>people bitch about WRPG length being under 30 hours
>JRPGs are usually over 50 hours
So why don't you play JRPGs?
>people bitch about WRPG length being under 30 hours
>JRPGs are usually over 50 hours
So why don't you play JRPGs?
Because The new star ocean is under 30 hours.
I'll play when the Japs upgrade to PC gaming
Too bad WRPGs don't have quality anymore.
I'll play it when you release the PC version in a few months. Already completed the basic one.
>Best girls not in the cover even if you can romance them now
On average (PS4-only)...
Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force is 50+ hours
Atelier Sophie is 50+ hours
Megadimension Neptunia VII is 50+ hours
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth is 50+ hours
Omega Quintet is 50+ hours
Star Ocean V is 40+ hours if played normally & not rushing
Tales of Zestiria is 50+ hours
Not seeing your point m8e.
>Star Ocean V is 40+
less than 30 if you didn't do post game.
People bitch about good games being too short.
Nobody wants awful games that are too long.
Because I'm a proud American who don't need no fucking inferior gook made in china game. I support our own Developers because I'm a god graced PATRIOT and America is the BEST country in the WORLD!
U S A!
How fucking new are you kiddo?
Most WRPG are European made.
>play Advent Dark Force
>get regular ending
>play NG+
>Get Evil God Route
>Play NG++
>Get Evil Goddess route
Are there other games that utilize story branches as well as FFF?
Compile Heart actually set a bar on NG+ stuff I can't believe it.
steam release WHEN
Winter or fall probably, they said they want to release pc version of their game as soon they can to keep up with the consoles version.
Is this game standard CH trash or is it actually good?
as stated.
Nier's new game plus is just a change in perspective.
Makes you think about all the shit you have done and are doing.
Is the PS4 version worth getting used/cheap if you already own the PS3 game?
Because I hate fucking everything and I want an Action JRPG with sensibilities of both worlds.
But that will never happen.
because they're boring
because jap story telling sucks ass
not that western is better though
jrpgs are only good for porn, so I only watch walkthroughs etc.
There's a big difference between having a great game suddenly end than having these shitty drawn out 60 hour low budget JRPGs that start getting stale during the first couple of hours.
Nier's NG+ is awesome too.
>because jap story telling sucks ass
>So I watch those stories in walkthroughs, etc.
Well the ps4 version has new playable characters and new route that isn't in the ps3 or pc version...
It's worth it if you haven't started the game yet at all.
I mean I watch parts of it with my favorite characters, not the whole thing usually
besides I'm poor
>Neptunia V-II
>Omega Quintet
Those are only that long if you're doing multiple playthroughs, so for most people they hardly take that long. Even doing all routes in ADF doesn't take that long, unless you go really slowly or are working on the plat at the same time.
SO5 is only that long if you do post game or are working towards the plat on your first playthrough. Most people finish the main story on Galaxy around 25-30 hours, without rushing.
The problem with the game is afte ryou beat one route, you just want to set it to a Super Easy difficulty just to see the other storylines. Then it makes fights really really boring
Yeah, I just got the game last week it's bretty gud so far.
Fang is a good protag.
Also, I've spent 70 hours on Tales of Berseria and I haven't beaten it yet. Close to it, but not yet
Not saying WRPGs are great but JRPGs in general are glorified waifu simulators for nerds
>has female characters
>waifu simulator
You must be fucking new or on extreme denial
Sorry man I get more engrossed in WRPGs. However, Smt games are amazing and I I wish more JRPGS are like that. Maybe they are bur i haven't given many a chance and have never played a final fantasy game too so I feel like Im missing out,
I think you're talking about VNs
Are you fucking retarded? I got the plats for Sophie and Nep VII in 35 and 45 hours respectively. How the hell did it take you 50+ hours for a single playthrough in those games?
I even made it a point to sit and listen to all the dialogue instead of just advancing through it at reading speed.
>I got the plats for Sophie and Nep VII in 35 and 45 hours respectively
Somehow I don't believe you.
no way you plat Nep VII in 35 hours.
what the fuck
I can't prove Sophie, since Gust apparently never noticed that the timer continues ticking during sleep mode, but at least I can show Nep.
Oh fuck, the bottom of the picture got cut off. Whoops. Whatever.
>P.....PP.PP.PC.C.C....M.M.MM..a.a.a..ss..s.t.t.t.er.r..r.r..ra.ce.e.e.e. r....ii.....te..g.g.g.uizz.z.? .....g...g..gg..uiz?
>Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force is 50+ hours
I'd probably go nuts playing for that long. Trophies just are not worth that much boredom.
>Omega Quintet is 50+ hours
110+ hours if you go for the Platinum
How is Fairy Fencer F? I like Neptunia
Fang is based as fuck if you dont take the story very seriously .
I thought he was a cunt at first but then he really grew on me. It was nice sitting back and watching him be a asshole to the girls.
>Just 50hrs
It's good but get Advent Dark Force.
It's basically FFF Complete edition with 6 member battles and 2 new story routes
how the fuck?
And Pippin is shit.
>how the fuck?
apparently DLC areas
That's what I meant. I'll definitely check it out
He is an asshole but not a bad friend. Look what he did when he had a chance to change the future,
Apollonius pretty much was loyal as the other guy which I forgot the name because they respect Fang.
Sherman on the other hand deserves all the death he can get in any time line.
I have no idea what kind of gaming god you are, but that's insane. Do you look at walkthroughs before you start a game or something? No way anyone would know all that stuff right away. Especially Nep VII where you need to do some specific stuff right away or lose True Ending
Really? I decided to pick it back up and was thinking about going for it. Too many damn side quests.
The only thing I looked up for Nep VII were the conditions for the true ending. I missed some stuff in the second part of the game in my first playthrough, so I did it in my second playthrough instead.
Oh, and for Sophie, I looked up the conditions for unlocking certain recipes and whatnot. I had no idea what a "Positive Release" was until I Googled it.
i think you get bored for power leveling like that. that's the problem with JRPGs. it's too hard at lower levels, but too easy after grinding it gets boring. the balance is horrible for this genre
Is VII supposed to be much longer than the other neps? Because Rebirth 1-3 took me 45 hours each to 100%
you just suck at videogames dude.
you and the other retards play these games are slow in the head
I thought it would've been way longer than a typical Nep, since apparently it was originally developed as three separate games.
It turned out to be about the same length as a regular Nep.
I got about 30 hours my first run through. I have no idea how the hell that guy blasted through the game that fast to plat. Only thing I can think of is buying all the DLC power items and levels.
The game is actually only like 4 hours long if you skip all the cutscenes and trash mobs.
>I had no idea what a "Positive Release" was until I Googled it.
>tfw i had to google this too
actually stumbled upon a post on a forum about a quick, easy farm spot for some dosh as well. 2.5k in a couple of minutes every time out in the field.
I've got 80 hours and I've still got a playthrough and a half + some leveling on my original to go.
slow motherfucker. do you just look at the buildings?
reminds me of people who took 10 hours to beat Captain Toad
The game is SUPER fucking short dude. I got my Neptunia VII plat pretty fast. I'll have to load it up to double check
It's the last DLC dungeon. On it's own, the experience is incredibly weak, but if you use a fury that contains change enemies, then stack every possible experience gaining fury around the dungeon, the final boss at the very end of the dungeon gives an insane amount of experience.
The problem is that he scales with difficulty. Even attempting to do it on hardest difficulty results in doing like 200 damage to him, and then getting one-shotted.
>the average weeb dont know how to play and has to grind
Because I'm not degenerate weeb trash.
To be honest, now that i think about it, 30 horus for the first playthrough, then 15 hours to get trophies really is easily doable.
don't think i'll bother though
Go back to DOTA2 Brad.
30 horus? What measurement of time is that, user.
>So why don't you play JRPGs?
Because Guided Fate Paradox, Fairy Fencer f and Tales of Graces f were such garbage that I can't even be bothered to try anymore.
its her game actually good?
i have no idea what R2 does?
>Tales of Graces f
too much iron stance or whatever it was called?
still my favorite Tales combat system
I will happily avoid whatever garbage that THING is from.
It's not vesperia. That's why it's shit.
The game just wasn't interesting enough to justify putting up with the absolute garbage writing. The problem with all three of those games was that they weren't terribly interesting mechanically and every one of them made me suffer through a constant assault of pants on head dialogue.
not everything can be vesperia. we used to have the symphonia team and destiny team
destiny team for combat and symponia team for everything else
thats why i skipped cutscenes except for skits. i play for combat but i understand if you want more than just gameplay
GFP and FFF didn't have good enough mechanics to justify themselves. Graces f was fine -- it's a Tales game -- but just remembering the writing still makes me angry. Made Dan Brown seem nuanced and grounded.
>The game just wasn't interesting enough to justify putting up with the absolute garbage writing.
You're playing a Tales game user..
And I thought FFF's writing was pretty good. I don't know why anyone expects a noble prize author writing for games. People that write for video games failed being an author.
Yeah, miles better than Zestiria. The music isn't good though. Too Xillia-like imo.
Hopefully they keep going in the right direction with the Tales series from now on.
yeah the story was bad, but i just took it as a comedy. they literally used the most cliched writing and then used even more cliched writing that people use ironically. all it was missing is the protagonist having toast in his mouth as he is running late to something
I can accept Asbel and his retarded belts on his clothes and being the disco samurai he was, but having books as a skirt is so damn stupid
I love it
>tfw my dad bought all the dan brown books
>he visits me to make me watch all of those stupid mission impossible and bourne movies
>pointy ears
DESU 10-30 hours is the video game sweet spot.
prove me wrong
I can't take this character design seriously because all I can see is Teepo turned into clothing.
>ADF's Evil Goddess route has a major setup for a sequel
I wonder if it will be a direct sequel or if they are going to go with a brand new cast.
more is better as long it is consistent
I want to fuck her hard
You're an idiot.
I just remember being so frustrated by how the game kept introducing perfectly serviceable video game plots only to resolve them in an hour and move on to a completely new yet somehow equally unimaginative plot. Like, the militant usurpation of a throne and the subsequent raising of an uncle's militia for reclamation of said throne was all handled in a couple of hours and was ultimately inconsequential. And I distinctly remember the main character telling his buddy king secretly evil not to execute the traitors who had killed his family and nearly killed him because killing is badong or something.
Angels and Demons is an offense to human dignity. If I ever meet Dan Brown, I'm going to slap him on principle.
No you. You have the stupidest expectations if you want a amazing story from a video game. Sure it can happen, but 99% of the time it doesn't. Even xenogears the apparent best story ever bogs down with pointless shit.
The worst point to me was when a previously gentle and kind character got stabbed, snapped, and brutally butchered his attacker, obviously unwell in the head, and the whole party carried on with their quest to put him in a position of power like nothing happened.
Why the fuck did they just literally rip off the character design from Madoka Magica?
You are adding nothing to this discussion.
It was all so disjointed.
>We found a girl in the woods but oh no monsters and now she's dead i guess we're growing up now don't worry about it.
Oh what?
Fairy Fencer Advent is actually worth getting even if I've already played through the original one multiple times?
I loved being part of the Fang Gang
Tell me I can be part of the Fang Gang again
>Why the fuck did they just literally rip off the character design from Madoka Magica?
They didn't. Madoka Magica isn't the first magical girl anime ever you dumb fuck.