Witcher 3 GOTY edition comes out in 4 days


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and I was just about to buy it reduced on Steam.


the GOTY eddition is the original game + dlc, but I doubt it's gonna be cheaper than it is now on steam

Glad i waited

was really thirsty for 3 but wanted a complete version since they did that with their previous games

So does this finally have non-retarded movement or will it still take 1.5 seconds to register directional key presses? Will it finally have non-retarded enemy selection in combat or will it still randomly decide to start attacking an enemy opposite of where you're pointing the directional keys? Does it fix the issue of loot being absolutely useless? Will it finally introduce different mechanics for fights or is every fight still Q click click click even on the highest difficulty?

No? Still the same broken ass shit that never deserved a decent score? Okay then.

>best game of all time
>complete shit for gameplay
>huge skinner box
>just pulp romance fiction for socially-retarded dorks

Is the 2nd game any good? It's on sale for like 2.99

who are you quoting, though?

It has the same issues this shite has, terrible movement controls and gameplay in general is just rubbish.

People will try to sell you on the story, but the story here is fucking Twilight tier, with little Marie Sue Geralt prancing around the countryside being more important than he has any reason being.

It's going to be the same price as the sale is right now.

Just wait for GOTY to go on sale.

>So does this finally have non-retarded movement or will it still take 1.5 seconds to register directional key presses? Will it finally have non-retarded enemy selection in combat or will it still randomly decide to start attacking an enemy opposite of where you're pointing the directional keys?
That was fixed and the second one mods fix.

This isn't an Enhanced Edition. CDPR are no longer bros.

Yeah it's okay.

>That was fixed
Oh you poor, delusional bastard. No, it really, really fucking wasn't. They made a 1/10 movement system into a 2/10, it's still complete fucking garbage even on alternate movement, you fucks really need to stop spreading this bullshit that it's now "fixed"

Works for me.

I'm watching the trailer and it seems pretty awesome. Thanks.

Uhuh, sure it does. Like having an itchy asshole "fixed" by sticking a 9 inch dick in it, I'm sure that 'works' for some retards.

>calling your own game "GOTY edition"
Why is this a thing? It's even more embarrassing and non-sensical than "pre-ordering" digital games

I don't think there's going to be any difference between buying the GOTY version compared to the current W3 + Season Pass. I mean, unless you're getting a Physical copy, which would mean you'd have the complete game fully patched up--seems like something designed for the benefit of Consoles.

You should play the first game first.

Normies, amirite?

>This isn't an Enhanced Edition. CDPR are no longer bros.
More like they released W3 as they intended the first time, so there's no need for an enhanced edition.
Witcher 1 EE for example made changes like removing a shitload of duplicate NPCs and replace their low quality models.

A Witcher 3 EE with all the graphical downgrade undone would be nice, tho.

No it isn't the controls are more responsive I can hit anywhere I want and dodge any attack at what direction I choose to aim. The fuck are you talking about?

>More like they released W3 as they intended the first time
No they didn't. There was tons of cut content, the game was rushed out.

They only thing they changed is that you're not 100% constrained by the animations anymore user, please stop bullshitting. The control delay is still there, just go into the game and hit W A S D in order and note how nothing fucking happens unless you pause at least 1.5 seconds between presses, note how when moving in any direction it still takes 1.5 seconds to come to a full stop, and the new movement system never even intended to address this.

You're full of shit, kindly fuck off.

user is right, game was rushed at the end, hate to link reddit on this board, but do read


For some reason i always got headaches while playing TW2

This is mainly targeted for consolefags though, otherwise they would have named it something like the "White Wolf Edition".

Always knew Witcher shills were redditors. Holy fuck get out.

Are you a moron or something, it DOES happen, with the alternate movement on or not on battle phase. You Trolling liar.

>original witcher 3 gamesave incompatible with complete edition
I just wanted to newgame plus right into the complete edition from my original save...also, I'm a weirdo who prefers physical editions, that why I don't just download the dlc


Not all those who frequent that shillhole that is the Witcher reddit are automatically witcher shills, but all witcher shills do indeed frequent that shillhole.

>buying drm free games

Literally what is the point?

to show support so that more devs dont do DRM?

>Changes magically change something it was never made to change

Sure thing buddy.

But if you're going to buy the game why do you care if it has DRM or not? Only matters for pirates.

Lying about the delay and double downing on it wont help.

Because DRM can cause issue to the game specially on PC.

Yeah, that's just a bold face lie.

Nice b8 m8

Can't wait to buy it again on x1.

The Witcher 3 won the most goty awards of it's year. Fuckoff.

Every single game has shit cut out from it. Every single fucking game.

W3 felt like a full released game. W2 didn't. W1 felt like that but it was too buggy so they "enhanced it"