Gomenasai, my name is William-Sama

Gomenasai, my name is William-Sama.

I’m a 36 year old English Anjin (Navigator for you gaijins). I plot courses on my charts, and spend my days perfecting my map-reading and playing superior Nipponese games. (Hanafuda, Mahjong, Janken)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my scroll of sword mastery two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Nipponese fluently, both Kanji and the Kyushu dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Nipponese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Nipponese Red Seal, I am moving to Edo to attend a prestigious Academy to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a vassal to the Shogun or a merchant!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Nippon, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Nipponese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Zipangu!

took you faggots long enough to make a new thread

What the fuck am I doing wrong? I can barely get past the trio of fuckers just before the first yokai. What am I supposed to do for crowd control?

lure them to you with rocks or use mid-stance spear

Is there a secret that we're using, I'd like to help.


be opportunistic, dash behind them and get super aggressive. hit their backs for massive damage

How do I lure them? as soon as one sees me the others aggro too.


Throw stones at them

Ganbatte William-Sama!

I think when you're the first western who is officially made a samurai by the shogun, you have the right to be a weeb.

precisely. did I mention you can also change weapons in realtime?

Did they remove weapon durability?

There's a path that lets you go around them.

Fuck the second boss


Yes, now they replaced it with a different system where using a weapon increases proficiency with that specific weapon and gives it stat boosts.

Common weapons require 400 points to max out, Uncommon 700, Rare 900, and Super Rare is 999.

if you want help set a word, I'll come.

There is a specific way to beat her and barely get hurt, but Nioh has a problem with "make the tiniest mistake, you're dead" with bosses. That and they're damage sponges.

>he doesn't want to be beaten and eaten by this semen demon

>trying to get light armor from revenants
>every single one of them is using heavy armor
Tired of this "it has high numbers, so it must be good" meme.

Does gomenasai fit as a password

Yes and in return ki usage for attacking/dodging/blocking increased to compensate


Thought so.

That's actually great. The durability system in the alpha was horrendous.

Just hold off until you can duel Muneshige. His armor pieces have high stats and are light.

GOMENA was all i could fit

Yeah they took it out completely since people weren't able to learn how to deal with it.
Do people really think Familiarity was only added to replace Durability? It was clearly going to be in already, the stat was there in the Alpha, it just wasn't on yet. Moreover, they both would have worked perfect together. It would actually give some thought to trying to use the weapon long enough to get it maxed out.

So I just started the demo and don't how the weapon shit works.
My weapon was degrading and now it's blue under the Familiarity?
I read this replaced the durability system, that true?


6 letters

His armor is normal, which is too heavy by my standards.

It's definitely a good way to make using super rare weapons that are slightly lower in level worth it, because they'll scale way better since they can max out.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if durability is either gone from the base game or it takes way longer to break a weapon because Koei is aware everyone bitched about it.

Durability become worthless a few hours in because you had so many stones and you can be certain that the smith would have been able to repair it too.

So is Nippon a derogatory term these days, or just so old that no one uses it anymore

Does anybody know the locations of the Kodama for the second level?

You can still stay in green though.

They increased ki usage to balance the removal of durability

I don't want to be green, I want to be blue for that A rank in agility.

What's a good complimentary weapon to the spear?
Low stance spear is too strong, but I want to have a solid backup to cover any situations it might not be able to handle.

Is it me or are dual katanas the most underwhelming weapon? They have that super powerful spin move but everything else feels like shit. I love the vanilla katana so much more than these weapons.

Also, thank FUCK they got rid of the durability mechanic. I love what they did with the game, it's so much better now than it was in the alpha.

In day to day life most people say Nihon. Nippon is saved mainly for soccer games because to most people Nippon has a little too oomph when you say since it's Nip-PON, and people attach that overenthusiasm to nationakism.

Yeah but at the same time the game really rewards mastering the ki burst.

>not op
Wow who could've figured

I use a high stance katana because bosses literally don't know how to deal with the triangle tap of that.

They literally removed it from the game based on the feedback from the Alpha survey. People complained because they didn't figure out how offering worked and didn't get past the first level.
We got so many partly because of replaying levels and a single area that gave out excessive amounts, but it also would have still been a factor in extended fights, of which we've seen plenty. Who knows what will be coming?
No they didn't. Ki usage is more lenient now because of the changes to the stagger mechanics.
Dual katanas are strong, you haven't learned to use them, like with durability.

How many of you have fapped to her so far?
Really? Trying a new character with 2kat tonight. That sucks to hear.

Either mid/high 1 kat, or the always fashionable 2 kats. I tend to use my spear as high damage/crowd control, and stick to the katanas for when I need more mobility

How are they strong? My issue with them is that they seem to do really little damage, which results in me getting fucked over by an enemy who managed to recover somehow

>We got so many partly because of replaying levels and a single area
No? Most if it came from destroying items. That would have happened either way unless they made hold so valuable that you were forced to sell them instead.

All of the lvl 1 starting armor boss challenge videos I've seen uses dual katana.

I see no reason to use any weapon other than a spear for revenants, because they literally don't know how to deal with the mid stance triange poke.

>specific way to beat her
Alright lay it on me I've died like 20 times and haven't even gotten her to half-way before she fucks me.

I need more semen demons!!

>sucks the blood of someone in the intro
>licks her lips and gets excited when she sees you
>has a suck attack
>has a move that punishes you for dodging i.e. coming too early or late
>was able to overpower the lance of the NPC with the ox
They were going all out with her.

Use the shortcut

They do huge damage with the amount of hits they dish out at a time, combined with being one of the fastest weapons so you can capitalize on openings easily. Their weakness is a lack of range, limited defensive utility and their attacks can leave you open. Practice them more and take more care on that last one, and you'll see how strong they can be.
The second shrine at Dazaifu just before Nue had six stone sentries, each of which dropped a whetstone. You also got them from offering equipment. Assuming you mean gold, they actually have made it very valuable since soulmatching and reforging can get very expensive.

Did you get the shrine near her boss area? It increases starting elixirs to 5.

Anyway, easy way is get a good regular katana, preferably with fire. High stance, stay out of range of her moves (you can do this for all of them except her spin, block that because you can't dodge it), and use the triangle move. It should take off like 1/20 of her health doing that once. If you have trouble with paralysis there's a ninja item that gives you paralysis resistance temporarily, and as long as that's active you won't be frozen in place if you miss dodging her blast wave.

Keep in mind you can block ANYTHING she uses except the blast wave. Even her flying dive,

>not leveling medicine man
Are you bad?

There's another shrine besides the one on that ledge with the two stairs? Where? Also I've been wary of using high stance since the bitch is so damn fast and I always worry about taking out those yokai zones.

If you get the Healer Blessing from kodama you can get extra elixirs really easily.
>not parrying the flying dive

Does Shige drop 2kat too?

I don't even know what that means

>There's another shrine besides the one on that ledge with the two stairs?

That's the one I'm talking about. Maybe there's a shrine in the first mission you missed.

Fuck yeah. Who /markofthewarrior/ here?

>summon guy for Cave
>cave is easy but I want to find people to play with
>guy is using a spear
>he hits for about 500-800 a hit
HOW? Meanwhile I'm hitting for 200 with my Katana and haven't found anything worthwhile.

Nah, Muneshige has the chance of dropping

>pieces of his armour set
>his special water-infused katana
>his special bow

How many shrines are there in the first one? I remember getting two.

>and I always worry about taking out those yokai zones.

Just use the ki burst after your triangle hit.

Also keep in mind that you can break her ki really easily. Then you can do a lot of damage, even more if you get to unleash your spirit.

A ninja skill that can increase the amount of elixirs you can carry. You can also increase the amount of healing under the onmyo tree.

He can also drop the other ranged weapon, I don't mean the bow or gun.

There's the starting one, the one in the burning town, and the one on the hillside that drops you into the side entrance of the master's house (where you fight your first yokai).


Beginning one
One in the woods, above house with first big yokai
One after the house with the yokai

Three in IoD and three in Hino's lair.

>finally beat the boat demon

This is further than I got last time

The random disconnects in coop is kinda annoying, happened a few times now

Enjoy the Semen Demon. I found her to be way harder. I must have died ten more times to her.

Is that second one new? I don't remember their being a shrine there in the alpha.

>parrying the flying dive

Bullshit. I demand proof

High stance with at least a level 28+ weapon and good stats

Boat Demon is not particularly hard in hindsight, you just aren't prepared for it

>dodge to left because he ALWAYS uses his left hand ball and chain first
>attack his back twice
>double backwards dodge to avoid spin
>repeat until he breaks the chains
>side dodge the thrown balls and punches


Man this game is fun when I had someone walk me through the whole first section of the game until the ship boss.

I used all my cups. Am I fucked for life and not going to be able to beat this boss without help? I don't think I could beat him on my own. What's the suggested level for him?


>Level 28
>Anywhere in the cave
Not possible.

Try it out. Or put a password down.

God the samurai is probably the first time I've thought this game was utter bullshit.

The only actual samurai you fight in the game is Muneshige, and he was a legendary warrior irl so of course he's hard.

So, is there no Muneshige twilight mission?

>die because the guy who summoned me was too scared to stab an oni in the back
Every fucking time.
Why are hosts such pussies?

Summons have no level limit user

I'm level 38, and still get summoned to help people on the fucking beach

just beat the first boss. Beat him in the alpha too, the game feels way more polished now. I feel like I should be using my axe more, but I just love using the katana too much. Also, what control scheme are you guys using? I saw that Scheme B makes the controls more Dark souls like, and I have to admit not having to press R1 and Dpad would be nice for switching weapons mid combo

I really see no reason to use the axe/hammer. It's just too slow and fucks over your stamina.

Fuck off Sup Forums. James Clavell's Shogun should be discussed over there.

So if William-sama is going around wrecking all these legendary samurai, does that mean the ultimate samurai was a gaijin?

>twilight Muneshige
>Fight him and his sister
>At the same time
No thanks

Before I looked up and saw that William Adams was a real guy, I thought the demo had read my PS4 profile and noticed my name was William.

He was mostly a shipright and translator for the shogun. Samurai was a class of society, it didn't automatically mean you were an awesome warrior.

What level should I be to face Muneshige? 30?

>Just finish beating first boss
>Try out some co-op
>First stage just happens to be a Twilight stage
>Enemy in this stage just happens to drop a blue rarity raikiri
>Become God
How lucky am I? How do you even get one? I never saw it drop again after that

>get summoned for beach
>guy has the shortcut opened to the beach
>he doesn't go through to the boss
>instead starts clearing out the map from the behind
>fuck it, go follow him
>he's only using a hammer in high stance and only ever presses Triangle
>in almost every fight, he uses one attack before losing all his stamina
>he's wearing the heaviest armour imaginable so his KI regen is terribly slow
>he's constantly getting stun locked
>end up clearing the entire first mission 100% despite him already having the boss way open
>takes like 30 minutes to get to the boss room after that because I gotta slowly escort him using whistle
>guy clearly has no idea where the boss room is
>guy clearly summons people so they can complete shit for him
>we get into the boss room
>I start fighting the boss
>notice I'm the only one fighting the boss
>maybe he's just waiting for the right time to strike
>turn around
>he's walking around the very edges of the boss room, holding block
>get boss to 40% HP
>guy is still letting me solo it
>nah fuck this
>run to him so the boss agros onto him
>run to another corner, smoke bomb
>watch boss slaughter him
Feels good.
