Games you admit are too hard for you

I could only get past the first level of this game on Nightmare. At one point I think I died 30 times in a row and just gave up, realized I should lower the difficulty.

I feel like a massive estrogen filled vagina playing this game on Ultra-Violence now. Haven't died once, cleared parts where i was dying repeatedly with ease.

Any games you've played where you just had to admit you were shit at them?

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Pretty much all of them now.

every game i have ever played. RPGs made me think i enjoyed video games, but really i just liked the stories and tinkering with stats.

dungeon travelers 2 has me at my limit but mostly because of how much info they hold back. apparently some stats dumps such as weapon mastery are useless and points to allocate are very rare. and that's just a turn based JRPG.

as for action games the VR mission on MGR were getting to me. I was going through them when focused but up to the last few missions I stopped because I realized it wasn't worth the effort.

>can get through Castlevania 1 and 3 without getting a game over
>can do the same with Ninja Gaiden and any other sort of difficult platformer
>somehow cannot get through pic related without dying and continuing hundreds of times

Not even baiting. Don't get me wrong I love these games and think they're fun but holy fuck no matter how much I git gud, they kick my ass to next Tuesday and I don't even know why.

The original Etrian Odyssey 1 for DS. I couldn't get past the poison butterflies in the second level

EVE Online.

And the first one too. I love them both but I'm just terrible at them. Maybe I should just give in and go through them on easy and savescum.

I actually had to cheat in 2 personally. The fucking bullshit stun baton guys, the way stricter time limits, etc. Just made me rage. So I gave myself extra time and money in the campaign through the console to get past some retarded parts easier. Also made my squad invincible in one mission.

>Hit my pinnacle at MW2
>I'm never gonna be that good ever again

It hurts. I'm a washed up has-been. I can't quickscope in Black Cocks 3 to save my life. Hold me ;_;

Nightmare is really hard until you get 1-2 health upgrades, then you can't get 1-2 shot anymore.

Were you playing with a controller?

who are you trying to impress? if it ain't fun on a certain level lower it till you find a level that let's have fun and is challenging

nightmare is just tedious rather than actually difficult and really highlights the poor balance and design choices of Doom

Just gave up

Yeah this. Also, Ultra-violence is painfully dull. I'm kind of sad because I wanted to complete it so I could say I had finished this shitty game but 3-4 levels in I have absolutely no desire to continue.

Ghost Recon
I can't into stealth, it's too tedious for me.

Freedom Wars' endgame.
When I saw the bullshit grind I had to do to even be viable, I quit.

The only game I legit gave up on was the final boss of drakengard 3. Mostly because of the 6 hours I tried, 3 of them seemed like loading times and skipping cut scenes.

sheiiit i had been looking at this image for ages thinking that it was Doomguy looking at another Doomguy with a weird robotic helmet sitting against a wall


This game
Also Armored Core V
The customization stuff was too deep for me and I gave up

Tfw used to style on fools 360 trickshots and all now i cant shoot stright because my eyes are slowly fucking up... alot happens in 7 years

After playing it enough you unlock infinite continues, after which the game pretty much plays itself

The ending is worth seeing

Deus ex: md. Playing it like a shooter. Terrible with my aim. Surprisingly im half way done on nightmare.


Fighting games (can't git gud enough to get out of trashcan MMR, borrow them from friends just for the single player)

the final dustforce levels

Crypt of the Necrodancer

Fuck Aria so much. Can't even finish the game with her.

Not your fault

That game used to drive me insane when I rented it as a kid. I could beat the first level as Spider-Man but I couldn't beat a single level as any of the other characters.

Any game that involves some kind of deep customization of stats / skills, like Warframe, for example. The game itself is not too hard for me, but the insane optimization that people put into their builds intimidates me and I feel like it's not worth putting time into it.

I feel you. I dropped the game afterwards for a long time and have picked it up again just recently, realized that I suck now and have to relearn everything and just gave up for good.

Otherwise I tend to bite even through harder games. When a game is too hard, I realize it mostly at the beginning when I can't get into it for the life of me. Happened with Dwarf Fortress and Patrician III for example.

Same. I am usually pretty competent at puzzle games and puzzles in general but this game makes me feel like a fucking idiot. In guess my brain just is not wired in a way to comprehend this game

yyep. I'm beating my head against all zones mode right now for dat achievement I'll never look at again.

Game isn't that difficult. Just do what you want.


It's not even like it's bad.
It's just incredibly hard.


I haven't even finished the last (in her case first) zone individually. I don't even see myself playing an all zones mode with her in the future. That's how hard her playing style is.

Are you playing with a controller or something?

Nightmare was just right. Not retard hard but not too easy either. Ultra-Nightmare is ridiculous though, but it's made to be that way.

How is it tedious? Enemies are not really damage sponges or anything.

the only thing that made doom hard in the beginning was the base ammo capacity. imo it actually gets easier as you go on.

also fuck those shield soldier

Games are only too hard when you decide to give up on learning them.

So don't give up user!

eh, just keep at it. I felt the same way about 20 hours ago. I just use the game as a way to kill time at this point, or something to do while I listen to podcasts as I slowly but surely get better.

I just don't fucking get the combat.

I lowered the difficulty from sword/story to just story at the first griffon fight. I have a better understanding now of how health and dodging works, but eh, I just want to ride through the daylight forests and mountains and not worry about dying.
Admittedly I did start the game using a controller cause my mindset was 'if i can avoid using my keyboard like a piano I will', but just the other day i switched back and it's much better, and absolutely not as complected as i made it in my head.

I don't remember the original game being all that difficult, so I bought this and started on normal difficulty. There are some tough missions in the early and middle game, but when you get to the later missions where you fight furies, it gets ridiculous. I'm stuck right now, and considering just lowering the difficulty.

I must have played through it on "easy" back in 1998.

wow. I've never beaten castlevania but I can beat those games without losing a life.

>The fucking bullshit stun baton guys

Suppression exists for a reason.

Shmups, I'm fucking horrid at shmups. Every time I try even "easy" shit like Ikaruga I just fall apart. Still like to try my hand at them every now and then though.

If you're shit maybe.

That's because "trying" shmups is a shitty idea because the entire genre is built on the idea that you will play them over and over until you stop sucking. Playing them with the mentality of a modern game will get you nowhere.

Ys oath in felghana. I generally like games where you need to learn boss patterns and practice until you can react quickly, but it feels like it's impossible to dodge everything reliably and you need to keep it up for an incredibly long time as you wear down the boss one point of damage at a time.

I beat the game without much of a problem, but I think that was on normal difficulty, and I felt like I was just clumsily stumbling my way through it. I'm not good at memorizing and pulling off long combos, and there were a lot of moments where there was so much going on that I couldn't keep track, so it was a lot of button mashing and standing still so I could focus on dodging an attack and entering witch time or whatever it's called. I don't really have experience with these types of games.

Stalker. Feels bad man.

i just can't

One of the joys of the internet is watching other people suffer through the same games that traumatized me as a kid.

it bad and its incredibly hard.

I'm in love with this game. I'm at lvl 5 on nightmare. When I first started playing It took me so many tries to get past that tutorial imp area. Almost wanted to quit but I pushed through.
It does get a little easier when you get better weapons. Assault rifle and super shot gun are my jam right now

I'll admit it

this fucking game


>ywn be so pathetic your one claim to greatness is in a casual fps that has literally zero recoil

1st game, sniper abuse, 2nd, grenadier/grenade abuse.

What is Ninja Gaiden.

I could do DNC3 and 4 on hard but fuck me I just couldn't get my mind around that game.

Good times, was there ever a GH2?

EVE online.

It just looked like too much work from the get go. It felt like taking an analyst job.


I really wanted to get into this game but i have no idea what im fucking doing.

manual is like 150 pages and i dont feel like reading all that, jumped straight into tutorial and started to get my shit slapped

Came to post this

Well the idea is to kill in one shot in the first place.

I can't even get past stage 3.

It really makes me angry. Between the input lag of my TV and the game its borderline unplayable. Every death feels like total bullshit. The worst thing is clearing games that are harder than SDOJ normal and then coming to this and getting rolled.

is the crack out yet?

There is no crack. The guy doing it was getting shit on by Rebbit and he stopped.

The manual isn't helpful, don't bother

Its not that hard to get good at that game. Then again I played it for 100 hours and everyone with a friend either as an ally or foe. And we still learn new things everytime.

I've been playing it and feel the exact same user.
Even the first couple of missions with the furies aren't bad, but the one with the soviet factory and the soviet reinforcements just flips a switch into holy shit what the fuck mode.

That first fury that shows up in about a second is so bullshit. And the rush to repair/equip yourself with weapons that can actually kill furies afterwards is also ridiculous.

Bless those little corporate tools, they are so adorable when they get up in arms to protect the honor of massively successful companies.

this. i enjoyed the game and never hit like a huge wall where i couldn't beat it, but goddam i got so many stone/bronze medals, very demoralizing

LOL!! Holy Shit!! THIS!!! I couldn't pass any levels, just the opening Spiderman level. Glad I rented that shit as a kid.

Both W101 and MGR:R. There are these little bits where everything clicks and I get into a beautiful groove of perfect timing and comboing my way through everything, but easily two-thirds of the time I have no idea what the fuck is going on, and I just die and die and die, getting more frustrated all the while. Plus the games explain almost nothing so I feel like an idiot fumbling around with controls I don't recognize.

I learnt via youtube videos and fucking around in the 10v10 mode

Reinstalled Unreal Tournament 2004 for old times sake, started campaing on godlike - the highest difficulty, just to fuck around.
Easily wrecked first 1v1 map with score 10-3, struggled really hard with the second 3-way deathmatch, beat it on the 5th try and the next 5ppl dm just completely destroyed me, I have no chance of winning this. I can manage 1v1 any bot there, sure, but the fuckers get frags like its christmas, and even with positive k\d I fall too far behind because there is always this one fuck who lasthits my targets and gets his 15th frag first

Playing on masterful now (3rd highest), struggle with the last qualifications match where you have to kill your team

That factory mission was absolute bullshit. That fury dropping down within 5 seconds of starting the mission almost made me ragequit.

I think the nerf they need is reduced blast radius on those bombs that they fire. I think the original intent was to have it so you could shoot the bombs right after they fired them and deal massive damage to them. The problem is that the radius of the bomb blast is greater than the range of any of your weapons, so it's impossible to destroy the bombs without dealing massive damage to yourself and any other units you have near you.

I'm on the mission where you have to destroy the 8 power nodes and then the fury base. I just don't see how it's going to be possible, because there are 2-3 defending each node, and one randomly drops down to attack your base every few minutes. On top of all that, there are some out randomly patrolling the landscape.

The AoE really shits me because it means you absolutely need to be on top of replacing your defense grid constantly, and it'll hit shit like your power generators all the time.

That and furies obsoleting everything except bombers and walkers is dumb.

I'll never, ever, ever be able to beat Gitaroo Man on master level

I consider myself pretty good at platformers, but I've never been able to get far in Castlevania or C3.

Any RTS games

>having fun with Company of Heroes
>which means I'm gonna die in 3 minutes
God, why am I so bad at these games

I played the hell out of AoE2 back in the day, but I only had dial-up, so I just played campaigns and random matches against the AI. I got pretty good at exploiting the AI's quirks, but I never really learned how to play against other humans.

Now when I watch videos on Youtube, I realize that I'd just get destroyed if I tried to play online at all.

Ever since I've gotten older I've gotten worse at every game I play. I hate it. I used to be really good at RTS games but I can't play SC2 at all. Not even BW or WC3, I'm completely hindered by the older control schemes.