What was your first video game experience?
What was your first video game experience?
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Playing Super Mario Bros. for the NES at my Aunt's place
when i was super young, like 5 or 6, i was at a flea market with my dad, and there was a guy playing FF1 on the NES
i remembered being enamored with that shit, just watching him play was like magic
i wish i could make that magic come back
Playing Tekken 1 or 2 on the PS1
Duckhunt on the Nintendo. My 2 year older cousin had it.
>kids will never be this happy and appreciate things like this ever again
Legend of Zelda when I was 3.
Watching my parents play Street Fighter on the Genesis and being amazed that they could control what was happening on the TV.
For an embarrassingly long time afterwards I sat in front of the TV mashing buttons on a controller trying to control my favorite shows.
Super Nintendo, Clay fighters and Lion King.
Maybe Pokémon Gameboy age 5
Playing Mario kart super circuit on the GBA
Id rather ask what the best experience was and just immediately point at the Y2K themed accessories and peripherals.
We got some fun shit out of that.
Treasure Mountain
Tomb Raider 4.
That shit was good.
Dino Crisis
Mega man X for snes
To my day still one of my favorite games
>to my day
I meant to this day
Playing Tecmo Bowl and annoying the shit out of my dad
Jumpman on apple IIe
>Game requires 16 floppies to run
Quality shit!
Super Mario Bros 3 remake on the SNES.
I hated the fucking desert level so I always used the flute.
Original metal slug at an arcade cabinet.
I was so young I didn't even understand the concept of a videogame
>you will never be excited about walking into a video game store and waiting in line to buy a console game
>you will never go home and sit on the couch and play for 12 hours straight
First one I remember at least
>16 floppies
nigga please thats nothing
but god help you that nobody put a magnet near any of that shit
Playing as Plo Koon and my father as Mace Windu in Jedi Power Battles as a kid blew me away. You actually fucking controlled a jedi and riding on the STAP's the droids rode around on was the best experience I ever had.
That and schooling my friends at CTR playing Pinstripe was some of the first experiences I had.
I think the first ever experience I had was discovering secret cars in that old ps1 Hotwheels game. That game was awesome.
6 years old playing Frogger for the ps1. Like any kid playing games for the first time I was garbage but my mom wanted me to keep trying and enjoy them. Years later I love vidya but my mom despises them. Ironic
Mario/Duck Hunt cart.
This is the first one I remember. I remember thinking that one of the 3D maze screensavers for Windows 95/98 was a game too though, if that counts for anything.
playing SMB/Duck Hunt and Friday the 13th on SNES 100 yrs ago
I had a 'Family game' which was like a pirated Nintendo Famicom, lel. I had a pool game and one of those 150 in 1 that were like 15 games repeated 10 times with different colours.
I also remember beating a G.I, Joe arcade game with my dad. Shit was cash.
>mfw I'm still excited for vidya
Feels gud mang
super mario world rented in a hotel while on vacation with my parents
or pc games like pajama sam or freddy fish... and shattered steel...
I remember playing some arcade game with my dad in a super market when I was WAY younger, like 3 or 4 tops.
It was this shooter game, you'd sit in this tiny cockpit like chair and shoot enemy ships with a lever and shit, the graphics were pretty basic 3d stuff, no textures only the wire skeletons of the ships.
Whenever we went there I'd tell my dad to go play, and he'd put a quarter in, sit me on his lap and he'd move the lever and tell me to press the fire button. One of my fondest memories.
I miss you old man why did you have to die?
Playing Earthworm Jim on my mom and dad's Genesis. They bought it for themselves, but I played it mostly. They even bought me a Sega CD with Ecco the Dolphin. It gave me nightmares and they yelled at me for keeping them up all night because I couldn't fall asleep.
Megaman 4 for the snes, I really liked it but I never finished it cuz I was just a little dumb kid.
For my birthday, I received a game boy and Kirby's Dreamland. That game was awesome.
My dad and sister played on our genesis
we played altered beast, golden axe, and streets of rage 2
I can't believe how well those games hold to today
Super Mario Land 2 on the Gameboy.
Played it at my babysitters place.
It belonged to one of her sons.
He got really upset when I wasted all his lifes.
I was fascinated by the game though.
Sometime later I bought Warioland and my own Gameboy from all the pocket money I had saved up.
I was in love...
I didn't know how to play it, but I still remember those blips and bloops sounds like they're right in front of me.
I've still never beaten it
could you please just die already?
Some ps1 game
What did I do?
Legend of zelda, only to toss it aside for castlevania
My first memory is my mom holding me while watching my dad play Spring Yard Zone in Sanic 1.
I wonder what that kid is into nowadays?
probably halo reach or 3, i can't remember
poor or underage?
either way, leave.
When I entered a garage and witnessed people playing on few NES consoles, enjoying Rockman, Contra, Rush n Attack, Mario ... with some old clocks placed on top of the old tvs.
My brother's NES. Prince of Persia, Mario, and Duck Hunt are all I remember for games but we had the Power Pad for something.
sonic on sega genesis
I honestly cant remember if it was the PC with mario's typing tutor or the famicom with duck hunt
Warcraft 2 when I was 2
Star Fox 64
I'm surprised I didn't end up becoming a furry.
Watching my cousin play Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis on his old mac. I loved the movies and that game blew my fucking mind.
Wolfenstein 3D when I was like 3 years old because my stoner dad thought it would be funny. I still blame all of my problems on this experience, thanks for the scapegoat dad.
Playing Mario Party 2 with my cousins, just having a blast. Learning how to use a controller and just getting the hang of playing the minigames. I then got a SNES with Killer Instinct, Mario Paint, and Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Sunshine on my cousins GameCube
Earliest memory was SMB, NES. Probably there were others though.
It's weird, I remember thinking about Level 1-1 the way Shiggy described designing it in that E3 video.
>Well, my toon is looking to the right, guess I'll go that way.
>Oh fuck, a mushroom guy!
>Wait, this one looks different...
>Oh shit I'm grown up Mario now!
Stuff like that.
Scorched earth. Then my parents said I shouldn't be playing video games, so I couldn't play them for quite a while.
First game I can recall which I started video games with was worms Armageddon
This is more or less what I was talking about.
Apparently, the first video game I played was The Lion King on the Mega Drive. I don't remember it myself, but my brother told me that.
One of the earliest vidya memories I have was waking up in the middle of the night when I was around 4 years old, and went into the living room to play the Dreamcast that was set up. I played that thing all through the night until it was 6am and my mother was getting up to get us all ready for school.
Eventually she knew I played it and scolded me for it. Still had to go to school but I was super tired that day.
And here I am 16 years later, shitposting on Sup Forums.
this right here m8. played this on my dad's pc. specifically sonic 2, shining force, vectorman, kid chameleon, flicky, sega swirl, golden axe, and outrun
Star Goose
What a fucking game
Brother had an NES and a Genesis and a fuckton of games. He came out, dad threw him out, and gave his shit to me.
Brother still hates me for that.
My Dad bought a Super Nintendo for my older sister. She never played it. My brother and other sister decided we would try it out. My first game was Super Mario All Stars.
cocktail arcade machine pacman on a ferry boat when I was 7.
Playing Bobby Go Home for the Atari 2600, 1989.
I was 3