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stop making these threads

Scout has tickrate advantage


>They had the chance to get the real scout and they blew it

>mfw Screwattack always use shitty voice actors

Scout is actually funny, tracer is just annoying. He's also more fun to play. TF2 is more fun in general but my friends all want to play Overwatch

How does scout have a chance?

MVM upgrades.


>clinically insane sociopathic idiot who experienced death multiple times
against a
>british woman with high tech gear

Delete your account.

Why, my peanus weanus of course!

I know that feeling.

Scout is stronger.
Tracer will win because she's from a newer, more popular game and is a female.

Unrelated character discussion is not videogames.

>idiot with a baseball bat
>a highly trained superhero with guns and bombs who can literally control her own time


Scout is a lot more durable than Tracer, but her teleporting and time leaps broken as hell.

Then again, Scout can outrun a sentry tracking, between that and Mad Milk I say he can win.

You literately made me come back to this thread to check to see if I read your comment right.

Fortunately, I have the perfect image for this.

Scout has a shotgun that can easily one h1t tracer

One is a cheerful goofball who doesn't take things seriously and has little to no measurable feats
The other one is Scout

What upgrades? A new weapon?

I get a lot more frustrated from deaths in Overwatch than I ever did TF2. It just feels like a lot of abilities are really cheap (one hit kill hooks, hanzo's ultimate hitting through walls, etc.). Plus, there's a big lack of content in maps and play modes. You literally play everything in like an hour.

They'll be three winners after this match.
They are the people who are satisfied by the results, Ben Singer, and people who will post webms and screencaps of the loser's death to shitpost on either TF2 or Overwatch threads

How could you be too far in prouduction to just record over it with new audio?

Especially when its the real characters VA

As much as I think Tracer has the advantage, I feel like most fights would end up with Tracer getting onebang meatshotted. That always seems to be how I die when I play her; blink to the side and intercept a hook or a soldier rocket that was meant for someone else and then just fuckin' crumple.



three strikes. your out.


No, he actually improvement his weps, speed and resistance.

Such as taking less damage from bullets, more speed movement, Firing speed, Reload, ect.

the socut VA always seems like a cool guy. How come he hasn't been in anything else?

>Sup Forums


Someone screencap this

Why the fuck would you pass up an opportunity like that?

(feat. THE REAL SCOUT VA) seems like a clickbait dream


They got this guy instead

>FF4 Kain avatar

Jesus, I can't even begin to describe how approachable that feels


I knew they were raging chucklefucks, but how do you blow an opportunity like that? Also, this all but confirms Scout losing.

Not approaching him when it was announced?
They probably thought he was busy with something else
Death Battle usually get their voice actors through auditions

Fuck off underage Sup Forums retard

*before it was announced

Maybe they already paid for Octopimp voice acting.

Fuck off newfag, you can't be this retarded

Well, we all know how difficult it would be to edit in a new voice last minute. Would take minutes. Possibly even hour.


If it was a 1 life only kind of thing, Scout would most likely win if he had the best loadout to combat her. It'd be close, but he'd probably kill her before she kills him.

If it was stock weapons, Tracer would probably win.

Really it'd be better if it was a 3 lives kind of fight or something, stock weapons 1st then any other weapon / items for the next 2 lives.

Scout would win with 1 try left. Tracer kills Scout on 1st life, she dies when he changes his loadout to something I don't know what, she kills him with an ult, he kills her a 2nd time with a different loadout but never uses his changed secondary, and then they have one last fight where she gets ult again and throws it on him but he bonks out of it. Ends with him hitting her with a sandman ball and taunt killing, I don't know, something retarded like that.

Really the best question is, who'd win in a 6v6 fight? Overwatch or TF2?

3x the tickrate
faster movement
102 dmg per meatshot

Don't forget having more feats

>Lucio, McCree, Zenyatta, Zarya, Reaper and Reinhardt


>2 scouts, 2 soldiers, a demoman and a medic

TF2's still got this. Hell, the demoman alone could probably take them all on.

Soldier always wins.

assuming both of them are the current meta, demoman's and medic's overall bullshit would wipe the floor with overwatch

Very true. Eh, make it a "win a map" kind of 6v6, maybe no stacking either because you could also have Overwatch be just 6 Bastions or something retarded like that. 3 OW maps and 3 TF2 maps.

But even then, like said they'd still probably win. OW characters work well in groups, only good solo when they're at their best. TF2 characters work greatly in teams and somewhat great by themselves, don't even have to be the best skill wise because they don't have to rely on timed abilities, just shooting them dead.

Scout is better in every way (mobility, weapons, durability)

Valve stomps Blizzards shit at everything.

let's just copy/paste this everytime this shit gets posted
Scout in the lore/comics/shorts
>Runs faster than a train and lvl 1 sentry bullets(Meet the Scout)
>Can jump like 5 feet high(Meet the Scout)
>Has survived a large bomb detonating from some 5 feet away(Expiration Date), albeit with large injuries and shielded by an animal composed of bread and tumors
>Has survived 3 rockets directly hitting him AFTER he was majorly injured(Meet the Medic)
>Can 1-shot kill a bear with a femur after starving for possible weeks in the Siberian winter with no arctic equipment(TF Comics #3)
>Can stand on top off a moving train perfectly straight without falling over or getting blown away(End of the Line)
>Regularly drinks energy drinks made of ~66% atomic radiation, and benefits from it
>Canonically has all the MvM upgrades(TF2 Storyline- MvM takes place after the "Gravel Wars"(Normal Gamemodes), which is why he doesn't have the upgrades in normal play)
Scout in-game
>Faster than Tracer
>Runs at a consistent 17mph, to be exact
>Has multiple weapons that add to this speed
>Has a large collection of weapons to use, even easier for him if it's a 1v1 against 1 character
>Again, CANONICALLY has ALL the Mvm upgrades
>Can push a bomb faster than a muscle-bound Russian man 3x his size
>Double jumps
>Also if he gets a flying guillotine or wrap assassin hit on tracer and she teleports, pretty sure she loses all the blood in her body

TF2 easily, they're just much more versatile in general. OW heroes only work in certain situations and have serious downsides but scout, soldier, demo, and medic have an answer to everything you throw at them. They don't have to wait for cooldowns or pick their fights carefully.

>video game rap battles
kill me

Looks like they are emphasizing game mechanics

So Scout wins

I take it back that was sorta good

is it bad I would listen to this

>Sup Forums is rooting for the trash talking virgin that nobody in his team likes
>Over the cute and friendly British girl
Why am I not surprised

I am black and liked it

Wouldnt Scout bleeding Tracer prevent her from blinking? She would essentially be bleeding herself out by going forward in time a short distance

Cry about it

Overwatch can win the battle, but TF2 won the war.

>If Scout dies Sup Forums gets angry
>If Tracer dies everyone else gets angry

>tfw the Scout VA will never get more VA work somewhere

Why even live?

Story wise, I don't think so, mechanics wise, no.

But I think the blink thing is her displacing herself a few yards away at that instant without actually making herself age by the amount of time it'd take for her to go there on foot.

But she can also heal herself by going back in time, so I have no fucking clue how this shit works at all famalam.

>Locked config options to ensure crashing does not occur
>Extensive stress testing and bug fixes

Overwatch has 60 tick rate now

>Extensive beta and stress testing
>Weapon usage statistics determine future buffs / nerfs

I'm all for TF2, but they're running it to the ground. Shit's buffed and nerfed almost at random, some nerfed to the point where some weapons are downright unusable because they're far less useful than any other weapon available, perhaps even a straight downgrade from stock weapons.

>Extensive beta and stress testing to build hype and fix issues
>Customized config.options to ensure crashing does not occur
Bait baka desu senpai


But have some cute Tracer cosplay as you leave

Scout and tracer are both equally annoying and funny.