Who lied more?

Who lied more?

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I challenger appears.

The left lied about 1 game.
The right lied about every game he ever made.
This one Lied about every game he made as well as games he didn't.

Todd lied about what exactly? As far as I know, he only exaggerated the features but they were still in the games. He makes things sound better than what they are just like anyone trying to sell you a product. However Sean actually lied by saying some features would be in the game when they actually aren't.

Todd didn't really lie. Sean flat out lied.

At least Todd didn't go on national television (colbert tonight show) and lie to millions lf americans.

Todd lying is a meme, he exaggerated heavily though. Sean lied.

todd isn't even in the top 3 of biggest liars

1. sean murray
2. peter molyneux
3. tim schafer

he really needs to step up his game for skyrim 2 if he wants to keep up


Always two there are. one master and one student.
Todd became the master after he killed his former master Molyneux and took sean as a student.


While Todd lied, I still had fun

Don't forget Molyneux also lied about that Godus contest.
The winner never got his prize.

Sean and Keiji Inafune

Come on, they take the cake

And Molyneux because they were legendary. Fabled, in fact.

don't fall for the meme todd never lied he just exaggerate, sean did lie a lot

Sean since he flat out lied about many features and showed footage that would never make it to the final product.

Todd at least has the decency to not show fake shit and outright lie about core features such as multiplayer.

It doesn't matter how hard Todd lied about stuff, because ultimately, Fallout games were well received and enjoyable to play, even 4.

No Man's Sky is a goddam nightmare of technical problems, not just on PC like usual, but PS4 as well. It delivers precisely 0% of the things seen in the trailers, or promised by Sean "Collect all the money and disappear in a hurry" Murray.

are you serious??

>all these Todd memers claiming Todd isn't a liar


90% of things in that video is present in his games.

It is just a meme.


Sean lies about NMS is more than all of Todd's lies combined.

Hello Todd

Skyrim shit never made gaming comunity start a religious war.
Smart people find if shitty
Virgins find it a good waifu loader
Retards find if best game ever made.

BUT NMS.... That shit Sean promised 10 games in one.

one lied about almost every aspect of one game

the other lied about some aspects of a series of games.

too hard to get a verdict, i must say Todd its the biggest liar, but Sean its a fucking shit person.

Sup Forums did

Todd doesnt flat out lie.

He just stretches the truth a lot.

He says there are over a thousand endings

When there is only 10

But sean literally says shit that never appears


fuck these niggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>tfw not giving >349677501 a (You)
>tfw I'm a giant Pizza irl

Todd's gotten away with it for over 10 years, Sean instantly gets caught on release. Todd is best liar.

You are a cunt.

This %100, todd never really lies, he just half-asses said promises. It's like half-truths or really bad truths.


I got banned for a day for responding to one desu

Someone list 1 actual lie Todd has ever told...

Sean came out of absolutely nowhere and blew the competition wide open.

Todd didn't hype up Skyrim as a multiplayer game. He didn't tell people you would randomly come across other players, then the day before release say "not to really think of it as a multiplayer game, because the game world is so huge meeting other players is rare"

ore no DICK

Look up the Oblivion E3 videos.

I got banned for two weeks for making a thread about games where you play as a girl but here we are with threads about e-celebs, Let's Plays and SJW/GG Twitter drama

I can't hate Todd,
he may have said some little white lies,
about how many quests, and dungeons etc.

But I had tons of fun with Oblivion, Fallout 3, 4 and Skyrim.

I can't hate the guy, at least he tried making something fun.


Y'all niggers need to stop putting Todd with these two liars.

Todd hasnt lied. Name a feature he lied about?


Im too lazy, post it you faggot

Up yours user. Here is your (you) cunt.

fuck you

Everything in that video is in the game besides unscripted characters starting to commit crimes when they run out of food or the part where the lady zaps the dog for making noise at night.

That's because the moderator is a fucking retard. I get banned for the stupidest shit anymore, but 800 reply porn threads happen here... I literally posted censored tits and get banned for 2 days.

I'm too lazy.

Now this i really don't understand.

All i care about is the cute girls in the games. All the other shit is like a second wave of reality tv, bit for the autistic nerd generation.

The mods need to get thier priorities straight.


They really fucking do, watch us get banned for trying to tell them they aren't doing their job right. Meanwhile, a blacked thread somewhere will get +300 replies.

Todd didn't technically lie, there are 200 endings in Fallout 3, but each is a 1% different variant of each other and only a few are actual main story branches.

Anyone who didn't think it they will just use the ending for each big side quest as an "ending" variant to pad out their number is an idiot, I thought of this immediately when I heard the "200 endings" BS.

The God-King appears


I cant climb mountains


Yes you can. You just jump to ascend. Dont think Todds team can program actual climbing. They still have their shitty decade old engine.

Do people actually use urinals like that? That seems pretty basic if there's free ones to not go right next to someone else.

Todd, Sean Murray only released one game.


...Sigh, fine

Post the Rayman ad.

Whos this guy?

>xbox360 is great and made Morrowind possible
>Gamebryo is a fully dynamic engine, it just works
>Fallout 4 is an enormous dynamic-world
>Radiant AI
>Skyrim has infinite quests
>See that mountain? you can climb it.
>Dungeons are hand-crafted
>Fallout 4 is the most detailed open-world we have created
>Fallout 3 has hundreds of endings
>"We made a real Pip-boy"
>You can play Bethesda games forever

How the fuck can one man lie so much? How he keeps getting away with this?


make way bitches

Please no.


>morrowind was for the original xbox
>gamebryo IS dynamic
>fallout 4 IS enormous
>Radiant AI WORKS
>There ARE infinite quests in Skyrim ( they are just identical )
>you CAN climb mountains
>Dungeons ARE hand crafted
>Fallout 4 IS the most detailed yet
>Fallout 3 had 1 ending, so that's a lie
>How can you make a real pip boy if its something fictional? No lie there.
>You CAN play bethesda games forever.

He doesn't reach Sean Murray levels of lying

Fuck you, you double nigger.

It's not about how many games with lies you make, it's about how many lies you put into the game. And before you say "it's still Todd", I implore you to reconsider.


Nice get, friend. Hopefully this convinces everyone that Fallout 4 is worth it.

I wonder who could be behind this post.




Sean Murray by far


there are four consecutive zeros n the end of your post friend





But what happens...

when we science?


fudge no

Replying for safety.

Based Todd doesn't lie. He just gets exited, falls for his own hype and says things he plans on adding but don't make the final cut . He is also very handsome and NOT a manlet.

Fukka u

Todd's a neat guy, never felt like he misled us. Now Sean, I waited three fucking years and followed every single interview and game play video he did. What a fucking hack. Platinum ed nms so I'd feel like I got my money's worth. Bought elite dangerous and I haven't been happier.

Sean. For the most part Todd didn't lie, he just greatly exaggerated things, but at least those things were in the game. Sean just bashfully played off questions with a laugh and thought he could get away with it.

Numale by far. Todd is very misleading, but he doesn't outright lie. Once you get used to him, you can deduce what the actual truth is from his statements.

Molyneux just overexaggerates because He's a dreamer if nothing else, and guys like him can work fine in the industry as long as like, 20 sensible people are holding them down. If you want a good example, play any David Cage game and you can almost always spot the exact second somebody didn't have an eye on David and he got a hold of the script. Todd and Sean lie for those sweet sweet pre-order bux.

the fact that this fuck had the nerve to try and shit on pete molyneux is astounding

molyneux actually made a couple good games unlike him who is 0 for 1

I hope Sean disappears into obscurity as quickly as he rose from it.
The other thing that bothers me are the fucking autoplay videos and screen's hots of things that never made it in the game on steam

He's right you know

why is he so short?

An ancient evil awakens.