Major depression

>Major depression
>no good games coming out this year, highly upon highly anticipated games flopping left and right just leaving a major hole of emptiness and desire for something.
>cant enjoy anything anymore, nothing to help make time pass quicker.

Seriously, I'm afraid I'm going to actually kill myself or go insane if something good doesnt come along soon. I cant take this much longer.

What fucking happened Sup Forums? why did everything become so fucking shit?

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only the holy trinity/Catholicism can fill that void Op.

"Video games were a mistake"


Don't worry op, every single facet of life is depressing. No love will stay strong, friends will abandon you, and fun times never last and only come more infrequently and burn out faster. Its not just games.

>Still have three more weeks without competitive Overwatch

>tfw you're so bored with video games in general you're considering leaving the NEET life

Do you have a thing against your backlog? There's enough video games to already last you a lifetime already. Looking forward to new releases and getting hyped will only end in disappointment now. The best you can do is expand your taste in earlier games and be pleasantly surprised when and if anything new that's interesting comes out.

But yeah, shit like the new Thief and DmC, what the new Tomb Raider has turned into, definitely killed any hope for new releases for me. Soulless-ass reboots with no respect to source material.

i hate fags like you. you don't have to just play new games, play older games, get into series that you never played yet. but you probably won't, you'll just say "m-muh depression, i don't wanna. i'm not motivated, i just wanna die :(((((!" get off your lazy ass and play some games you missed, or off yourself.

Maybe I have played all the older fun games that's worth playing you edgelord? did you think about that?

i don't believe you.

Hey op what games do you current play now?

Also what were the last 5 video games you played this month or year.

having a girlfriend really helped my depression but it didn't work out in the long run

How did you get a gf while being depressed?

Girls like boys with depression nowadays.

Find a game you can always enjoy.

I could play Mount and Blade or the Total War games for an eternity.

Try playing some old games that you've always thought looked interesting. There's no reason to rely on new releases.

We need better developers out there with interesting ideas for games.

>no horror games with any interesting aesthetics and music as well as controls and story
>no cool first/thirdperson fantasy RPG game where you can play a wizard that actually feels right in an open world, or a warrior etc etc.
>no more interesting linear games with actual meaningful story or fun mechanics
>no turn based RPG games being put out
>no fun cartoony racing games with actual skill being needed to be better
>no fighting games that are fun

you can only name a few, but it isnt like early 2000's where these games were churned out with soul. Gaming needs new faces.

I'm waiting to 100% DMC5 when it comes

And then I'm killing myself

The good news is, you are now immortal.

I'm really starting to regret not having killed myself along with those guys after the whole Phantom Pain debacle

>be idea guy
>have autistic idea for game
>have no skill to make it
>tech to get it really going probably won't come out for another decade
kill me, for I have become apathetic to literally every game I play
for those wondering what the pure autism is:

Dear fucking God

>Not going back to titles you enjoyed
>Not being one of those autists that contribute to the games he loves most by being great at them

Take the next step already OP

>major depression
You could have stopped there, you massive baby.

I'm not really playing a lot of games currently, Enderal would be the latest. I really cant play most games without getting really bored and distracted within a few hours anymore.

Last this month? I think Arx Fatalis, witcher series, Dragon's Dogma and GTA V...

good luck on that one bud, but if this were a perfect world that game would be legendary.

>Major depression
Over what?


jesus fuck where do you find games like this, can any of you post more games that are not steam etc

find another hobby.
seriously, video games can't be the only thing you enjoy

Play MMO's like rust,csgo,arma 3,DayZ, Unturned with hacks.

Real life is pretty alright only if there is some minor love interest whether or it may not be potential but still a reason for living and you may surprise yourself.

The only hardest part about it is actually getting initiated into the process of that situation.

I suggest you do 3+ things out of freewill to help another human being the watch your life change drastically. It could be anything just try it.

>no good games coming out this year
what m8
xcom 2 came out
nioh is supposed to come out this year

every night a team of lolis comes to my house and rapes me in the ass

No good video games this year? It's not our fault you have shit taste. This is probably my favorite year for video games because my favorite genre is puzzle

>open document and read
>crafting system

Every fucking time.

I've got it too man, but luckily Shantae comes out next month.

wait till Shantae. that's what I'm doing.

Why do you come here if you can have a nice social life and do other enjoyable things? I have a limited number of friends that I do hang out with and our common interest is video games. I literally cannot think of anything else that might be interesting to do.

Wait and pray for a crash.
Work on your backlog.

This is what you need to do, Get Arma 3 and play invade and annex, it's a 30-60 coop Battle vs insane enemy AI in a massive map.

There are certain missions that pop up on the map and you can customize whatever gear you please since it's that type of game mode.

Also join the teamspeak and work with your team.

I only suggest this because it's literally the types of games you play but only on a massive scale, it's pretty organized.

Should possibly consider talking to a therapist if you're not already.

Exercise also helps with depression.

You could also possibly consider if it's your depression or burnout.

>all 3 prince of persia games
y tho

Lemme help you out OP.

If you like turn-based RPGs, you should either look into Hylics or Voidspire if you feel like playing something that is fresh.

I've had chronic major depression and dysthymia since elementary school. I feel like every day I drift farther away from myself and everyone else. Even when I'm happy, I am empty inside. There is a person squirreled away in my brain that wants me to be dead. Most days he's quiet, but some days the emptiness roars and I can hear him whispering in the back of my mind: "you aren't good enough. You're less than nothing. Wouldn't death be better than this?"
I think that I killed the part of me that matters a long time ago.

t.14 year old

I dunno man, this Odin Sphere remake's pretty legit.

Nah, 14 year old me would have been way more pretentious.

What's the difference between depression and burnout?

Forza horizon 3 looks good but yeah very bad year for gaming

From his brain not producing enough serotonin maybe?

>he only has one person in his head
nigger try being as basic functioning member of society with three of them all barking at the same time. shits ridiculous.

>tfw so few games that you want to play hardly justify a new GPU or console
>to buy them would be like buying a $450 game


>jedi knight games get it so right and even better with mods like moviebattles
>new games just get everything so wrong

Why does depression threads always turn into dick measuring contests?

There's a number of options.
1) Exercise. Find a physical activity that you can take with other people such as martial arts.
2) Friends
3) Get arranged marriage.
4) LSD.

Cheapest and fastest option is 4.

>caring about new games when there are so many worthwhile old games that you could never finish all of them before you die

OP don't be such a youngfag and play real vidya.