Pleb test

Pleb test

Lets see if Sup Forums can rank the helmets from best to worst.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Halo 3
>Halo Wars



Reach looks like an actual functional helmet. The others have lines running through the visor obscuring vision.

>All these fags ranking Wars last

Absolute shit taste

Bitches don't know MkIV is the best.

>CE Mark V
>Mark IV
>Reach Mark V
>power gap
>Halo 3 Mark V
>Mark VI

I choose Halo 1

Remember when the armor design wasn't complete horseshit

But i'm not a pleb, so i don't play that shitty game

>my favorite which happens to be the very niche/obscured game of the franchise, isn't everyone's favorite
>s-shit taste plebs


the original armor will always be the best one.

its the only one that actually had pouches for fucks sake.

i think the halo 3 one is the closest one to the original minus the lines on the visor

Halo 3 has a massive chin.

Nigga I don't give a shit about Halo Wars. Mark IV is just aesthetically superior.

but since OP is a fag and forgot to include it

>halo 3
>Halo wars

Reach and CE's Mk V are the best helmets in the series. Perfect mix of cutting edge, sleek, and tanky- exactly the vibe a Spartan II should give off

>no tacticool shit

You guys stop ignoring my bait


... so you mean Halo 3.

Oh whoops, sorry user

>this is neo-Sup Forums

didn't even know it was possible to have this bad of a taste.


the proportions of the halo wars helmet just

First Post, Best Post

Reach is best Halo

As someone who hasn't played a single Halo game:
2 > 3 > 1

>someone calls someone else neo-Sup Forums for not liking halo
>is also posting from a phone

righto, my friend

>tfw halo 5 coming to PC so I have literally no reason to buy an xbone
Just need that MC collection, though I still have all the original releases

Yeah man, can't wait til halo 5 is on steam. It'll give me the chance to do a good purge of my friend list of people who I catch playing it.

Opinion discarded. Fuck off, retard.

>tfw halo 5 coming to PC so I have literally no reason to buy an xbone
I mean yeah, if you only want to play custom games
Which i fucking do, getting a game night running Oldschool BTB match on the Bloodgulch remake or playing shit like Jenga City should be fun

Can you not play the campaign? That's really the only reason I was interested. Halo MP died after reach for me.

I know you halofags are about as smart as a feminist at E3, but nothing from my post is an opinion.

Opinion discarded. Fuck off, retard.

>Can you not play the campaign?
>Halo MP died after reach for me.
Your opinion is gonna be flipped if you ever play 5 to its fullest.

The campaign is absolute dogshit, the Multiplayer is great.

4's multiplayer was only fine if you took out all the bullshit, 5's is great even with the bullshit but much better without.

At least HW2 is sticking to the HW1 designs.

Spamming, which is making the same post over and over again, is against the rules, anonymous.

Though, you getting banned will be a good thing.

Not an opinion, a fact.

No campaign, only Forge+Custom. Halo 5's multiplayes is the best since 2, you won't be missing anything from the campaign.

Opinion discarded. Fuck off, retard.

>liking halo

ODST (Halo 3:ODST era) -God tier
Mk V (reach Variant) -Fantastic tier
Mk V (every other game's version) -Great tier
Mk VI (Halo 2 Anniversary) -Good tier
Mk VI and every other helmet variant(every halo prior to 343) -Okay tier
Returning variants in Halo 4 and 5 - Meh tier
Every helmet 343 invented in Halo 5 -Bad tier
Every helmet 343 invented in Halo 4 -Absolute Shit tier

4 had a lot of things that just couldn't be fixed in custom games or even modding. Namely, the lack of descope.

This is probably the first time I've filtered an anonymous poster. For those who don't know how, just slap "Opinion discarded. Fuck off, retard." in the subject field. Any posts with that phrase will be filtered, essentially filtering this user.

Hmm, well shit. Firstly, what's even the point of bringing it to PC then? Secondly, that's both great yet disheartening to hear. At the same time I doubt it matches up to the countless hours I spent playing massive zombie custom game matches in 3 during middle school

Thats why i said fine, not good.
>Firstly, what's even the point of bringing it to PC then?
To give the people who know forge like the back of their cock insanely better tools.

Remember how Jenga just used to be a couple crates and barriers stacked up?
Halo 5 and the group of people forging for it went fucking nuts
(Mute the video and just watch the gameplay)

It's main focus is being an advanced Forge tool not really an actual game for PC. You still have plenty of content with forge/customs though, you also get all the maps and modes. The only issue wilk be finding to people to play because of the lack of server browser.

The tools are the same, though.

Same tools with faster and more precise controls.

That was my biggest worry with HW2 is that 343i would change the deigns to the new awful armors or something

Last i heard PC was getting tool improvements because they made sense with KB/M and not Controller so they'd be redundant on the Bone version.

Maps are interchangeable though,

middle school

fuck i was a junior when it came out

pls die


But really they're all perfect in their own way, I miss Halo

They're getting some quality of life changes, like being able to type in exact numbers into the coordinate menu instead of fucking around with it on a controller. The basic toolset is exactly the same, though. Anything possible on PC will be possible on console.

I'm about to turn 21
That's incredible, fucking kids these days get everything I swear
Kinda disappointing. I'll still hold out that they'll bring it to PC one day.

Trick question:

Halo is gay.

Excellent taste, user.

>not even using the proper bait image

Look kid, I know Halo like raped your family or something, but trust me dude, you gotta post this image because it's the original.

In order:

Halo 3's one looks very much like the original, which was perfectly designed imo, looked nice and sleek.

Halo Wars' one looked pretty fucking rad as well, had a bit more clutter on it but nothing on it looked terribly overdesigned or out of place.

Not too fond of Reach's helmet though. (In comparison to the other 2 anyway, shit's leaps and bounds better than any of 343's garbage) Looks too narrow and has a funny looking device on the side that doesn't look like it's supposed to serve any purpose. Still not bad though, just not as good as the other 2.

Hayabusa is the GOAT

>all those faggots running around with hayabusa chest and security helmet just to show off that they have all the achievements


>he didn't run around wth a katana

>he did

Well in the beta they gave Red-Team the ability to ground-pound despite wearing 30 year old armor not capable of doing that.

Playing Halo 2 Anniversary and seeing the old designs pissed me off. 343 could have just done that for Halo 4 and 5 but instead they gave us power ranger armor.

Holy fuck you fags have atrocious taste

Wars is by far the best in this scenario and second best right behind Halo CE when looking at the big picture

phone posters don't have custom filenames REDS, it would just be image.jpg

You know, for someone who seems to not enjoy the series, or at least not enjoy the fanbase I still find you in almost every Halo thread

what the fuck you actually used Spartans

I hope wasting all that time and resources on producing that one unit was worth it when my Swarm of Marines and Gauss Hogs come a knockin'

It's funny, Creative Assembly was contracted to make H2A multiplayer and they took 343's armor design and made it look good. I'm guessing they didn't use those designs in H5 because they got shown up.

>you'll never play Elite ever gain

Halo 5 was already well into development by the time H2A happened.

>literally everyone who touched the Halo IP did a better job at the designs than 343
Why are these hacks still alive?

You are mistaking Creative Assembly with Certain Affinity

Creative Assembly is a company that makes RTS games like Total War

Certain Affinity are the fags who made Doom 2016 Multiplayer

>Gauss Hogs

They did fuck all against my Cyclops' who demolished everything they ran into, Hogs and Tanks alike.

I get them confused because they both made/work on Halo games.

fuck this takes me back

Why did machinima die?

All of them are shit because the game is SHIT.
Baby's first shooter fucking LMAO.

Doesn't mean they couldn't have taken H2A's spartan design for H5. They could've just made the undersuit completely black instead, but they insist on being retarded and shoving their shitty OC designs in our faces.

Quakebaby spotted

Because good luck getting any views or money with Arby n The Chief, BroTeam, and Red vs Blue going on

Because a woman is in charge and Microsoft doesn't want bad press for gutting the entire team.

Don't forget these! ;)

5's body armor looks fine, though.

Why did you take off your trip

Are you trying to say that 343 makes bad armor designs?

Maybe if the lights were in the correct places

And the armor actually covered his ankles instead of looking like he outgrew it

And if the undersuit was actually black ingame instead of having a colored back, stomach, and shoulders


I agree with most of your tastes here, but you don't need to be a faggot and generalize halo 4/5 like that.

Yes, a lot of them are bad. but there are some good and fine ones. Air assault and recuirt for instance.


>dat lack of protection
>no cod-piece or hip armor

At least the ammo pouches are ok.


H2A troopers all the way.

>space between the numbers and the greentext
>space between blacktext and greentext
>calls others kid
>is also wrong
This is the original, now give me back the spoon I'm using to feed you.

they all look like shit


Dude, are they making a new Vectorman?

Halo came out 15 years ago

Pokémon came out 17 years ago

Anyone who played them as a kid is an adult now, retard