What happened to Flygirl? Did all of my save scumming go to waste?
What happened to Flygirl? Did all of my save scumming go to waste?
>can't even ask about her when talking with Sarif
Rot in hell Eidos.
Jock > Malik
Yes. She is never referenced.
Canon died. Get fucked
Removed because she wasn't wearing a burqa. We have to be sensitive to other cultures, which means accepting their societal rules.
went to waste because the majority of the people who played HR were bad and didnt save her
Flygirl is dead in canon, because Eidos are literally Hitler.
Though I'm not so sorry about her death anymore after learning that she was a muslim.
>flygirl dead
Not referenced even once outside the recap video.
She doesn't appear but she is alive
She leaves Jensen a note and toy helicopter in his cereal box
But she's not wearing a garbage bag over her head?
Apparently she's a blasphemer in the eyes of Allah.
She'll show up in DLC at some point, won't she?
>It's canon that Flygirl died
wtf i hate malik now
Victim of corporate warfare, police won't even investigate, just like gang warfare; I think she dying make the story interesting , it gives a reality check on how working private can be. Malik should have known what she was getting into, she's just expendable and replaceable just like everyone who died in the beginning of HR, harsh world.
>Wanting MORE women in the game
Go to hell you miserable fucking waifufag, stop ruining games further with your faggotry.
Well it's good to hear that Malik is alive, but what about my boy Pritchard?
>You will never get to kill Megan for everything she put you through
Sarif tells you what happened to him near the opening of Mankind Divided. He's still working private security consulting in Detroit.
its been a long while since I beated HR, what happens to megan again?
Just so you know, the various notes and post credit scene in HR imply she's the one who makes the Ambrosia virus.
Isn't it canon that she died?
I like that Sarif sides with you at the start of MD and basically politely agrees that Megan is a terrible person.
>you cant fuck the pyschiatrist
>you cant fuck Aria
>you cant fuck the slutty crime boss who calls you darling and wants you to kiss her neck
At least if this was bioware I'd have gotten Jensen's dick wet for him.
crime boss's wife*
At the start of the game you're left to think she's dead, but she was alive the whole time just chilling out carrying on with her work in secret.
Also you can't fuck the stripclub babushka or the landwhale in the stripper window.
>walk up to and click on cereal box
>suddenly an FMV plays
Wow that's super fucking jarring. What the hell is Eidos Montreal's abuse of third person and inability to immerse the character as Jensen? It's like you're playing two different games with two different protagonists and the game keeps annoyingly flipping the switch when only one has a personality and that's not the one you're permitted to actually play as.
I spent forever looking for the Adam Jensen edit of this.
Anyone have it?
That's so cute
Hes fine but still working security in Detroit
He left Adam a copy of his screenplay
Does Jensen even have a dick anymore?
He does but he's still hung up on that bitch Megan. Sarif tells him to let her go and move on because she already did (whore abandoned Sarif when he needed her and left for California) but you know how it goes.
So, how did she get into Adam's apartment anyway?
Works for Bob Page
why is Sup Forums so bad at video games
the only problem I had with saving her ghost was I had to use up a good chunk of my energy bar stash
Maybe they accidentally threw some of the soldiers close to an about-to-explode Tachikoma (thereby ruining a Pacifist run)?
But yeah. I honestly don't know why anyone would have a hard time saving Malik.
She faked her kidnapping/presumed death in order to work for the Illuminati in secret.
Also she was only dating you for your DNA.
>I honestly don't know why anyone would have a hard time saving Malik.
Probably didn't know you could, that was me on my first playthrough
She died in canon, Jensen says that he escaped the crash site, implying that the escape route was taken in their canon.
RIP best girl, in comes second string best girl Dr. Fine.
That's cute. I hope she'll show up in one of the Jensen Stories. Pritchard, too.
Holy shit yes.
She's got the key. So she can come and go as she pleases.
You know,because they fug.
He's on the cover of this book, so one can assume he's a major character in it.
'll have to check it out next time I'm at the bookstore.
>that she was a muslim
>implying that doesn't make her hotter.
>picture ahmed furious that she's a westernized (possibly lesbian) "liberated women".
prepare to get "assimilated"
>possibly lesbian
Shes alive. Theres a reference to her in MD. She puts a little ship in Jensens cereal box and leaves a note.
Sariff is a nice and considerate guy, I'm sure he gave Jensen a robo Jensen too
>tfw still hung up on my high school crush
>friends tell me shut the hell up and forget about her
>two years into college and she decide to go to the same school as I
>it keeps tumbling down
People criticize Adam for being so hung up into Megan but I understand completely
so uh
game never bothered to tell me about limited saves on the hardest difficulty, because i can't save at all. it doesn't even fucking auto save, which i never cared about, but shit man. at least give me a warning when i start the game or something.
One of the few characters that looks better in-game than in the concept art.
And then Kai Leng arrives and eats it, sending a whiny email while he's at it.
Can't you just overwrite?
Jensen has already been claimed by Eliza, of course he isn't going to go around dicking everything.
and then combat ensues, after you beat him a cutscene comes up and Jensen is dead
no man
i was fine earlier, but now and for the last 3 hours i thought it was auto saving.
my last auto save was in TF29 before checking out the damn station bombing. i checked to see if i could save, nope.
can't save
can't auto save
im on give me deus ex difficulty and i can figure i only saved about a few times, maybe 10 times total. the game does NOTHING to tell you this because i would have fucking remembered and the next difficulty above this one, one you have to unlock, TELLS YOU that you can't save even once.
fuck this shit.
fuck you eidos!
now i have to be STUPID careful and not only that beat the rest of the game in one sitting without dying once.
Ok guys. i cant be the only one to notice this but go play the dubai mission again and near the end of that mission when that vtol pilot lands you hear Malik talking. I recognized her voice
I am 120% sure thats her right here
It's a glitch on the PC port, not part of the difficulty
PC port?
then why is it happening on fucking Xbox One too?
>he bought an Xbone
Wait what? Where?
Oh shit I bought it on Xbox too pls no Eidos
sure, for $170 with 2 controllers and 3 games last year because people on craigslist are stupid. system was "broken", all i had to do was reformat the HDD. saved a lot of dosh not buying that shit retail.
You can get Xbones off dirt cheap, I got one for $200 with a Kinect and MCC.
Sold the Kinect for $50 soon after.
I linked it in the video in my post. about 37 secs into the video
Maybe she has spare keys since Aaaaadam fuckes her raw.
>Females are already the minority in video games
now you can
mine 1 year ago with Rare Replay, MCC and GTA5, plus 2 controllers would be worth over $500 at GS retail at the time.
The AI news anchor? How does that work?
Hard light makes for interesting fucking.
You know. Interfacing and shit.
Who brown nose?
Nah, that's not Malik.
It's also happening on PS4. Can someone bitch about this to Eidos already? I did, but they won't do shit if it's just me doing it.
>It's canon that Flygirl lived
It's not her
nice to know it paid off, went berserk on my non lethal run to save her
The combat in that mission feels real shitty. I don't get why the communication of your health feels so bad, because for whatever reason I never even notice I'm low until I'm already dead.
You're right, i'll just use my common sense then.
Why would a VTOL pilot with no military training be involved in comms chatter of an elite strike force about to enter into an engagement when she is not directly involved in the op? "Weapons free", that's so Malik.
There didn't even need IMDB.
Why is Malik and cereal a thing?
Saving her on pacifist was a bitch
You say that like the stungun isn't the best weapon in the game.
the stun gun in this game is fucking broken as shit
i can stealth everything with minimal use of cloak, its fun fun to toss shit and distract enemies MGS style.
there's a hidden compartment next to adam's bed with a stash and a note on a PDA from pritchard
>Magic Gnome cereal in the cart.
>Take that cereal, translate it to Czech, put it into game.
Props to these guys.
>Philadelphia 2027
>the comcast tower is still under construction
>Though I'm not so sorry about her death anymore after learning that she was a muslim.
>Doesn't even cosplay as a ghost
She was never muslim. They just said so to be edgy, hip cock slurpers. Malik was never muslim and I'll fight anyone over it. Flygirl is pure and untainted.
Jock is a bro, but Malik is one of the few areas where Human Revolution surpassed the original.
More importantly where's knuckles?
Question for you people who have played the game.
So The Adam you play as is actually a clone or something of the original Adam from Human Revolution? Meaning the original Adam died at the end of HR?
>Game 1
>Character can be saved or killed
>Game 2
>Character isn't in the game
>If they are, they're irrelevant to the story and underwritten
To be fair they didn't plan for a sequel.
The part where you save her really shows how much of a fucking killer robot Jensen really is