So now that the trilogy is complete. Was it worth the wait? Did blizzard fuck up by staggering the release...

So now that the trilogy is complete. Was it worth the wait? Did blizzard fuck up by staggering the release? instead of just waiting and releasing all 3 expansions as one game?

The plot writers should kill themselves.

story is a fucking mess, most people didn't give a fuck by the time LotV came out despite it's arguably fantastic changes to the game, and they've constantly talked about all kinds of neat things for custom maps and all that that never actually happened or happened years later (like the paid nova missions)

Game used to run great and now crashes constantly for me as well, despite going from a bogged down virus-laden windows (thanks to my sister for that) to a clean one with up-to-date drivers and more RAM

Something in the big LotV patch broke my game and i'm awfully fucking pissed about it

No, yes.

They fucked up big time. Too little too late.

Staggered release was mega retardo. I was excited for WoL, dicked around online for hours, and beat the campaign in two sittings. Barely got around to getting HotS and never finished it, never played a ranked match. I don't know if I'll bother getting LotV, I just don't care about SC2 anymore. The game came out six fucking years ago.

>So now that the trilogy is complete. Was it worth the wait?
No, the story is shit and completely different in tone to SC1 and Brood War. I always point to Raynor being all in love with Kerrigan when he swore to kill her the last time they met. You know, the time she killed billions of people and Raynor's best friends and allies.

Plus, we're back to the shitty Blizzplots again. Ancient evils awaken and people get corrupted and redeemed. Wow, haven't seen that in a blizzard game before. The sort of Confederate flag wavin' Southern feeling of the Terrans is basically completely gone as well, making them a lot less unique.

seconded. WoL was ok, HotS and LotV were casual garbage with retarded story. Still teared a bit when zeratul died tho.

Who the fuck thought kerrigan going super saiyan was a good idea?

I saw LotV on sale and thought "Hey i might want that" so i sat down and played through WoL and HotS campaigns again to refresh the shit story in my mind.
HotS campaign crashes on the same mission constantly. Uninstalled and played SC/BW instead.

The cartoony art style was shit
The story was shit
The forced romance of Kerrigan and Raynor was shit

The Overmind died for this

How's the online? I played a bunch during Wings of Liberty, but got bored. I made it up to Diamond League or so.

I also found all the micro to be weirdly stressful. Like, I know what I want to do... constantly build probes, constantly build units, and expand. Why must I tell every unit what to do at all times? Why are build queues so short? Why do you pay resources up front when making a queue, rather when the unit is building? It all seems designed to piss me off.

Some missions and stuff were fine. Character redesigns are atrocious. Plot is shit

For me, the games were Zerg expansion > human > protoss


>Was it worth the wait?
>Did blizzard fuck up by staggering the release?
Yes and no. They know their captive audience will buy anything they release so they could get away with it without losing money, but they lost my fucking day 1 sale when they announced they were splitting it.

>Took them 6 years to complete the game.

Should have just done standard release + expansion like the original. I mean 6 fucking years?

story went to shit, engine and sounds are garbage, balance and race identity went to shit. I just pretend scII didnt't happen.

Better than BW.

Leaving campaign and ladder aside, what do you guys think of the arcade games? I actually like them a lot, even if they're not as good as UMS.

Too bad there's nobody playing star strikers and barcraft now.

I bought the WoL and enjoyed it. Was pretty disappointed with the direction they took the story, though. I didn't bother playing the other two. Just watched some Let's Plays. I'm probably done with that franchise for good.

I was hyped as fuck all through episode one. But then episode two took FOREVER to come out and on top of that it was a huge let down. To many missions were focused on hero units. Then episode three came out even later. It was much better but it was just to late coming. It was more of a "finally" then a "fuck yes its here."

If you are going to go episodic you have right about 6 months from each release to keep the hype and fun going. Any longer and no mater what you do you just lost all your momentum. It will never come back.

Fuck the story. WoL ending cutscene already showed the rest till finale are garbage.

The same person who thought her turning human and back again was a good idea, I imagine

What a fucking crock.

Wait... they didn't really do that, did they? (I only played WoL.)

Anyway, SC2 is for scrubs. I prefer Dota.

Dota1 is fun. Dota2 is bullshit.

She went Human -> infested -> half-fested -> infested with super powers -> literal god.

Well, that's stupid.

I knew it was a shit series when I heard "TIME TO KICK THIS REVOLUTION INTO OVERDRIVE."

I mean, who writes that crap?

The gameplay from the campaign itself benefited quite a bit from the passing years. Some visual effects and what not are much more impressive on the following games than in in WoL.

The story tho, while I found it ok (it was always mediocre so I didn't expect too much out of it) was a fuck up indeed, cause there was no way to live up to the expectation.

I actually liked it, tho. Most characters and situations were completely pointless, but cool, which is what Blizz has been doing for years. WC III was their peak at storytelling.

I played a lot of ranked and only did the HotS campaign (zerg player). The story I guess was alright, I've never cared for Blizzard's storytelling abilities.

Keep thinking about getting back into ranked for LotV, but I have no idea where to begin to relearn everything that's new now.

At least for me the hype died after HoS, the wait was too long for every campaign and they all were still too short, not worth the time, by the end of HoS I didn't care about LoV, even when protoss are my favorite race

a 10 year trilogy that was ruined by the first game.

Blizzard is dead and was never good.

Brood War was an accident that went right.

I just really hope they do release that SC 1 HD rumours are talking about, those sprites adjusted to the new resolutions would look good.

The campaign gameplay benefited from the staggered releases, but the story is fucking garbage and I'll never understand how Blizzard is capable of thinking this shit was okay.
Nevermind that the custom game scene is dead and the game itself is too thanks to all the cheap shit people do like SCV rushes and shit. Not to mention all matches are just deathballs.

Fuck this game. Fuck ActiBlizzard. I heard rumors about a SC1 remake and I'm unbelievably pissed off. LEAVE IT ALONE!!

Doesn't matter. SC2 is dead. It got raped by ASSFAGGOTs.

It got raped by a company that hires people who know how to make a proper fucking video game. Blizzard is all old boys who thought Metallica was a good band for their shitty convention.

>SC1 remake and I'm unbelievably pissed off
It could be fine.

Metzen needs to be strung up by the balls and hung from a fucking window. It'd be one thing if it was just BAD, everyone writes bad stuff from time to time, but holy fucking shit this is legitimately one of the most atrocious pieces of fiction I've ever attempted to pick apart, made even worse by the fact that SC1/BW left plenty of amazing space to lead off of.

Making this into a "trilogy" was just outright greed on part of the developer, that or they hadn't even bothered thinking of enough ways to fuck up the game by the time the terran campaign had gone to print and decided to meter out the releases.

The custom games are fine. The arcade system just feels like fucking trash though

They should've stuck with WC3 and SC's "list of currently hosted games" from the very beginning.

It's Activision. It won't be. Look at all their other shit.

Should I get into this game

this. i enjoyed wings, was disapointed when comparing it to old sc and old sc story over all but i dont regret the purchase. but they expected us to sit around for 6 fucking years to fully release a single player story?

I saw some recent pro-level games and it fucking scared me how fragile and fast everything was. Seems like every moment was down by the wire with how fast teching and units are. Everything seemed revolve around micro-intesive harassments that can snowball into ggs

>turning her back human

Only to turn her back in the next expansion. What a load of garbage. If anything the symptoms point to Blizzard slowly becoming too bloated and incoherent as they add more staff and management.

>Was it worth the wait?
Four years? For the story we got? Of course not.
>Did blizzard fuck up by staggering the release?

Depends. They might have gotten more sales (-$$$) for less work (-$$$) that way, so maybe it was the RIGHT thing to do. But as a player it was definitely awful. I skipped HotS entirely and STILL feel kinda jypped for how much I paid.

I only play online so I don't give a fuck about the story at all

bought and played all 3 games.

worth it to me

>Did blizzard fuck up by staggering the release?

Yeah, the trilogy was a bad idea & they didn't live up to the "each expansion will be as big as WOL" hype

HOTS was especially bad, it felt like it was suppose to be a 10 chapter campaign like WC3 but they dragged it out to 20, they didn't know how to write a good long story around just the Zerg like they did with Terran/Protoss

Yeah. Despite SC2 balance arguably being in its best state ever, the time-to-kill is even lower than it's ever been before, and SC2 was already NOTORIOUS for having super low ttk and insta-ggs being somewhat common at high level.

It's kinda daunting to learn the game that way honestly - I figure if I ever want to get back into SC I'll play brood war, where I can fight with my mechanics more and if i make a little mistake my whole army doesn't die in 2 sec lololol.
reminds me,
Brood war HD is coming out you know boys! lots of noobs gonna be playing, no better time than now to start playing one of the best strategy games ever. I have hope that BW will have a revival similar to the one SSBM has had.


Played through Wings of Liberty and thought it was "meh" tier, never bothered to finish Heart of the Swarm and never picked up the Protoss installment.

They game me this shilled fucking turd instead of Starcraft: Ghost.

Seriously, Blizzard is dead to me.

The staggered releases weren't a problem and in terms of SP content I'd say each expansion has sufficient meat on its bones to stand on its own. The problem was that the story was retarded and incredibly cheesy, way beyond the point you'd be able to call it intentional or good in any way. It's especially obvious in LotV, some of the characters spout shit that you'd think comes from a caricature or a parody, but no, that shit is legit in the game. And then Kerrigan goes super saiyan angel or some shit...

>Zeratul and Artanis have an anime battle
>Spend 3 games to find out the artifact is a literal key to finding the Xel'Naga
>Literally the only people in the universe that have this knowledge
>Terran and Protoss already there
>Kerrigan shows up to the Xel'Naga Construct world like 5 minutes after you

>Was it worth the wait?
No. I doubt it could ever have lived up to the unrealistic expectations set by a decade-long wait, but it even failed to be good or recapture anything that made the originals memorable.

>SC2 flopped
>HotS flopped
>Overwatch slowly fading into irrelevancy
>Diablo 3 flopped (RoS came to little to late)
>WoW Legion will most likely flop because Jay Fuck that Loser Wilson worked on it and stinks of a Diablo 3 clone. And sub numbers will likely drop even lower

I have no idea what the fuck happened to blizzard

Activision merge killed them instantly and now there jumping ship.

>Activision merge killed them instantly and now there jumping ship.

That's what happens. Company produces unique interesting content. They get popular. Then they get bought out. Most of the old staff leave. New staff isn't as good. Now the new products are managed by a huge corporation who only care about the bottom line, so they suck the soul out of the games in an attempt at big sales. Products begin to fail. Big company decides to just shelve the IPs since they have decided that no one likes them anymore.

This happens ALL THE TIME.

>I have no idea what the fuck happened to blizzard
They created WoW and it turns out it was their Frostmourne/whatever corruption thing they've had several, and it corrupted them and modern gaming

Wings was fun and the story ok I even liked most of the characters. Wasnt quite up to the task of broodwar but I dont think anyone expected it to. The swarm was shit I hated the gameplay and the story was the worst. Havent played legacy of the void due to not caring. I think it hurt its self really bad with how long it took for the whole thing to come out. I wouldnt feel bad recommending it to an RTS fan but it missed alot biggest of all that awful story. Is legacy worth the 30 bucks or so? Is Fenix worth it?

>SC2 flopped
>HotS flopped
>Overwatch slowly fading into irrelevancy
>Diablo 3 flopped (RoS came to little to late)
>WoW Legion will most likely flop because Jay Fuck that Loser Wilson worked on it and stinks of a Diablo 3 clone. And sub numbers will likely drop even lower
I wasn't aware selling millions of copies qualified games to be flops. The games weren't even critically panned despite all their flaws.

I think the problem with blizzard games are they are good but they have no hope of beating their competition which happens to be their predecessors most of the time.


>WoW Legion

That's a problem with all modern games. Deus Ex MD can't even beat HR.

>No, the story is shit and completely different in tone to SC1 and Brood War.

pre-WoW and post-WoW Blizzard says a lot about what happened

in 1998 they were a ragtag group of young underdog devs with a love of RTS and heavy metal. They were going in hard on a beloved gritty sci-fi niche

in 2010 they're a bunch of rich, near middle-aged guys with families, AAA devs and on top of the world trying to appeal to everyone, so they whitewash the sci-fi and make it as fantastical, and as azerothian and cliche as possible

I really wish I['d have capped the threads defending this then it started.

>they're not fleecing
>there is more content in WoL than all of SC combined
>they won't take forever to released the rest of them
>it is a sequel trilogy, nobody is being ripped off
>it will be worth it
>then don't buy it
>the total game will cost about as much once all three come out as a regular game

They wiped their asses with fans on this and Diablo 3. Anyone disappointed by this whole thing at this point has only themselves to blame now.

Who wrote the stories for SC1 and 2? It has to be a totally different group of people.

It is. Totally.

Amon is garbage saturday morning cartoon villain.
he ruined all starcraft franchise

You can't blame everything on Amon, user…

>Not switching to 32bit mode.

>SC2 sold millions due to its predecessor
>Diablo 3 sold millions due to its predecessor
>WoW legion will sell millions due to nostalgia that'll wear off in a month
>Overwatch will eventually fade away

Not very impressive now is it?

Story was ass. Complete and total, irredeemable ass.

Gameplay was still awesome though, I have been playing the multiplayer on and off for 6 years now.

Still watch pro games too

To be fair, people can change. I don't think this is a situation in which a man should have changed, but it's not unbelievable.

Ruining this series is the reason why I refuse to support anything else from them, including WOW and Overwatch. These hacks aren't getting a penny from me ever again.

Shoot, I stopped buying after WOL. I just watched the other two on youtube.

>Still watch pro games too

BW progames are more fun to watch.

It's just the theme changed. The overall deep and serious theme of SC1 was changed into this "love between these two is the most important thing in the universe blah blah" shit.

Maybe but there's a lot less of them. I've been watching ASL though and it's been fantastic.

But it is impressive, especially considering the existing social backlash Blizzard has received over the years. HotS was a bad expansion but LotV still sold over 1 million copies in the first 24 hours, while competing with Fallout 4.
By that logic, Nintendo games should be flying off the shelves but they aren't. In-fact, Nintendo is in some pretty deep shit. Street Fighter V certainly didn't do very well despite its predecessors. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided isn't doing very well despite its predecessor.

Saying Overwatch will eventually fade away is like saying an apple will go bad. All multiplayer games expire at some point. Overwatch isn't likely going anywhere anytime soon, Blizzard has just begun putting new content out for it and who knows what the future will hold for it.

>flash "best player ever" got bodied 3-0

This is all warm up for when the real players come back, like Jaedong.

Call me edgy, but god damn, all they had to do just have Raynor shoot her at the end of the fucking game and I would of been okay with everything

And this flippant shit is just meant to cater today's brainless audience
Really pathetic when you think about it

>The campaign gameplay benefited from the staggered releases
No it didn't

99% of it was filler, by the time the other games came you already didn't care about it

Flash who'd be playing for like 4 weeks after a 3 year SC2 break. He'll be back to full form eventually. Jaedong coming back will be incredible too.

I played al ot of multi but the story was such ass. It ruined the credibility of the franchise, I considered brood war to be a great story and then it was revealed to be a fluke on Blizzard's part.