What the fuck was this guy's problem?
Monster Hunter thread
What the fuck was this guy's problem?
Monster Hunter thread
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Just like a cat that headbutt you to pet it. Just instead of soft fluffy head it's just pain and annoying.
It senses your hunter spirit, therefore a threat. And as such, threats must be eradicated.
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.
Guessing the next title will be on NX. And if the NX is a hybrid means I can play on my TV which makes me happy
>when you're a gunner and people post multi monster quests
yare yare daze..
Monster hunter title is probably Stories.
Please let it be MH5 for the NX. I just want to forget Generations ever existed.
Read again, it's not Stories.
Impossible due to timing and sales target.
imagine if they added a drome version of this thing in the next mh
>huge as fuck
>can destroy boulders without stunning itself
>if you try to make it run into a wall, it comes to a stop before hitting it unless is in rage mode
I will wait for them to actually announce a new monster hunter before believing every little thing every little site says.
Just saying NX would make sense given how close MH team been with Nintendo. Thanks to N it's pretty popular in the west. Which was something Capcom been trying for a LONG time.
That's the first time I've noticed that thing's ears
Depends on what the NX is.
They don't want to upgrade the visuals since it would cost more.
Been a while since the last console MH and I doubt there will ever be one again.
> Thanks to N it's pretty popular in the west
I thought it was gaining popularity back when it was on PSP though very slowly compared to Japan.
Impossible due to timing and sales target.
I thought they were purple?
damn it user
Nintendo really helped with marketing it. It was really Japan that started to love the series with PSP but west took a bit longer. With MH4U and MHG becoming their biggest hits here. I don't think they would want to put that much money in visuals too. I'm guessing NX is slightly more powerful than the Wii U but if it is a handle with a dock it might just be Vita level of visuals on the screen. But who the fuck knows.
Its an "My 3ds doesn't want to connect to the internet" episode. Its like after a while the system just gives up.
Specs don't really matter to Capcom
>Make a lobby for Hellblade 1-10 to clear it all out
>Finish 2
>Guy rushes to the quest counter and posts 3 ahead of me
I dont know if I should feel offended or not
Damn. No wonder it hates you, you're noisy as fuck.
>still posting this
Literally just get good, you whiny cunt
What DB is that? Can't seem to find it
When did Oswald get into Monster Hunter?
Gore Magala DBs, same as the armour.
Anybody interested in a quick single Furious Rajang quest to unlock Demon Riot 3?
I'm a guild hammer, fuck you
When the edge isn't flowing through me quite as much.
>I don't think they would want to put that much money in visuals too.
They would still have to finally stop reusing their PS2-tier models.
Not that Capcom needs amazing specs, I think they're still working on MT Framework's successor and all you needed for that was unicorn poop
It's also not safe. The NX hasn't even been revealed yet.
All we have is the "oh man it's going to be amazing" talk.
So what deviant armor sets are better for gunners? I have the long stretch goal of maxing one version of each deviant and thought I'd ask opinions.
They don't have to stop using PS2 models on 3DS.
Case closed.
>spent the whole afternoon agains snowbaron bunny to make the armor set
>still wants to play more tonight
Prove me wrong.
No edge at all, really.
Sounds like a lot of bitching and moaning and not enough good being gotten
It's not like Capcom is a stranger to overreaching sales estimate.
They're expecting 2 million by the END OF MARCH.
The NX LAUNCHES in March.
How many people do you expect to buy an NX and MH5 in less than a month? You can't seriously expect 2m sales in that short timeframe?
Maybe if it was a worldwide release and it came bundled with the NX...
Seconding this question
>playing female
Bouncing off this fag's tail is far more annoying and frequent than being tripped
I've been playing the same male for three entries, I decided to switch it up.
I'll give you two comparisons.
Last year, MHX on 3DS with 5 years' worth of MH install base
>2.5 million
2011, one year after 3DS launched
>1.2 million
Um, I said it's impossible for NX because of timing and sales expectation? You must've gotten it wrong.
Maybe. Maybe not. If the NX just uses Vita level of looks and stretch it like Vita TV than they can still keep MH3U Wii U level of looks.
>producing exclusives for an unrevealed console
It's like you're asking for losses.
Capcom has only recently been starting to recover financially
Sounds like a personal problem
Attack a little behind the tail, it's super weak there and will still break the tail itself.
Use weapons and/or attacks with ESP.
I think I just replied to the wrong person.
Use aerial against it you dumb cunt
Question I can't seem to find a solid answer to on Google.
For cutting tails, do you need to hit them with ALL cutting damage, or just one point of it?
Like, I thought I read once that you can damage a tail with any type of damage, and cut it as long as you hit it with one cutting damage after it passed it's overall damage threshold
But my friends say that that's not true and you need to hit tails with a bunch of cutting damage to cut them off.
In other words, would it be possible to say, cut a tail from a monster with HH by beating the tail over and over with the blunt attacks, then poking it with the tiny cutting move that HH has after it has enough damage?
Is the Gunlance fucked at its core
Can someone tell me if Najalara (or whatever is the name of that fucking snake thing) was first seen in a handheld title?
I swear this fight would be so easy if I only had a better FoV, trying to understand what's going on the the 3DS's tiny screen is a pain
My nigger
>Finally get around to working on my own Deviant shit after a while
>Do Hellblade I for the first time, had done other levels with other people before
>Finally see the Hellblade lance's starting stats
>Awful sharpness until Lv6
Deviants were a mistake
On the plus side, one more Hyper Mizu hunt should let me upgrade my soaking wet weeb lance to the final level, so I can assblast these Hellblades faster
how do i get master set?
i went through alot of quests, but after coal hearted i didn't get the rajang quest.
What do?
>attacks with ESP.
That's a good joke user
Its gotta be all cutting damage
Sometimes I take the Full Edge set out for a spin even if the monster isn't weak to dragon.
Just for fun.
I just wish I could get Frenzy Fever on Aerial also with wolf's maw, but alas.
Cutting damage only
No idea why people still think otherwise
I've seen that done before, so probably you just need a tiny bit of cut damage after the threshold is reached
>Using Segios CB in Generations
>Upgraded wnough that it has white sharpness
>Fucking thing bounces off monsters at white sharpness even the earlier game monsters such as Tetsucabra, Nargacuga, etc.
What the fuck? White is supposed to be mostly penetration at that point.
Your joust has plenty of ESP mate, as does your shield bash and counter.
Which HH style is the "best"? Is Adept HH fun?
Capcom just seems terrified of making shelling too strong, even though the flat damage ends up being pretty shit against G-Rank/Hypers/Deviants/whatever the fuck has the most inflated HP at the end of the game.
They already have shell levels keeping it from being super busted early game, why not just make the highest level shells actually strong? Or just make the shelling damage actually scale with the weapon's raw/element or something.
Guild, maybe Adept
Back in the day, there was a video guide for cutting tails as a gunner in MH3U, utilizing bombs and the shakalaka cannon mask. The idea would be that you'd put the monster to sleep, lay bombs, then have the shakalakas fire one of them off, blow up the bombs, then the fired shaka would sever the tail.
Is there a guide for how to trip monsters?
I only recently discovered that was a thing, I just thought monsters randomly fell down if you were fucking them up, but after trying to attack Volvidon just on the legs and seeing him fall down constantly made me curious of where should I be hitting stuff
I'm aware how to play my weapon user, I was making a joke
The real problem is Lance's long as fuck bounce animation, and how if you face the weak part of his tail the wrong way you can hit "through" it and bounce anyways. Same if you accidentally hit his back through his head.
Attack the feet or arms, depending on how the monster walks.
Literally that simple.
A trip happens when you stagger them on the legs.
Gee, maybe try hitting the legs
You know, the part of the body that allows them to stand up?
Oh it's the legs for every monster? That's kind of easy, actually
Depends on the monster
Generally the legs will knock them down, but there's some special cases like hitting Volvidon when its rolling, Maccao when it's bouncing, Glavenus' neck when it's on fire, etc.
Keep in mind though that for most monsters, their legs aren't their weakest point, so by trying to trip them you'll be doing less damage.
They'd have to fix more than shell damage though, as it stands it's effectively a much worse Lance
I still haven't made them yet this game, but I wanna get some armor that puts together a bunch of crit boosting skills, since they have such high affinity
So that's literally two people saying yes and two people saying no.
That's what I meant. Can't find any kind of definative answer.
Do you have any of those videos showing it working?
And if it was possible before, could it be possible that they changed it so it doesn't work in Gen?
Well that part's easy, raise the motion values a bit. Capcom keeps gutting those for some reason too. Part of the reason shelling being weaker the later into the game you go is a problem is because it kinda invalidates what makes the weapon unique. Sorta like how Switch Axe has become Charge Sword.
Blast Dash helps their mobility problems a lot in Gen, so I guess we'll see if arts stay around or not. Maybe some weapons will keep certain arts as part of their regular kit.
I literally just got out of a room in Gen where the HBG did 90% of the damage to a Duramburos' tail with piercing shots, then I tapped it with the running part of a charge and it came flying off.
Gunner here, I got ya'll covered.
I've been using Stonefist because with bubbles up you get AuL, Evasion+1, and Constitution+1. The added evasion and lower stamina usage is great for areial pellet sets, but is a strong set in general. It also gives you recoil down+2 for lv 2 and 3 pierce/pellet shots, and the life saving Divine Protection from Stonefist.
Silverwind is great if you want to abuse the shit out of crit pierce sets with Nargacuga's lbg, Silverwind's Lbg, Shagaru's Lbg, and Shagaru's Hbg. Sadly, you can't use Akantor's Hbg because it doesn't have a slot.
Deadeye gives you Challenger+2 and Chain Crit, which is alright offensively, but the real draw is that Deadeye gives you Guts.
I've seen some people use Redhelm for bows because it gives you focus and Resentment(AuL when you have red hp naturally recovering). It's okay I guess with the added defense.
Dreadqueen is what you want for Demon's Isle and Master Kettleblower because status out the ass. Wide range+2 is also a great support ability which goes well with the Lbg's fast sheathing speed.
I don't recommend Dreadking for pierce gunning because the change to weakness exploit means pierce shots will only have 50% to the weak spot as opposed to increased hitzones across the whole body. However, since pellets attract to horns, this could be a huge boon to aerial pellet sets because HGE and Wind Pressure Hi let you stay in the monster's grill.
Remember, you will need a perfect charm for normal/pierce/pellet to use any deviant set effectively.
>fighting volvidon for the first time
>he uses that cloud attack that doesn't let me use items
>my cool drink runs out
>imagining my hunter being all sticky with volvidon's mud, sweating her ass off in the volcano
And now I want to commission my nasty hunter being all dirty and covered in sweat and grime
I'm glad I didn't start playing this sooner, I would have spent so much money on pics
I think a big thing that could help it is if they gave the GL some options from the shield like Lance has.
Like, once you're guarding with GL, you really can only do a poke out of it or take forever to leave the guard stance.
But with Lance, you can charge or even counter out of the guard stance, both of which are crazy useful.
Let GL do some kind of explosive counter or some other alternate option that would make sense.
dat aint mud
It's literally a fine mist of shit
You can reload out of guarding...
and i'f i'm not mistaking you can do the running thrust from guarding as well
Guild is the "best", but not hte most fun.
>Like, I thought I read once that you can damage a tail with any type of damage, and cut it as long as you hit it with one cutting damage after it passed it's overall damage threshold
100% myth. I'm not sure where it came from, though I've only been playing since Tri so I guess it may have worked that way in one of the previous games. To my knowledge, though, the only damage type that's ever contributed to severing tails is cutting.
>imagining my hunter being all sticky with volvidon's mud
>volvidon's "mud"
user you might have a scat fetish.
do Hypers unlock after HR7
I know, I was just trying to be civil
you get some hyper quests at 6 for easier monsters and if you do 2 of them, more will unlock for the tougher monsters
You can't reload out of guarding unless you're doing adept. You're just recovering from the guarding impact, then returning to a regular guard, THEN reloading.
You can running SHELL from guarding, not thrust, but it's kinda awkward and doesn't go far because shelling sets you back a step.
What's a good HH set for HR 6+? Want to switch from the konchu mix I've been using.
you do some HR6 urgent quests and you will unlock some of the HR 6 hypers, do a couple of those and you will unlock more HR 6 hypers, anything that isn't available at that point is HR7+
Already using that for IG, how does it help HH?