turret section is that indicative of the full game? It just seem like you want this game to be shit for literally no reason.

I'm a different guy but The Lantern demo showed more of the "tape" mechanic. I think it should be fine as a way to show off story and lore stuff like a playable journal entry, but If these tapes are a large part of the game and it's focus, I will be very worried about this game

Also, why are you so bitter? Videogames are for entertainment and wasting time. Just because people like things you don't doesn't mean anything at all.

So according to this article, the lantern bitch is named Maggy Baker and we're to get another playable demo at TGS next month

Also, combat confirmed

We know there was a picture of an Umbrella chopper in the Beginning Hour demo and I'm 100% positive there will be a biohazard somewhere in the game itself
Your post makes me think that the tapes will be like the notes from the previous RE games, but with an interactive element to them.

That sounds pretty neat when you think of it that way
I thought Survivor was okay, but Dead Aim was pretty gud
>tfw Bruce nor Ark will ever come back

If the writing of that "snippet" wasn't enough to make you wary of this shitheap, I don't know what is.

>I think it should be fine as a way to show off story and lore stuff like a playable journal entry

I really hope that's what they're going for. I'm just worried that most of the tapes are going to go on for way longer than they should. Apparently a number of them are going to be completely optional, which is good news imo.