Well Sup Forums, are you coming back?
I'm still on the fence, $65 is a good amount of pizza, but I guess I could maybe live with some less pizza
Well Sup Forums, are you coming back?
I'm still on the fence, $65 is a good amount of pizza, but I guess I could maybe live with some less pizza
>Well Sup Forums, are you coming back?
Pizza > WoW
>are you coming back?
No. No amounts of shilling will change it after three back-to-back trainwreck expansion packs.
I never left. 11 years and counting.
stay mad faggots.
Oh no, user. You've wasted a good 6 years of your pathetic life on a shitty game. We're soooo angry!
Lmao @ You
thanks for the you :^)
Shit taste
I really fucking want pizza now thanks asshole.
I won't , simply out of spite for neoblizz
>battered wife syndrome
Do we know what time Legion will launch? Is it going to be a midnight unlock thing or will we have to wait for maintenance to be over on tuesday?
>inb4 all day maintenance and then the servers being broken all day wednesday
Blizzcucks go and stay go.
I'm laughin at you dude
I wish I could design WoW and make crazy drastic changes, even though my ideas are usually shit.
I'd make it so each Order is their own faction, and players would just be random adventurers that pledge allegiance to each order in exchange to learn their skills.
You could gain reputation with the other Orders, and lose reputation with your own and other Orders. Depending on which Orders you decide to visit first determines your class and starting reputations. The story would revolve less around world shattering events, although some could take place, and more around major cities and their order allegiances going to war over different things.
Your starting race determines which Orders are willing to take you, and which cities you're allowed in. You can gain reputation with the cities to gain access, but it'd be extremely difficult for say an Orc to be allowed into Stormwind, but not impossible. The cities wouldn't function as much more than trade hubs and RP zones.
You would be able to PvP against anyone by flagging, killing players of a certain Order may give you reputation with another, and would make you lose a large amount of reputation with that Order and that Order's allied cities. It may be difficult to keep up with, but Order alliances and city alliances would change often depending on story occurrences.
>Playing MMORPGs
I'll be damned if you still play them in 2017, haha, I honestly see no value to them, I'd rather play a normal game with multiplayer.
That photo actually really hits me hard :(
Fucking this holy shit it's gotten this bad
Played the beta.. got 2 tools to 110 with the higher ilvl of the two being only 860. Legion was miles better than WoD on launch.. there is legit a ton of things to do and gearing felt really smooth and rewarding. However while the leveling was fucking kick ass the first time through it got super fucking stale for the second run. Also the Surumar shit was almost unbearable a second time and the entire expansion is going to heavily rely on Blizzard actually being active in the game and keeping the content up to date otherwise Legion will easily fall into the same trap as WoD. Overall I'd say 7.5/10 with potential to easily become a 9/10 as long as things are kept up to date.
The sense of progression and large amounts of challenging content keep me coming back. I've played other games like Smite, Destiny, and Tribes but they never really did it for me. Either too short or too repetitive.
WoW is just a tired, tired, stale, bland meme to me now.
Nah I almost cracked a few times but then I remember all the bullshit about WoD and how Legion is just going to be a FFXIV clone with less skills.
Worst I've done is resubb for the invasion which admittedly is fun but I know its going to be nothing like legion.
>Kung fu panda land
As some one who played it off and on from start to finish I can tell you that expansion was shit.
>Muh Chinese themes
For someone who absolutely have NEVER touched WoW, what is this about and is it a suitable gateway?
I resubbed for the prepatch.
Expansion launches are always fun for a month. Whether or not I stay depends on if Blizzard keeps their word and keeps it updated with new content regularly.
I also joined a new guild and am having fun playing with them. We're planning an all-nighter on Legion's launch.
Yeah I did. I was iffy, but all my friends were on board so we are gonna get back into it. It's awesome though, there's 5 of us so we can do shit together. And if we get bored a month or two down the line, then fuck it we stop playing.
Most of V doesn't even know what vanilla was like. Leave it to the 10 year Olds to bash on something they can't even appreciate
if you wanna call wow shit that's fine, but if you think vanilla was better you're just retarded. dungeons and raids were easy as fuck and just required herding 40 dipshits at once into an instance, lots of specs weren't viable at all and if your class had a healing spec it was the only way you got into raids, PVP was just people with raid gear 1 shotting everyone else, and the rest of the content was mindless grinding
>Narrowing the aesthetic options the player has even though mogging is one of the most popular activities in the game
>Giving everyone a special snowflake weapon practically free of charge
>PvP is normalized, meaning that someone who has worked their ass off gearing for PvP will now be told to go fuck himself as he is only marginally more powerful than any shitter that enters a BG
Blizzard has done it again, and by it I mean shitting the bed.
>PvP is normalized, meaning that someone who has worked their ass off gearing for PvP will now be told to go fuck himself as he is only marginally more powerful than any shitter that enters a BG
in other words you're a baddie who blows dicks at PVP but thinks having better gear makes him a better player
I deleted all my characters. I would have to start all over, and I skipped the last 2 expacs so I would be totally out of place. Feels bad man, but I can't go back.
>>Narrowing the aesthetic options the player has even though mogging is one of the most popular activities in the game
How the fuck is it narrowing? Before people all looked identical in tiers and other BIS gear. Now you can look how ever the fuck you want.
>>Giving everyone a special snowflake weapon practically free of charge
Sure, I'll give you this. I have no opinion on artifacts one way or the other. Hate that it sorta locks you into a spec.
>>PvP is normalized, meaning that someone who has worked their ass off gearing for PvP will now be told to go fuck himself as he is only marginally more powerful than any shitter that enters a BG
PvP is a fucking minigame at best. About time they stopped fucking with the actual game and changed it so that skills work different in pvp. Should have been that way from the start, not a decade later. Also you're crying that everyone is on the same level now in a PvP. Looks like you'll have to outskill that other guy now instead of 1 shot him because he has blues. Poor you.
And all of that was fine because the game had what it will never have again:
Community. EVERY change after BC was another piece of the community removed.
And PvP was fun when you were one shotting assholes and getting one-shot back. Somehow battlegrounds could go on for days back then.
Actually, you can recover characters easily now. It's done on the login page too in fact. No need to contact a gm anymore.
>Getting the gear to become better doesn't require you to be good in the first place
Bad meme, user.
No, my World of Warcraft was killed when BC released. They went from a mysterious adventure to a fucking gear treadmill.
>b-b-but muh BC
No, fuck off, it was shit and killed a great adventure.
>vanilla wow wasn't no gear treadmill no siree
MoP babies believe this
What's a good server to play on--I might consider transferring a toon if my current server is dead.
>can go from UBRS to AQ with the nature resist gear
Whatever you say, BC baby.
getting pvp gear requires 0 skill. you literally afk in a bg and get everything. when was the last time you played?
"community" died out because the game is no longer fresh. it's been around for what, 13 years? the mystery is gone. there's no way to preserve or restore that, it's just an old game. someone who plays WoW for the first time today will feel everything you felt back in vanilla, and 5 years from now complain that the community was killed by the void lords expansion.
and no, 5 day long AVs and people 1 shotting each other wasn't fun. that's the nostalgia talking
I'm sorry
You have to be a class that can use a piece of gear to unlock its appearance now. What that means is that you can no longer get gear from dungeons on any of your characters and then use it for transmogging for any of your other characters.
>Getting PvP gear requires 0 skill
Even if that were true, it's still a gate of effort (however small that effort is in your opinion) that separates those who have applied themselves from those who haven't. Now everyone is just as powerful and no one has to feel left out! YAY!
that doesn't "narrow aesthetic options". that just means you spend 10 minutes running an old raid on the character that can equip the mog you want instead of doing it on whichever character you're logged into. your mog unlocks are permanently saved across your entire account.
so how does spending a couple hours grinding gear by afking in BGs make you a more skilled player?
>still playing this shit
Fucking sad
Yeah you won't beat cthun in nature resist gear, faglover. Hop on that gear treadmill shitter and start farming BWL or early AQ bosses.
>5 day long AV's and one shotting weren't fun
Funny how no one talks about an AV match and a duel last the same amount of time. Oh yea, because they're boring.
Socializing and community aren't a part of the game's design anymore. It doesn't need to be new for people to enjoy it. Barrens chat has been a thing for years for a reason.
>they didn't have fun fighting Aku, insane bugs, the fucking Mogu, Trollduar, the Fucking Thunder King and Garry Fucking Rosh before SoO ran too long
>there was actual story telling and plot shit that didn't revolve around Metzen's dick and remembered that more races than Humans and Orcs exist
MoP was breddy gud please look into ur heart and past the panda memes.
>Don't get the drops you want on the character that can unlock their appearances
>Whoops, wait a week to try again, fag!
>doesn't have 24 level capped characters
get a load of this fucking faggot
Straight over your head, BC baby. Nice strawman.
>Socializing and community aren't a part of the game's design anymore.
they've actually brought it back more than ever lately. you're not allowed to use dungeon finder for mythic dungeons, you have to manually form parties, and then actually travel to the dungeon yourself like in vanilla
are you seriously that upset about a mog that you want not dropping in 1 run?
I have like 3 months worth of time of my life invested into it
>implying you can't reach the upside down sinners
I wouldn't be if raid locks didn't apply to legacy raids.
>5 day long AVs
You eat shit motherfucker. I would buy Alterac Valley as a fucking standalone game. The stupid ticket/point system killed it for me. there's no epic battle, it was just a PVE race that occasionally 2 or 3 people fight eachother in when I quit. I can only imagine it's gotten worse
Alterac Valley was always shit. If vanilla wow was released into the present it would be panned universally.
it was only praised for it's time because it was casualized garbage that was easier to get into than EverQuest and Ultima
Vanilla WoW was a fucking travesty
I just don't get why you'd play through the content drought unless you had a stable guild to play with every week and I doubt you had a stable guild for every content drought
For example my top 100 guild that I raided with all of WoD disbanded in January and there was no way I was finding another guild just for 7 months of HFC farm when I could just come back in 7 months and find another guild, which I have.
nah mate old AV was garbage. new AV is still one of the worst BGs but it's not as stupid now as it was in vanilla. BGs are supposed to have an ending, not be a meaningless clusterfuck of idiots dueling near SFGY for 5 days straight
if you want a giant meaningless battlefield where nothing of consequence ever happens, play planetside
If you dont understand how different the community was in vanilla just go play on private servers and see for yourself. In vanilla version of wow you pretty much know hundreds of people from your server for different reasons. As a player who plays both private server vanilla and retail, the lack of community is actually the single biggest thing to wows current downfall. The game is better in every other possible way on retail except for the community and because its a mmo game community is the single most important thing on it. Its really sad how blizzard doesnt realize this and keeps shitting on the game with raidfinders and garrison style shit.
Good fucking god no.
I'd pay maybe $5/mo for a vanilla or BC server.
Fuuckk man what happened. This game used to be so great.
i know that wow had more community back then, i remember playing it. some of it is back with mythic dungeons, but it's not a big deal to me. they're not gonna delete dungeon finder, and even if they did it wouldn't bring back the community to vanilla levels. that shit's just gone, move on
Reminder that Dungeon Finder was introduced at WoW's apex and directly caused ZERO dropped subs.
The game peaked at Arthas' death because everyone who played the RTSes got their closure and left. Anyone who thinks the decline in subs after that point is indicative of anything besides that is a fucking moron.
Yeah sure why not? Looks fun.
it's funny that the pic shows off the corrupted blood glitch and the wotlk event as "what wow was like" and ignores the fact that there's an event running right NOW extremely similar to that. you can turn into a dreadlord and slaughter people of your faction in major towns.
the only difference is this event isn't being looked at through rose colored goggles
What happened is you grew up, and so did the game.
You probably didn't even go through the whole of Vanilla. It's no big shame that you didn't, if you didn't, just that people who DID tend to not get too uppity about 'Vanilla servers', because they've done it all before. Me included.
The event also sucks shit.
so just like the shitty Scourge event glad we're on the same page
I just got a Recruit a Friend reward.
Emerald Hippogryph or Fire Horse?
it's the wotlk event but with the added bonus of easy gear and exp
Touring rocket if you don't have it yet.
Otherwise get the Hippogryph.
Probably not. MoP was the last expansion I enjoyed and I bought a token during the prepatch. My class got casualized too much and I didn't have fun playing it at all.
How long it takes to level from 100 to 110?
jesus christ leveling through invasions might be fast but it's so fucking mind numbingly boring
>Blues asking for feedback on Warlocks in the official forum
>One week before release
Better late than never I guess?
They've been ignoring all the feedback for classes like paladin. So it doesn't mean anything.
You say that like there are problems with warlocks
Are there problems with warlocks?
I'll just keep on not returning to WoW if that's true. The closest I ever got to making an alt was leveling a DK for a bit
>lvl from 46 to 100 today
Seriously I'm not going to play till legion.
Just be happy you aren't a shaman
They literally kick out the guy in charge of locks (Xelnath) becuase he said he didn't like the new directions of warlocks in legion.
I miss Ghostcrawler. He at least tried to communicate with the players.
Yes. They stripped them of all visual flavor and homogenized the specs with combo point soul shards and the same cooldowns.
Mana costs are high solely to justify using Life Tap.
yeah i too was blinded by fucking av nostalgia too bad i did it on nostalrius and it was just sitting at graveyard for 3 hours shooting frostbolt at chinese people and doing quests until i got rep for my bis preraid and never came back
And thus, user decided to sit out on yet another WoW xpac.
Will user ever return to Azeroth?
First post best post
>Just be happy you aren't an ele shaman
fixed that for you there, user
I play wow only because of the roleplay. I don't PVE or PVP except in roleplay PVP events.
Fuck no.
I've already been burned one too many times by blizz.
>Not a single other caster has to even think about mana besides maybe arcane and even then they have a button that refils it all at once