Battleborn's Ernest is now live! Isn't he badass?


Not only that but Gearbox released an image of their next hero: KID ULTRA!

I don't know about you guys but I'm ULTRA excited!



Well what does the kid look like? Is it a cute girl? Is their design complete shit or is it almost passable like that snake faggot?

Wow. This is awesome character design. I don't understand why Battleborn isn't more popular than Overwatch...

Oh look, the entire playerbase came to meet each other


Wait, what snake? My fursona is a king cobra. Are you telling me there's a game I can play as one?

dats a chiggun

shit bait


>one of his main abilities is a "power egg"

What professional vidya dev signed off on that? Holy fucking shit.

check these sweet digits

Those abilities look boring as fuck. Also why are all the birds in this series slack jawed yokels?



Whoa.... Badass


>character is voiced by someone pretending to be an urban black guy

God, this is awful. I mean, who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

Bb is gay as Elton John's shit, but at least it wasn't a count down to another count down arg bullshit


Is battleborn the biggest blunder of 2016?

This guy, his design might be the only one in this game I don't hate. That and the dude that's just the Dead Space guy but he's a Call of Duty guy?

the only way to deal with posts like that are by responding to them genuinely/inquisitively.

Christ, why does Battleborn get two birds when every other game is struggling for them? I just want to embrace my feathered friends.

Those abilities are boring as fuck yo

>lets give him basic weapons and just make em egg shape. That's original and cool right?


>Execute maneuver alpha tyler whatever the hell
lmao he's so funny he knows that his archetype is dumb and he's like not caring at all. lol people shouldn't play things straight cuz when you're self aware it makes me feel a lot smarter. Why would you ever try to be smart when you can just call others dumb?

>literally a one eyed snake

He better be voiced by a Steve Irwin impersonator

Oscar Mike. Surprisingly funny parody of the dudebro stereotype.

Sup Forums here

Why does Sup Forums seem to hate battleborn?

I haven't bothered looking up any gameplay of him, after listening to the fucking penguin in the robot suit I don't wanna hear anyone else in the fucking game.


No, that would be Sup Forums getting btfo when Trump loses the election

keep up the feign of utter disappointment and failure, randy.

Technically it has three if you count the pengiun

i thought this was an overwatch thread and i was like "wow gues theyre going full obnoxious with their designs too as is standard of the genre" but then i realized it was battle born and i was like yea make sense

But god though Gearbox is so good at writing a game/designing characters that tries its hardest to be funny about everything while completely failing to be funny

They like Overwatch.

Also, someone post the BB HUD


aw what why's he pink?

He looked better red.

Aside from le funny chicken dance at the beginning he's not that cringe-y.

At first glance, I thought it was this guy.

Why would a kid be a front line soldier in a war?

no see its funny cause its a pink bird and pink birds are the opposite of black people via subconscious racism

why cant this badass character blow itself up?

is this when ash lost this season


Came out the same time as the popular Overwatch

Sup Forums has a grudge against Gearbox as well.

Yes. The pic is actually outdated too, it climbed past 50K last I checked.

Fucking badass.

>Gearbox adds a character just for these 500 or so players that are still into this shit.



sombra when

Grudge against Gearbox, Cuck Birch hate, Blizzard cocksucking.



I'll put it in terms you can understand; Overwatch is kino as fuck while battleborn isn't a big guy. That's all there is to it.

He's the chosen one, out to save the world in an epic adventure

Well the game is suppose to be taking place at the end of the galaxy or something so it makes sense they take what they can get

a robot, that's cool, i might even want to play as that!
w-wait, there's a person in that? but, the legs... and... and the arms... what the fuck is this monstrosity



On one hand, Battleborn looks like shit and it probably deserves to be shat on

On the other hand, I get the feeling most of these threads are started by the same Overwatch shitters clogging up Sup Forums who unironically think OW is a good game

Its mediocre. This would be fine but between the grudge Sup Forums has against gearbox and the fact that it looks somewhat similar to overwatch so all the shills pushed a competition between the to means its the worst game to ever exist.

cause its a shitty game with obnoxious humor that was obnoxious even when they first tried it out in borderlands. Apparently they didnt get the hint and made memes a bigger focus.

bad ass badass assbad ass bad

>it's not a waifu in spats

Can someone please post that "meme UI vs Battleborn's UI"

I wonder if Blizzard's OW character designers laugh at this or feel bad, or both.

at least we've got birdyatta

>On the other hand, I get the feeling most of these threads are started by the same Overwatch shitters clogging up Sup Forums who unironically think OW is a good game

Almost certainly.

BB was stupid and rushed there shit to compete with OW. Even still, it's not the worst game in the world. Can be pretty fun, actually. They really just should have held off and released it towards November this year or something.

Sorry, no fat chicks.

For some reason I really liked borderlands, the first one, but don't like any of their games after it. Is something different about borderlands or am I just nostalgic for it?

I like to think some days Blizz prank calls Gearbox offices.

I bet even I can do a better character design.
Holyshit Gearbox is fucking garbage

>all those marks that worked themselves into a shoot

Kinda weird that they made another character with generic/jokey soldier lines in the game when there's already two other ones. But whatever.

because unlike the sequels, the first borderlands had no previous games that were shit so your hype went unchecked and still remains

From a gameplay perspective BL2 is the best refinement of the series. If you prefer BL1's shooting mechanics/mission structure/driving mechanics you are flat out wrong.

The humor is subjective. BL2 is more memey but not as bad as later iterations so it's up to you.

We're all soldiers now

>someone wasted their time and talent drawing battleborn fan art

If gearbox keeps adding more characters they will soon have more characters than the entire playerbase


This thing looks like one of NMS procedurally generated creature.

Really? They seemed exactly the same to me. I didn't play a ton of either though.

Oh fuck


Oh man the amount of butt hurt in that comic section is hilarious. It's so defensive even though there's not that many comments bashing the game

I'm in the same boat as you. I think the reason for this is just because we got bored of the playstyle of BL perhaps. (I know that is the case for me as when I played BL1 I loved it to death but once I started BL2 I struggled to finish it and ended up dropping it even though I do feel like BL2 is much more polished. I think i just got bored of the game for me)

>On the other hand, I get the feeling most of these threads are started by the same Overwatch shitters clogging up Sup Forums who unironically think OW is a good game
I'm no Blizzfag. I just like these threads because between
>Duke Nukem Forever
>Aliens Colonial Marines
>giving Anthony and Ashley Burch careers
Gearbox deserves every bad thing that happens to them, and more. I can't believe these fucking niggers actually own the Homeworld license.

Finally vidya character with my name, it's for blunderbore

What comic section? Stillborn got a comic?

It doesn't help that they constantly spout "LOOK AT HOW BADASS I AM!!! HOLY SHIT PUPPIES ARE SO CUTE AND BADASS!!! RESPECTING YOUR ELDERS IS A VITAL PART OF BEING BEING A FUNCTIONAL MEMBER OF SOCIETY AND IT'S FUCKING B#DA@# AS F#$K" tier dialogue, even with borderlands. Any idea that's salvageable is still tainted with meme tier humor preferred by white dudes almost in their thirties who just want to teens again.

They will fucking not let 2004-2006 and it's pretty disgusting how hard they try, if this is what gearbox writing is like without anthony burch, then you really start to wonder what the fuck burch even did while he was at gearbox. It's too bad too, orendi is one of the half decent ones as far as gameplay goes.

Pretty cute art, too.

>not "I can count the player base on the other hand."

I played it a few times before so I call thumb

Fuck off

Post your face when blizzard was waiting for this to release sombra and is going to announce it tomorrow just to cuck battleborn one more time.


Battleborn is far superior to Overwatch; Sup Forums just has Blizzard's cock way too up its ass to realize it.



Benedict (pic related), the blue chick with water powers and this snake guy are the only good designs in the game.

Wow so many of you playing

my mind is blown!

I'd rather kill myself than have to work on Battleborn desu