Does anyone else get a really creeped out feeling when walking through some of the areas in this game, particularly Shady Creeks? When I'm deep out there, it feels like I'm being watched by something.
San andreas
>xfiles music plays
The 'ghost car' in the back o beyond was because it spawned on a hill and rolled on its own.
You'd hear screams near the log cabin because R* spawned civilians underground who would scream if you fired a weapon etc. Same thing they did with the 'haunted house' in RD Redemption.
All meme'ing aside, San Andreas had a great atmosphere. When you were out in the woods, it really made you feel like you were isolated or lost. Then all those Bigfoot and alien myths at the time when this game released made it more believable.
Also the person who designed the countryside, died during the development of the game. So that doesn't help.
Isn't there some shit about this game being haunted, especially the countryside?
>Car dies in fucknowhere
>Mist rolling up
>It starts raining and the sky turns red
Dynamic weather is the best shit ever for sandboxes.
I'm glad that this game came out back when faggots didn't suck the fun out of everything by datamining the shit out of games before even playing them, so we got to experience the spoopy myth hunting in this game.
Some weird shit tends to happen in the game, and a lot of it seems to happen more in the countryside.
Ghost cars that seemed seemed to either move or stay abandoned randomly out in the woods with damage, usually smoke.
Planes would sometime hit trees.
NPCs spawning in weird placed/falling out of the sky.
>Turn on All Peds Have Weapons
>Turn on Chaos Riots
>Turn on Sandstorm
>Try to survive the absolute chaos and get from one end of the map to the other (cars were usually immediate targets for RPG peds).
Shit was SO good.
Fuck you faggots goddammit I forced myself to 100% San Andreas to avoid this shit. I'm not reinstalling it again.
wtf was that
The epsilon program building.
Why were San andreas and 4 so good compared to 5?
I know that photo/video was fake, but wwatching it always creeps me out
Let's please not start the GTA 4 vs 5 war in this thread.
I literally killed my ps2 trying to find all the spooky shit. Didnt get to beat until years later.
>Ghost cars that seemed seemed to either move or stay abandoned randomly out in the woods with damage, usually smoke.
The ghost cars in question are put there intentionally- beat up Glendales that always look damaged, even if you take them to a Pay'n'Spray (internal model name GLENSHIT). There's two of them that spawn, iirc, so if you end up lost in the woods you can stumble onto it and have a car to get back to society with- one of them spawns on a hill and rolls downwards when it renders.
The same thing happens in the Las Venturas desert, except there's less hills for cars to roll down and instead of Glendales, the beater car is a Sadler pickup (internal model name SADSHIT).
I kinda just like taking screenshots
Imagine if the matrix wasn't so believable and shit like this actually happened in real life
Me too man, I have at least 300 screenshots of the witcher 3 that I have nothing to do with besides post here
I like making webms
how high are you
It's the entrance of an underground government facility. It seems to have been left unfinished though.
You know that Vinewood sign in Los Santos? I was running up the hill they were on and right before I got to them, a plane kamikazed me out of nowhere. My cousin and I were trading the controller every time one of us died, so I was pretty fucking livid.
>a really creeped out feeling when walking through some of the areas in this game
I expected V to give me the same feeling. Too bad there isn't actually a creepy forest, just a few trees with a fucking huge highway going through it. You're never far away from a road in V. I really wanted to feel lost.
actually pretty up there
I used to do this and reenact Escape from L.A.
is that the mad max game?
is it fun?
Yes and yes..
A lot of grinding if you want 100% but it looks and controls amazing and it can be comfy in a lot of places
It has a very mad max ending but it's up to you whether that's a bad thing or not
i'll prolly check it out sometime, thanks for the heads up