This is Yonaka, she will be your protagonist for tonight.
This is Yonaka, she will be your protagonist for tonight
This game is so lewd but there's no lewd CG's. I wanna see that little bitch getting fucked by horny cat things.
favorite girl.
>hair covering one eye
Is there a more edgelord female hairstyle
NOTTomoko is best girl
no hair
FLashy girl?
Cute art.
I wish I could into art so I could make a RPG
what's wrong with her eyes
I know it's an anime thing in general but that guy's artstyle and designs are same-faced as fuck
average high schooler eyes.
Is this the same artist from Wadanohara?
so if she hates buses and trains what does she like? trams?
Also does a couple of comics with similar themes
then why is she even on a fucking train/metro
Closest thing to a lewd there is.
It's dark out and she doesn't want the mogeko to get her.
Nataka's a contrary bitch.
Besides, the train's faster than a bike.
then why complain?
is she Sup Forums?
could be.
I want to rape these little sluts very bad ;_;
That's My picture you idiot
also picked up red pepper.
>picking up random liquid on a train
That doesn't seem very safe
and now to dose off the train
This game looks like shit go away
wait what? weren't we on the train
what did they mean by this?
what if the month only has 30 days?
really makes you think
Muh dick
This game needs more lewds.
Specifically lewds based on "Everlasting Dream"
I want her to fuck me while slowly cutting my skin open and using my blood as lube
Nobody told me this was gonna feature NTR.
This game was fucking stupid.
no u
Yes it was.
What's the name of the game before the thread gets deleted?
ur HEAD is stupid
Mogeko Castle
Mogeko Castle
And it's still more worthwhile than anything you'll ever amount to, user-kun.
Sorry I already have a better option.
Video game.
Mogeko Castle
Mogeko Castle
Don't bother. It's an hour of your life you will never get back.
Anonymous 08/26/16(Fri)05:23:39 No.349687925 ▶
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Sorry I already have a better option.
I want to put my penis in her mouth and proceed to have sexual intercourse with it until ejaculation deep in her throat ensue, if you catch my drift.
i dont
are you daijbou user
Not as stupid as Re:Kinder
How do you even do that?
>He thinks his time isn't worthless
Can someone remind me of the plot/plot TWEEST in a tl;dr? I played this long ago but I forget
Of course not, but I can think of better ways to waste it.
MC's brother is a dick.
MC is also insane incest lover.
>not on Steam
Thanks anyways.
It's on vgperson's page
Can't tell if this is bait or genuine brainwashed post.
>/r9k/ talks to a girl
what gamu?
and this is where i stopped playing.
This is Wadanohara.
She's a saint unlike that mad bitch Yonaka.
What does ending entitle exactly? Does she become a fuck toy?
wheres the porn
I wish i was a virgin japanese schoolgirl stuck in a loli gangrape manga.
I hope VR enable me to experience it in my lifetime.
is this bait
Nice shopped.
She is boring as fuck.
Only finished her game for Memoca
Dumb mobile poster